Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1448: You are a practitioner

In fact, the war between Qin State and Yan State lasted for four or five years. Yan State was weak, and eventually it was difficult to resist the iron ride of Qin Army. This is doomed. Properly, at best, it only resists for a while. After three or five years, the national strength is weak, the people are boring, and the food is scarce. Even then, if the Qin army is not attacking, the state of Yan will collapse. Hua Liandie is right. If Ye Shikai directs, there can be more Hold for a while, but if it is at the cost of the exhaustion of the people's power, Ye Shikai would rather not fight.

In contrast, Chu is a big country with vast land and was once the hegemon among the Seven Kingdoms. It also competed with Qin for a long time and had mutual victory and defeat. The commander of the Chu army, Xiang Yan, was a veteran with a long experience in the field. Unfortunately, Because of the weakness of the national strength, it was eventually destroyed by the Qin Kingdom.

"Since the Chu Kingdom was destroyed, I have been doing business in various places, but unfortunately, my hometown has disappeared. No matter where I go, I am like a duckweed, wandering everywhere, and have no place to stay." There was a faint sorrow in his eyes. Chu had been extinct for ten years, but Hua Liandie still seemed to miss it.

"Not only Chu but also people from the Six Kingdoms have resentment against Qin."

"Hua Liandie, if there are no more people from Qin, Chu, Yan, and the Seven Kingdoms after the millennium, you will be a family with honor and disgrace, will you believe it?" Ye Shikai asked suddenly. Hejiu must be divided. In the Qin Dynasty, no one would feel that the vassal nations who had survived the fight would become a collective after thousands of years.

"Impossible." After listening to Hua Liandie, she cried suddenly with excitement. She always shouted so calmly and mysteriously that she scared Ye Shikai.

"The country hates, how can it be forgotten." Hua Liandie glared and scolded.

"People always seem to be very easy to hurt." Ye Shikai murmured.

"Well, speaking, you were originally from the Yan Kingdom, and now Qin Chao has given you a military post, you have forgotten the pain of extinction. It is really boneless." Talking, Hua Liandie is also getting more and more excited, and even He also angered Ye Shikai.

"Hua Liandie, the war between the vassal kingdoms lasted for hundreds of years, and the people were killed and wounded because of the war. If you really want peace, you must be unified, otherwise, you and me will fight together today, and tomorrow you and him Join hands and hit me. You will sing me on stage. There will be constant disputes and protracted fighting. In the end, only the people will suffer. "

"You ... ridiculous." Hua Liandie suddenly cursed, "You say this, but you are making excuses for yourself. I never thought you were a covetous person."

"The full warehouse at the door was once an officer of Wei Guo's elite Wei Wu's death, and even an instructor of my cavalry Wan Wanyuan, a sergeant of the wolf tribe. They were not Qin Guoren before, but they are now under my command."

"Huh, you men, you have no bones at all." Hua Liandie complained.

"We are not without bones, but if the cost of resistance needs to be shared by the people, then what is the meaning of our resistance." Ye Shikai laughed bitterly, just as why they went to the frontier to resist the wolf tribe, just because the Great Wall fell, the wolf tribe would Entered the Central Plains to burn and plunder, and Qin destroyed the six kingdoms for unity. Although the war killed many people, the pain of this decade was for the peace of the next century. Although history has not cared for Qin, the war has not stopped, but Ye Shikai does not think that the unified approach is wrong.

"Hum, just when Hualiandie looked away, she even recognized a wretched child as a friend." Hualiandie cursed coldly.

"Can you ... can we change the subject?" Ye Shikai sighed, without continuing to argue, returned to his seat and continued to sit.

"Small second, serve tea." Hua Liandie snorted coldly. Ye Shikai didn't expect that she was still thinking about Qin destroying the Six Kingdoms in her heart. It is now 35 years of Emperor Qin Shihuang. It's about to end. Next, the rebels in various places have begun to resist. Hua Liandie's resentment against Qin Kingdom is so deep, maybe ... something will happen at that time.

"By the way, I have one thing to ask you. Since you also said that we are friends, then I hope you can be honest with your friends and don't hide me." Ye Shikai asked sincerely.

"Hurry up and say something, I'll think about whether to answer you."

"You sneaked into my barracks that day, but you were not guarded by me. What did you do?"

"It's ... because your guards are all pouches ..."

"Lying, Xue San is a thief in the world, and even a little wind and grass can't escape his ears, you are a practitioner, right?" Ye Shikai said sharply, a series of words did not give Hua Liandie a little reaction time.ァ 新 ヤ ~ ⑧ ~ 1 ~ 中文 网 ωωω.χ ~ ⒏ ~ 1zщ.còм

"Cultivators, how do you know the practitioners?" Hua Liandie was shocked and hurriedly asked, "Cultivators only practice in large families, and never talk about it, how do you know." End: https: //

"Sure enough, you are a practitioner, right?" Ye Shikai was not surprised, he already had this conjecture ~ ~ Ji Qian once told him that there were already practitioners in Qin Dynasty, and The strength is more powerful, and Xue San's intelligence also said that there is a family behind Hua Liandie. In this way, she is a practitioner and reasonable.

"Now that you know it, I don't deny it. What is it? Why are you also a cultivator?" Hua Liandie just finished speaking and came forward to Ye Shikai, reaching out and clasping his wrist, This time she used internal force and was very fast, Ye Shikai was too late to respond.

"The pulse is normal, you are not a practitioner," Hua Liandie said curiously.

"I ... was once a practitioner."

"Once, why isn't it now."

"This ... you don't need to ask any more." Ye Shikai didn't want to mention this topic. Just turning around, Hua Liandie suddenly held his body, probed directly in with one hand, and pulled directly on the clothes inside. open.

"Your ... Dantian, what's going on?" Hua Liandie looked panicked and stepped back instinctively. Ye Shikai's Dantian even had a scar, and this was obviously wounded with a knife.

"I said, I don't want to explain this." Ye Shikai reorganized his clothes and remained silent. This was the scar left by Chen Yuxin, and it was destined to become a mustard between the two.

"Since you were a cultivator before, you should also be a nobleman of the kingdom of Yan." Hua Liandie continued to ask.

"No." Ye Shikai directly rejected.

"Impossible, then how can you cultivate."


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