Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1469: Heavy rain

"Xue San, take a few brothers who are fast-footed to chase them, pay attention to safety, and come back if you can't find anyone." Ye Shikai ordered.

"Relax, lord, give it to me." Xue San nodded, and led his team directly into the woods. He disappeared immediately, like a bird entering a deep forest. He flattened the ground, so Ye Shikai let him catch it.

"The army was disbanded, and the sentry was in place." Ye Shikai ordered the army to withdraw and enter the camp.

"Shangguan, now it ’s raining heavily, remember to spread hay on the granary, otherwise the sergeant will complain if the grain is moldy." Ye Shikai looked at the heavy rain, one with two heads. When he was in Longya before, he It's just that there are less than a hundred people under management, not to mention the problems of mold and grass mold, rain in the house, and poor transportation. However, when I crossed the Qin Dynasty, as a commanding general, I had to consider everything. Broken heart.

"Rest assured, I have been asked to do it. Weapons and grain have been placed on it to prevent it from getting wet, rusty, and mildew." Shangguanjian replied.

I had planned a **** battle, but it turned out to be "unfavorable", and encountered such bad weather.

Two days later.

"Lao Ye, this is the broth made by the post-cooker. Drink it while it's hot." The sudden rain came and the temperature suddenly dropped. The weather was really cold. Now it's raining, and the temperature may not even reach ten degrees Now, and the temperature is lower in the mountains than outside.

"Thank you very much." Ye Shikai motioned for him to put soup on the table.

"Three thousand people eat and wear in the mountains are huge, they must be sent by the cavalry from the county, and then sent to the mountain pass to send them to the mountains. These days more soldiers are sent to protect and transport Team, don't let these rebels sneak in. "Ye Shikai reminded.

"Well, I personally took someone to protect the transport team, but well, it was raining so hard that the thieves could not set fire. Even if there were so many supplies, the thieves would not be able to move."

"That makes some sense." Since ancient times, the most important reason for burning grain and grass is that it ca n’t be taken away. Since it ca n’t be taken away, it ca n’t be left as it is, so it ’s only to be burned. Already.

Ye Shikai stepped out of the camp and reached out to feel the torrential rain in the sky, and his heart became even more worried.

"Report the general, the transportation team is out of order. The chief of the tunnel asked me to come and explain the situation to the two commanders." At this time, a sergeant suddenly broke into from outside and hurried to the two.

"What, is it that the thief attacked our transport team sneakily?" Ye Shikai heard this, and his heart was almost out of his throat. If there was a problem with the supplies, the entire army would be hungry.

"Ah, oh no, it wasn't because the insurgents robbed the house because of the weather."

"What does this mean?" Ye Shikai asked in turn.

"If you return to General, these days it has been raining heavily and the original roads have become muddy. In addition, there are already some low-lying places that have already accumulated water. The deepest places can already be flooded to the waist. "The sergeant continued," Our chief has already taken people around for transportation. I'm afraid ... it will delay some time, but please rest assured that the supplies will be able to arrive. Brother 3,000 will never be hungry. "

"Well, you've worked hard. I'm planning to send some sergeants to help your transport team." Ye Shikai patted the rain on his jacket and said lightly.

"General Xie, the villain went back first."

Ye Shikai thought that the torrential rain came fast and went fast, but it has been two days. The rain has not decreased at all, and the rain has no time to drain. It “mixes” with the original source of water in the mountains and becomes accumulated water. It's good, that is, Ye Shikai will never worry that the rebels will poison the water ...

"I went to the mountain today and asked the local old people. It's raining like this, I'm afraid it will be about ten days." Shang Guanjian was very helpless. He didn't check the weather changes before the expedition. Got this.

"What, so long." Ye Shikai was even more worried when he heard the news.

"Yes, the rain is endless, and many places have become waterlogged areas, making it difficult to march. After a few days, the transport team may have to change routes again."

"Wait, Shangguan, what did you just say?" Ye Shikai suddenly shouted, shocking Shangguan Jian.

"Stop me, what did I just say, the transport team."

"No, I asked you the last sentence."

"It's raining a lot, and many places have become waterlogging areas."

"That's right, this is the sentence." Ye Shikai hurriedly came to the table and took out the map.

"Shangguan, I think of how to break the enemy. This rain is a big help for us." Ye Shikai shouted loudly, clapping his palms in excitement.



Europe, the pier.

"Sir, how are you feeling?" Several blood-stained men helped Wang Kai into the cargo hold. They were both Kratos men and Wang Kai's confidants.

"Relax ~ ~ I can't die for the time being." Wang Kai's voice was very light, his face pale, and the blood on his wound was dry. He was seriously injured, exhausted, and more importantly, his spirit was very poor. The mood was very low. Kratos' death was a blow to him. He vowed that if he could not dominate Doris, he would not be human, but now, he is not Doris's opponent, even ... even The old nests were destroyed.

"Sir, we are now being watched by Doris and Aphrodite. If you walk from the airport, I'm afraid it will be easy to find, so I can only wrong you by taking the cargo hold to Yanjing."

"It doesn't matter, these are nothing, as long as you can get revenge on Kratos, even if you let me swim over." Wang Kai gritted his teeth and wished to "Dooms".

"Yes, we have to take revenge on Lord Kratos, and ask the Lord to take care of our body, and we can plan revenge when we reach Yanjing and find Lord Luna," said a confidant.

"Brothers, it was my incompetence that made you drift." Wang Kai looked at the seven or eight people around him, and suddenly felt a warmth in his heart. When people are in power, even if there are millions of people around them worshiping, it is better than There were very few followers around when they lost power. Of course, most of the people in the Temple of War were affectionate and righteous people. Unfortunately, they were all dead.

"My lord, we are willing to follow and swear to follow, and we also believe that with the strength of our lord, we can make a comeback. After we kill the two women and take revenge for our lord Kratos, we will come back and build a bigger one. Temple. "

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