Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1477: 2 people's secret

Since Ma Yao got Ye Shikai's "star", it's like grabbing a life-saving straw. Within the jurisdiction of Liyang County, the rebel army who lives in the mountains is the most troublesome. Hundreds of casualties killed all the insurgents in the mountains, and the others were even more important. Of course, Ma Yao was dissatisfied with Ye Shikai's "gonggaozhengzhu" behavior, but the emperor's crime was lower than the official status He decisively chose to "believe" Ye Shikai.

"Now there are 3,000 more, we have 8,000." Ye Shikai said lightly.

"This Ma Yao was chopped first. People, supplies, weapons, and grain were all sent over, and then we were notified. Obviously, it didn't give us room for rejection." Shangguanjian sighed, his "field of vision" was not so high, only Thinking about how to bring a good sergeant and how to fight well, Ye Shikai knew that the crisis was coming. At most, one or two years, these scattered insurgents could become "powerful vanguards" against the Qin Dynasty. Now he holds Nearly 10,000 soldiers and horses, naturally have to think for themselves.

"It's okay, we can't refuse to come." Ye Shikai remembered the allusion "Han Xin sent soldiers". Although he didn't have such a big strategy, he stayed in the Qin Army for so long. Therefore, now that Ma Yao has given him the sergeant to bring, it is "the more the better."

"Lao Ye, I think you seem to have changed." Shang Guanjian walked slowly behind Ye Shikai, jokingly.

"What do you mean."

"If you encountered such a thing in the past, you would still complain a few words, but now it is readily accepted." Shang Guanjian replied.

"Shangguan, you are my brother. I have a word to say." Ye Shikai sighed softly. "The Qin Dynasty may not last for a few years."

"What are you talking about?" Shang Guanjian shouted loudly, looking around vigilantly, and after no one heard it, quickly closed the doors and windows.

"Lao Ye, what do you mean, if it is heard, it will be killed after being spread." Shang Guanjian's complexion changed greatly. He didn't know why Ye Shikai suddenly said this, but Shang Guanjian knew clearly that he Never say such a "joke" that is enough to kill.

"His Majesty the Emperor will collapse in a few years. By then, the pattern of the world will fall apart. Thousands of people and tens of thousands of insurgents will spring up like mushrooms. By then, even if you and I have the ability to pass through the sky, Difficult to help the building Yu will pour. "Ye Shikai sighed, and hit his fist gently on the table.

"This ... how is it possible that we have hundreds of thousands of troops, the Mongolian General's Heibian Army in the north, and the army that conquered Baiyue in the south." Shang Guanjian countered, from the current situation, the insurgents across the country. It's just a fledgling and weak, so he thinks Ye Shikai's idea is too pessimistic.

"The strength of the Qin Army is just superficial. Compared to the tiger and wolf divisions that are seeking six nations, the Qin Army is now dwarfed. Now that we have military power, we can't just look at the current situation."

"This ... Lao Ye, although I still disagree with this idea, but I know that you are a person, and I am willing to obey your orders." Shang Guanjian suddenly knelt on one knee, which was a vow of "loyalty."

"Okay, let's go and see. These sergeants have just been recruited. Without training, we don't have much time."

Unconsciously, another month has passed. Ye Shikai forgets it. He has been in Qin Dynasty for more than half a year. The time is really fast. After so many wars, he is gradually getting used to it, but ... Those who are returning to the modern age are still waiting, and his heart is getting worse.

In fact, what he didn't know was that in modern time, he just disappeared for more than a month ...

"Lao Ye, we came to Dongjun for a long time, and also wiped out a lot of rebel troops. This is a relatively peaceful time. Can we give the sergeants a vacation?" Shang Guanjian took a bamboo slip and handed it to Ye Shikai. At the table, most of these sergeants were not local children of Puyang County. During this month, they were busy annihilating the insurgents guarded in various places and busy fighting against each other. They did not rest for a day, and many sergeants began to complain.

"This ... Well, since you agree, I naturally have no opinion, but I'm going to report on Ma Junwei, and you let the brethren wait for a while." Ye Shikai nodded and promised that they were sergeants, not beasts without feelings, It is human nature to want to go home, not to mention, he must always grasp the army's heart, so as to ensure that the sergeant "absolutely obeys" him.

"No need to report, I totally agree." Suddenly, a laugh came from the barracks door, and Ma Yao came straight in.

"Master County Captain, why are you here?"

"Ha ha, of course, look at our heroes. This month you have been eating and sleeping, and you have worked hard. It should be a holiday." Ma Yao gently patted Ye Shikai's shoulders and expressed encouragement.

"Come, pick up what I've brought." Ma Yao greeted him, and the sergeant at his side immediately brought several large boxes over, opened it, and it was all silver.

"Master Jun Wei heard that the sergeants who were seeking the insurgents were exhausted. This time they came to the army specially." The official around Ma Yao explained, "These silvers ~ ~ are also rewarded to the sergeants."

"That being the case, I would like to thank Master Jun Wei for the good intentions of the sergeants." Ye Shikai said, waving his hand, and let the guards collect the silver.

"Haha, I hope Ye Xiandi will continue to make great efforts to build military achievements."


"Lao Ye, shouldn't we also go back to Shangshui Village?" Since there is a rare break, of course, Shang Guanjian also wants to go back. Having said that, Ye Shikai suddenly remembered the agreement before leaving with He Linghan.

The next time he meets, Ye Shikai will marry her.

Thinking of this, Ye Shikai was nervous and excited. Since it was an agreement, he could not agree. In fact, the two had already understood each other's intentions, and only one word was left.

"Shangguan, last time I promised Mrs. He, and I will marry her when I go back." Ye Shikai's words were shocking, and Shangguan's hands trembled, and he dropped the sword directly on the ground.

"What are you talking about, and the girl you are marrying? This is a great thing. Why didn't you say it in advance?"

"This is a secret between me and her."

"Haha, that's great. I immediately asked the sergeant to buy gold and silver jewelry and brocade silk in the bazaar. Since it is a dignified general to marry, of course, it must be more beautiful."

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