Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1481: Visitors in the village

"Is it so serious?" Ye Shikai looked dignified and quite shocked. The empty cave in front of him was "shocking". It is hard to imagine that there were only 700 kilograms of grain in the village of thousands of people, even a meal. Not enough to eat.

"Well, the people from the county are very tough. They are holding the order of the county guard house. Our sergeants want to stop them, not only being scolded, even beaten, but also openly blocking them, but they need to be punished severely. Luo Li is very helpless. Although he also wants to keep the food for Shangshui Village, the superiors are so tough and they have no way. If they really use force, these brethren of the garrison will still be heavily responsible.

"I didn't blame you. On the contrary, you and your brother are desperately protecting these grains. I admire them." Ye Shikai patted him on the shoulder and said Luo Li was relieved.

"General Ye, I heard that you have a good relationship with Han Junwei, can you talk about it and exempt some taxes," Luo Li begged.

"I didn't know the situation was so serious before. Now that I know it, I can't just sit idly by and go to the county government house in a few days." Ye Shikai said to the sergeant who kept the granary, and he and the brothers also Similarly, Ye Shikai once admired them for protecting these grains and protecting the "lifeline" of the villagers in Shangshui Village.

"General Ye, you are also from the village. You also hope that the general will be thinking about three thousand villagers." Luo Li suddenly knelt before him, Zuo said.

"I hope the Lord is thinking about the lives of the villagers."

"I hope the Lord is thinking about the lives of the villagers." The sergeants of the garrison all kneeled down and pleaded with Ye Shikai.

"Brothers, please rest assured, I will give you and the villagers an account of this matter." Ye Shikai said firmly, then turned around and left the cave with Mancang.

"Full warehouse, the order goes down, all the meat and rice noodles at the wedding banquet are sent from the outside counties. It is strictly forbidden to buy the rations of the villagers." Ye Shikai said coldly. Food rations, or else after the wedding banquet, even if they got the money, I'm afraid they have no food to eat.

"Oh, my subordinates understand." Mancang immediately understood Ye Shikai's thoughts. His name was "mancang", and he hoped that the granary would be full, and the people would not worry, but now it is like this.

"Xue San, you immediately took someone to tell Shangguanjian that you would buy grain and wine and meat from the county in East County. In addition, you would allocate some military food and send it to the village."

"Master, rest assured, his subordinates set off." Xue San realized that the situation was urgent, and naturally he did not dare to ridicule as usual, took his relatives, and set off on a fast horse overnight.

"It seems that we are desperate on the battlefield, and the people in the rear are desperately here too." Ye Shikai sighed. The war just ended, and the people in the rear were still nervous. Ye Shikai could only pray silently in his heart, and the situation would gradually improve. However, as Luo Li said, the people ’s minds were chaotic, and thieves, bandits, robbers, and insurgents in various places began to become "frequent". They burned and looted, and seized little food left in the hands of the people.

"Yeah, I didn't expect the situation to be so serious." Mancang nodded.

Ye Shikai has seen too many problems caused by food along the way. The clearest memory is Hua Liandie.

Speaking of this person, Ye Shikai suddenly had an idea if she could ask her to buy some food, but she was a "rich woman" who had a wealth of money and countless grains. When she was in Yang County, she controlled the whole food market, and Based on the friendship between the two of them, Ye Shikai asked her to buy a few hundred and thousands of stone grains, which should not be difficult.

The next day.

"Mancang, you sent a few confidante brothers, and expedited this handwritten letter to Jun Wei's Mansion, and to Han."

"Well, subordinates obey."

Ye Shikai was alone in the courtyard, He Linghan walked slowly to his side and sat down.

"What are you worrying about?" He Linghan saw Ye Shikai's brows frown, his face was dignified, and he immediately saw the clue.

"I went to the granary in the village last night. I didn't think there was such a shortage of grain in the village. Linger, why don't you write to me and tell me."

"You are fighting on the front line. I don't want you to worry about these things, let alone, the food shortage is not a day or two. Even if I write for help, I'm afraid it's useless." He Linghan also said the truth, Ye Shikai is far away Thousands of miles, I can't take care of the things in Shangshui Village at all, knowing this is just annoying.

"I have made people go to the nearby counties to buy some food, and first solve the urgent needs in the village." Ye Shikai has not much money with him and has been distributed to everyone in the village. The most important thing is that the leisure in the nearby county is There is not much grain. I'm afraid I can't buy much. I really need to wait until Shangguanjian arrives.

Hey, hey.

Suddenly, there was a knock outside the courtyard. He Linghan hurried to open the door, but was curious about the visitors outside the courtyard.

"You are He Linghan, girl Ho." The comer was masked in white gauze, and he was also wearing silk clothes. He was obviously a "rich man", which was very different from the villager's dress. Of course, even if the visitor didn't speak, Ye Shikai can also recognize at a glance ~ ~ The visitor is Hualian Butterfly.

"Who is the girl?"

"I am General Ye's friend. Hearing that he is about to get married, he specially came to congratulate me," said Hua Liandie.

"That's it, please come in quickly." He Linghan greeted Hua Liandie enthusiastically when he entered the door. Ye Shikai immediately stood up from the chair. Hua Liandie took the veil and walked straight ahead.

"Let's talk first, I'll go and make tea."

"Hua Liandie, why are you here?" Ye Shikai was very excited to see the people. Hua Liandie was one of his friends who came to Ye Shikai's wedding banquet. He naturally welcomed him, but the most important thing was that he wanted I bought food from Hualiandie and helped Shangshui Village get through the difficulties. She was worried that she couldn't find her, but now she took the initiative to find the door.

"I heard that you are going to get married, of course I am coming." Hua Liandie smiled slightly. "I have sent someone a gift. I should be on the road now, so I will bring the guard first."

"Thank you very much." Ye Shikai nodded and asked, "Hua Liandie, I hope you ... can do me a favor."

Hua Liandie came from a long distance. The stool was not yet hot. Ye Shikai, as the master, asked for help at this time. This was indeed a bit impolite, but the matter of food was too urgent and he didn't want to delay.

"Don't say it first, wait until you've seen my congratulations, it's not too late to say it."

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