Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1491: marriage

Talking, San Lao even shed tears, her legs trembled, and she knelt slowly ...

"Three olds, what are you doing?" Ye Shikai quickly dismounted and helped the old man.

"General Ye, if you did not help generously, there are no reserves in the village, if you encounter a drought, I am afraid ... all starved to death, General Ye, please accept the husband." The old man said, crying. While kneeling on the ground, Ye Shikai pulled him up again.

"San Lao, today is my day of great joy. If you do this again, you will be in good spirits."

"General Ye's great grace, old man and all the folks in Shangshui Village will never forget."

"What's the matter, Linger is also from Shangshui Village. Since I married her, I can't just watch her hunger stare." Ye Shikai explained that when the three old men's emotions calmed down, he returned to the horse.

"General Ye, you ... are really my life saver in Shangshui Village."

Ye Yekai also had to pick up He Linghan, and it was not convenient for San Lao to consume it here, so he asked him to go to his home to greet the villagers.

"General, we can go now." The lead band behind him asked.

"Let's go."

"Come here, joy ... up."

It didn't take long for everyone to come to He Linghan's house. As a bride, she was surrounded by many people at the door. When they saw the welcoming team, they all made way.

来 "Come, play a little louder."

"Succeed." The leader let Zou Le's buddies swell with enthusiasm. Before long, He Linghan walked out of the house. He wore a red wedding dress with a red hijab. Ye Shikai was looking for the best in the county. Made by a tailor, it looks very delicate. Although He Linghan is also a woman in the village, after all, she is married to a dignified general, and naturally cannot be shabby.

With the help of women in several villages, He Linghan stepped onto the back of the sedan chair. Uncle He stood aside, his face looked very entangled. When he married his granddaughter, as a grandfather and the only relative, he would always Unhappy and even sad, but seeing that her granddaughter is married to Ye Shikai, I am afraid it is the best result.

"General Ye, please treat Linger well in the future." Uncle He walked to Ye Shikai, everything he said was shaking.

"Uncle He, please rest assured that Linger will not be harmed in the slightest when I am here." Ye Shikai said firmly that in Yanjing, he did not protect Su Qingyu, or he did not give Su Qingyu The happiness he wants now, perhaps, God has given him a chance, so that he can make up for this regret to He Linghan.

"Well, my husband believes in you. I am too old now to protect her. I will give her to you. My husband is at ease."

I saw Uncle He walked slowly to the sedan chair, and after a few words, he walked towards the house and closed the door ...

"Okay, let's go." Although Ye Shikai couldn't appreciate his mood at this time, he could understand that now he needs a place without people to be quiet.

"Get up."


at home.

The waiter put the cooked meat dishes on the table. Most of the villagers were rough people. Ye Shikai specially asked the back chef to keep the quantity. The meat on the table was a large piece, so that the villagers could enjoy it.

The time is a little bit earlier than Ye Shikai expected. According to the three old men, this time is not a good time for worship, so let Ye Shikai accompany the guests for a few drinks.

"Congratulations on General Ye's wedding today."

"Huer, look, this is General Ye who you are clamoring to see." Ye Shikai noticed that a woman in the crowd came with a child and came curiously.

"Child, what do you want to see me do?" Ye Shikai leaned down and asked.

"I want to see what the hero general against the wolf looks like." Although the child is young, his eyes look very spirited.

"Excuse me, General Ye. The child clamored to see you, and said that when he grows up, he will become a general like you and protect the people." The woman on the side pulled the child behind and explained to Ye Shikai.

"Good ambition, you will be a good general in the future." Ye Shikai patted the child's head lightly and encouraged, and then took off the short knife at the waist and handed it to the child.

"This is for you. Use this later to protect your mother and protect the people in Sheung Shui Village. How about it, do you have the courage?"

"Of course there is." The child took the short knife, his tone was strong, and he also learned to look like an adult and thanked Ye Shikai for his work.

"The general laughed."

"This elder sister, I believe this child will become a general." Ye Shikai said to the woman.

"Thank you General Ji Yan."

"You folks eat and drink well, don't get drunk or return." Ye Shikai raised his glass and shouted.

"Congratulations General."

"Congratulations General."

Suddenly, there was a rush of horseshoes outside the door. Although Ye Shikai drank a lot of alcohol, he was not drunk, and he was still sober ~ ~ This is the horseshoe of a war horse. In a hurry, Ye Shikai casually made an excuse to perfuse the crowd, leaving the yard without anyone paying attention.

"Master, are you okay." The visitor was Mancang, who was followed by a number of guard sergeants. After seeing Ye Shikai drinking, Mancang hurriedly dismounted.

"Relax, I'm not drunk." Ye Shikai set the wine glass aside and said lightly, "What's going on, you are so panic."

"Sir, ten miles away from the village, there are many armed robbers. They are gathering there, as if waiting for something. I suspect that they will break into the village and dare not relax. Hurry and come to report. The report even gave Ye Shikai "a good shot", and his head was clear.

"how many people."

"No less than five hundred, and they are still gathering, I am afraid there will be more people." Man Cang replied, Ye Shikai suddenly understood, it seems that these robbers really did not intend to let him get married, Ye Shikai does not send them invitations, They had to come and ask for a drink.

大 "Master, I'm not afraid to beat them, but today is your day of joy, I'm afraid they will disturb so many guests, and Girl He is in there. It would be bad if you were surprised."

"Full warehouse, gather all the guard sergeants, guard the entrance of the village, and send someone to inform the garrison to let them return to the village." Ye Shikai ordered.

"Subordinates have sent someone to do it."

看来 "It seems that today I must settle these people before I can worship well." Ye Shikai smiled bitterly and touched the sabre around his waist. "You are waiting outside, I have something to say when I go in."

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