Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1508: Demolition bridge across the river

Ye Shikai ’s parents died when he was eighteen years old. If the time cutoff was at that time, maybe he really did n’t want to go back. There was nothing worth remembering, and it was meaningless to go back. However, Chen Yuxin was pregnant. The unborn child was also Ye Shikai's flesh and blood, and he had no reason to abandon it. In addition, there were those friends and brothers.

"If you don't want to go back at all, that's false." To be honest, Ye Shikai is not a heartless person, not to mention, Yan Jing has many people he misses, when he was sent to the Qin Dynasty by the beam of light somehow, it was too late. Explain to them.

"Fu Jun, wherever you go, I will follow." He Linghan's eyes flashed with a dignity, and he tightly hugged Ye Shikai's arm, and he could see that she couldn't bear Ye Shikai.

"Okay, Linger, I will always be with you." Ye Shikai took her into her arms.

"Master, if you really want to go back, I will stay with you."

"Don't think too much." Ye Shikai caressed her forehead, frankly, now he doesn't know how to go back at all, and it is very difficult to investigate. First of all, he must find a practitioner, and he must be well-versed. "Qi Practitioners ", for example, Xu Fu, but he should have now crossed Penglai, not here, and even if Xu Fu is found, he may not tell Ye Shikai how to go back, not to mention, if people know that Ye Shikai is another An era is coming across, and it will inevitably affect him or even kill him. Therefore, this kind of question cannot be asked indiscriminately. In his mind, the only person who can help him now is Hua Lian Die, only But ... how do you say that?

"You just stay at home and live a good life. If nothing is going on in the barracks in the future, I will often come back and see, you should not be too tired at home." Ye Shikai said with concern.

"You have to pay more attention. The affairs in the barracks are busy. Don't be too laborious. Listen to Xue San saying that you are training prisoners recently."

"You know quite a lot." Ye Shikai flicked her forehead softly and said softly, "Okay, you are hungry, I will cook for myself."

"Fu Jun." He Linghan suddenly stretched out his hand and held his arm. "Cooking or letting someone do it, you are now the owner of the house. If you cook, it would be too unqualified, or I will cook."

Xie Yeshikai almost forgot that this is the Qin Dynasty. The concept is different from that of modern times. If put in modern times, it is common for husbands to cook for his wife, but in feudal society, cooking is not the job of the master.

"Let the subordinates go."



"Lao Ye, this is the list of troops supplied by the county government. I have sent a sergeant to receive it." Ye Shikai took the bamboo slip handed down by Shang Guanjian and opened it for closer inspection.

"Why is there so much less, I commanded 10,000 troops, and I sent 12,000 rations last month. How come there are only 7,000 quarts this month, and there are only 60% of the ordnance last month." Ye Shikai looked After that, his brows were frowned, and his anger was faint. The logistics support was the basis of the unified army. Without sufficient supplies, how could he lead his troops.

上 "Shangguan, how did you explain it at the county government house?" Ye Shikai asked.

"Master Ma did not show up. It was explained by the county junior. He said that the harvest in this county was not good this month, and the supply to us can only be in accordance with the standard of the Qin Army."

"Abominable." Ye Shikai listened and threw the bamboo slips directly on the ground. This is obviously a perfunctory word. Now in order to prevent food from flowing into the hands of the insurgents and robbers, each county has increased the collection of food in each village. How can it be possible in the county? When it comes to lack of food, Ye Shikai is not a three-year-old child and is not so cheat.

"Lao Ye, in my opinion, the county was willing to provide so many supplies before, in order to allow us to train these prisoners with heart. Now that they are effective, they will cross the river and demolish the bridge. If an accident is caused by this, we must settle it." Shang Guanjian expressed his thoughts.

"You're right, they don't want us to expand." Ye Shikai nodded.

"Lao Ye, Dongjun County has less than 50,000 garrison troops in total, and 10,000 of them are in your hands. Of the remaining generals, no one has greater military power than yours. Will Ma Ma want it? Count us secretly. "Shang Guanjian's worries are not unfounded. Since ancient times, it has not been the case that Gonggaozheng is the master. Although Ma Yao is not His Majesty the Emperor, he is also the county captain in the county. It is basically to keep his official position, and even to seek promotion. As long as Ye Shikai is still under his command, Ma Yao can get half of the credit for each victory, "good leadership".

However, if Ye Shikai's military power is increasing, it will inevitably directly threaten Ma Yao ’s position until it is replaced one day. Do n’t forget that Ye Shikai has also been favored by Meng Tian. As the general of the court, the emperor ’s most trusted military general If Meng Tian said something a little, it was not impossible for Ye Shikai, who was promoted to become prominent, to become the county captain.

"Not for the time being. At the moment, the insurgents and robbers in the county are still the number one threat to the county's mansion ~ ~ If you don't have me, how can Ma Yao's generals have the ability to handle them." Ye Shikai After waving his hands, Ma Yao was an "old fox", how could he do the silly thing of "broke his arms".

"What shall we do now?"

"Is the military ration delivered enough?" Ye Shikai asked.


"That line, let's stop this month. I'll talk to Ma Yao personally in another day." Ye Shikai nodded and said, no way, he is now a general, and can no longer "kill" the county to "grab food". Ye Shikai would not do such a stupid thing.

"Lao Ye, I'm afraid you won't even be able to see it. If Ma Yao really wants to perfuse us, it's impossible to see us at all, and then he will find an excuse to cover it up."

"OK, you go down first, give me some time to think."


"Report, Wan Ye commanded to seek out." Suddenly, a guard reported to the account.

"Wan Xun is here, please come in." Ye Shikai said lightly. Although Wan Xieyuan was a wolf, but Ye Shikai's new leader of the cavalry team, as Ye Shikai's old team, Wan Xieyuan was in charge of two thousand iron riders. How trustful he is.

"See General Ye."

"Wan Yuanyuan, do you come to me for anything?" Ye Shikai also knows him. This wolf man doesn't usually talk and doesn't like to make fun of himself. His personality is a bit lonely.

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