Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1525: Xi Xiangxi

If only from the perspective of command, Ye Shikai still admires Yan Yu. After Wei Guo was destroyed, he was able to pull up such a large team and played the Qin army helplessly. If the status of the two people were reversed, Ye Shikai I'm afraid I can't do it. In addition, his tactics are impeccable, but their overall strength is still too large compared to Ye Shikai's troops. Defeat is inevitable. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https: /

"General Ye, you are only in your twenties this year. You can lead thousands of troops. It is really young and promising, but there are many things that you still do n’t understand. The world is not black or white. You It doesn't have to be "white", I'm not necessarily "black", we are all "grey", and who is qualified to comment on each other? "Yan Yu said without a fear.

"Let's go." In front of the sergeants, Ye Shikai had some inconvenience to say and didn't say much, so that the sergeants would all detain the rebels who surrendered.

"Shangguan, take your brother to see the escape path." Ye Shikai commanded.

"Okay, I've let the warehouse go." Shang Guanjian nodded.

"General, that thief will kill so many brothers, why don't we let him kill him."


"Kill him and take revenge for your brethren."

Many sergeants saw Yan Yu being detained, and they were all angry. Burning the Yingling camp was his plan. They burned so many brothers. Now they have arrested people. The sergeants naturally burned in anger and wanted to kill him and vent their anger. .

"All quiet." Ye Shikai shouted, and everyone was silent.

"The enemy will be tied, and a child can take his life. You kill him and vent his anger. What a hero is? With this ability, you can kill the enemy on the battlefield and defeat the enemy. You are called heroes." Ye Shikai cursed loudly, everyone listened After that, they bowed their heads and stopped talking. According to Qin's law, rebellion is an unforgivable death penalty. Even if he doesn't kill Yan Yu now, he will be escorted to death when he is escorted back to Puyang, but ... The words want to talk to him.

"The whole army camped here and took a good rest. Today all the soldiers and soldiers have worked hard and let the husbands burn meat for everyone."



Ye Yekai was sitting alone in the camp. At this time, the two guards took Yan Yu up.

"Release him." Ye Shikai looked up and said lightly.

"This ..." The two guards looked at each other without hesitation.

"Why, didn't you hear me, loosen him?" Ye Shikai repeated again.

"喏." After the two guards tied Yan Yusong, they looked at him vigilantly. There are no other guards in the camp now. If Yan Yugou jumps off the wall, I'm afraid ...

"Let's all go down."

"General, please send some guards up."

"It doesn't matter, you step down." Ye Shikai waved his hand, and the two guards stepped back.

"Sit down, this year's new tea, try it." Ye Shikai poured a cup of hot tea himself and pushed it to Yan Yu.

"General Ye is really a daring artist, even sitting at a table with the enemy, not even the guards, aren't you afraid that I will do it?" Yan Yu was not nervous, he sat directly opposite Ye Shikai and drank tea. Finish.

"If you want to resist now, then you will not surrender during the day." Ye Shikai chuckled and got up to give him tea.

"I was surrounded by so many sergeants during the day. If I resisted, I would not be unloaded eight pieces, but I would be shot into a sieve. There would be no doubt, but now I have only you and me in this camp. If I do it ... you really Aren't you afraid? "Yan Yu's words revealed a hint of killing.


Ye Yekai took a long sword from the side and threw it in front of Yan Yu.

怎么 样 "Well, the sword is in front of you. If you want to do it, you can do it anytime." Ye Shikai's relaxed face seemed to be that Ding Yan would not do it.

怎么 样 "How about, since you don't do it, can we change the subject." Ye Shikai returned to her position.

"Well, what do you have to say, please." Yan Yu is not stupid. Ye Shikai is willing to meet with him alone. Obviously, there is something to say and it is not convenient for others to hear.

"My people report that there is a trail behind the camp village to escape, but even at the last moment of breaking the village, you did not take people away, you have enough time to go." Ye Shikai asked.

"I am not the King of the Mountains, nor the bandits who fell into the grass. The uprising is a glorious thing. The Qin Dynasty was brutal, the people were crushed, and the loyalty was slaughtered. Any person of insight should resist. As a general, It is even more important to lead the people to resist you. Even if they are defeated, they must be killed in glory, rather than running away like a mouse. "

"But you did not die, you surrendered to me."

"Oh, it's my relatives who are by my side today. They follow me desperately. I haven't enjoyed it for a day. I still hope for them a chance to survive. If I fight to the end today, they will definitely follow me. I am going to die. "Yan Yu smiled bitterly, slowly got up and bowed to Ye Shikai.

"Please also let the army let them go alive." Yan Yu begged.

"Okay, I promise you, at least I can guarantee that they will not die." Ye Shikai nodded eventually ~ ~ Yan Yu stood up when he heard this.

"Thank you General Ye."

"You can save your relatives, but you can't escape."

"It doesn't matter, it's enough to get these."

"You are a good general, but unfortunately you are standing in the wrong team. If you rely on Qin Jun, you will not be like this ..."

"It's impossible for me to take refuge in the violent Qin." Before the end of Ye Shikai's words, Yan Yu interrupted him. As the so-called heroes are cherished, Ye Shikai wants to make Yan Yu as a friend. , The positions of both sides are destined to be their enemies.

But at least tonight, they can talk all night long ... for the first time https: // https: //

The next day, early morning.

Ye Shikai and Yan Yu chatted for a night. They talked about the faith from the military. Ye Shikai did not think that they could talk for so long.

"I will report to General, great joy, Xue Tong is back." Early in the morning, Ye Shikai's guard rushed in and shouted.

"What." Ye Shikai heard the news, surprised in his heart, completely drowsy, stood up from his chair and rushed out of the camp.

"Xue San, are you okay." As soon as Ye Shikai stepped out, he saw Xue San being carried by several team members on a stretcher.

"General, rest assured, I'm fine." Xue San waved his hands, his face looked a little pale, but his spirit looked pretty good.

"I knew your kid couldn't die."


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