Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1537: secret order

If Ye Shikai is not mistaken, the word engraved on the meteor should be "the first emperor died and died", which is a word cursing him, whether it is the so-called "God's will" or the people engraving a curse for revenge, this It is a big event, because this is a meteorite. To the ancients, astrological changes are often related to the replacement of dynasties. To modern people, this may be a superstition, but Qin Shihuang may not think so.

Ye Yekai immediately led people to the place where the meteorite fell. Sure enough, there were a few large characters engraved on it.

The first emperor died and divided.

Ye Yekai does not believe there will be a "God's Will" statement. Often, these villagers were engraved with a knife, but there is no monitoring here, and no one can be found at all.

If it is true in history, people in the vicinity will be killed for this sentence.

"My lord, this meteor fell here last night. According to the villagers nearby, at the beginning, it was like a big fireball, glowing red, and you could feel a burning sensation a dozen meters away. After a full day, the meteor was considered "cool". A Sergeant reported.

"Is that such a high temperature inscribed by people?" Ye Shikai muttered to himself. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https: /

"General, what's the word on it, villain can't read, you can show it."

"Look what you see, it all spread out. Today's events must not be revealed in half a word, otherwise, military law will be severely punished." Ye Shikai shouted suddenly, shocking the sergeants.

"喏 ... 喏."

Ye Yekai ordered the sergeant to stay here, and no one was allowed to come near, especially the people nearby. If the incident spreads out and spreads out, the situation will be even worse. First https: // https: //

20,000 troops stayed here for two full days, and the Dongjun meteorite event spread like a plague. Soon, not only the people of Dongjun, but also the people of Hanoi County rushed over. Ye Shikai couldn't help feeling a little annoyed Do people already like to "see the liveliness" at this time?

The third day, late at night, outside the barracks.

"Who is coming, why did you come here late at night and report your name?" The guards of the guarding village saw a group of Qin army from the village and immediately came out to ask.

"Little brother, I'm the county captain of Hanoi County, Han Hao, a friend of your general. You came here late at night for urgent military information, and please go in and report it." The general said faintly, and the guard came forward with a torch. See, immediately gave way.

"It turned out to be Han, a villain ran into you just now, and forgive me, I don't hide it. I followed General Ye from Hanoi County. It was your subordinate before."

"This is the best. We have an emergency military situation. You should go in and report it." Han Hao nodded.



"Master Han, you said that you did not say hello to the soldiers, I have no time to prepare." Ye Shikai quickly lit up the camp and greeted Han Hao into the seat.

"I also came here on purpose, and naturally I dare not delay. I rushed over 30,000 soldiers and horses, and I didn't rest for three days." Han Hao explained.

"Come here to drink, I want to have a drink with Master Han." Ye Shikai laughed and said that the two hadn't seen each other for months. As Ye Shikai's old superior, Han Hao had helped him many times before. Ye Shikai He is not an ungrateful person, but whenever Han Hao asks, he will go all out and fulfill his mission.

"Mr. Han said just now that you were here on purpose, and who it was." Ye Shikai asked from the side of the banquet. In fact, he had already guessed in his heart that Han Hao was the county captain of a county and could give him There was only one person who ordered, and that was His Majesty the Emperor far away from Xianyang.

"Of course, it was a military order from Xianyang. The meteor fell in Dongjun. His Majesty the Emperor already knew. In order to prevent civil change, he immediately ordered and dispatched a heavy army to guard the meteorite. Because the meteor fell at the junction of the two counties, so I also received a military order and led my troops here, "Han Hao explained.

"So it is."

"Brother Ye, we drank the wine, and the old things were recounted. It's time to talk about the business." Han Hao put down his glass and his expression became serious.

"Master Han, please say."

"Is there a word engraved on this meteor?" Han Hao opened his door and saw the palm of his hand trembling.

咳 "Ahem, this ... I didn't know." Ye Shikai perfunctoryly.

"Really, Brother Ye has been here for two or three days, at least I should have seen this meteor, the words carved on it ..." Han Hao stroked his neck with his palm and made a " Beheading "gesture.

"This is a capital crime to kill."

It seems that Han Hao already knows it. Ye Shikai sighed. The phrase "the first emperor died and died." Somehow, he passed it on. The reason why Han Hao didn't take the initiative to explain it just now is that he wants Ye Shikai to speak for himself.

"These words are only carved by some insurgents. I want to curse your Majesty. I have sent a sergeant to search. There are many active insurgents nearby. When they are caught, they will be interrogated immediately."

"Really, Brother Ye is so convinced that it was written by those thieves." Han Hao asked.

"Who else would it be ~ ~ Her Majesty doesn't think so. His mind is bound to cause major events. There have been so many things in the empire recently. His Majesty is upset about this." Han Hao shook his head. His words, Your Majesty already knows, Brother Ye does not need to be curious, Your Majesty has his own means, not something you and I can speculate. "

"Well, I won't hide you anymore. This time, I received a secret order from His Majesty the Emperor." Han Hao clapped his hands, and a vice general came forward and presented the imperial edict.

"This is the secret order given by the emperor to me." Han Hao said lightly. "The emperor ordered the killing of all the people in the fifty miles of the meteorite, and one was left in case the secret on the meteorite was revealed."

"What." Ye Shikai shouted, but now he can no longer be calm. People of fifty miles away say tens of thousands of people, even if they are indiscriminate, they must be killed.

"Mr. Han, this word is clearly inscribed by the rebels, in order to confuse the audiovisual and disturb the hearts of the people. How can we kill all without distinction between good and bad? Besides, as a general of the Qin army, we should defend How can the country protect the people? "Ye Shikai countered.

"It is precisely because we are generals that we have to be loyal to His Majesty the Emperor. This is a secret order of the Emperor. There is no turning point. Even if you and I do not want it, there is no room for change."

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