Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1549: Escape

Ye Shikai ’s element of fire was obtained from the ruins of Atlantis. It is indeed a great treasure. Even many practitioners are jealous. These Qin army are just ordinary people. Naturally it is impossible to see it. In addition, Ye Shikai suddenly "Scammers", it's normal for them to be shocked.


"Run fast, run fast."

Hundreds of Qin Jun, like seeing ghosts, ran back in a hurry, lost their helmets and removed armor. In fact, Ye Shikai's appearance has not changed at all. They were all deceived by the so-called "ox ghost ghost snake god", but this is not Blame them. After all, in this era, there is no modern science, and they are very convinced of these "ghosts and ghosts".

报告 "Report to Lord Han, General Ye ... General Ye is alive."

"What, how is this possible." Han Hao saw the sergeant running backwards in despair, only to see a familiar figure killed from the crater, almost shocked to fall off the horse, Ye Shikai, like God of War, easily killed The siege of the Qin Army was unstoppable, and the sergeant who surged up could not even get close, and was defeated by the sword gas.

大 "Master, General Ye must have been possessed by a ghost."

"Nonsense, where's the ghost, put an arrow, shoot me to death."

Seeing that Ye Shikai was not dead, Han Hao first felt a joy, but turned to killing again, fascinated and guarded, the meteor fell to the ground, and has touched the most sensitive nerve of His Majesty. Now the people have run away. If he flees, the emperor will be furious, and he will kill Han Hao on the charge of "ineffective suppression".

The emperor was so angry that he would surely die.

"Hurry up, drop your arrow."

Thousands of sergeants put arrows at the same time, the arrows covered the sky and shot at Ye Shikai.

"Yu Xijian."

Ye Shikai took You Xijian out of the storage ring again, and the internal force was working. The sword swelled. The sergeant next to him felt a bit of pressure. His chest seemed to be held down by a large stone. It was difficult to breathe. The arrows fell from the sky, but beside Ye Shikai At a distance of three feet, it suddenly "pauses", just as time freezes, and the arrows are suspended in the air, motionless.


"How could this be."

If Han Hao didn't believe it before, then now he has to believe it when he sees this scene. How can anyone in the world be able to block the arrows in the air? This is obviously a ghost.

"The general is in a panic, and Wan Ye is the same." Suddenly, there was a shout of chaos behind the army formation. Wan Yeyuan led the cavalry in a tapered array, breaking through the iron barrel like a chisel. Defend and kill him.

Ye Shikai heard Wan Jiyuan's voice and killed the past in the direction of the sound source. Qin Jun was already scared away by Ye Shikai's appearance. He held a sword in his right hand and a flame in his left hand. It was difficult for the sergeants to approach, even " Actively gave way.

"Kill him fast, those who advance will live, those who retreat will die, kill me." Han Hao shouted, Wan Jiyuan was also a brave and warlike man, a soldier, a fast horse, a spear, a sabre. , Into the array, no one can stop.

"General." Wan Jiyuan soon found Ye Shikai in the army formation, and frankly, when this fierce wolf man looked at Ye Shikai, he was frightened. Is this still human?

Wan Wanyuan turned his horse and killed Ye Shikai in the direction of the past. The guards behind him followed closely, dispersing Qin Bing, and came to Ye Shikai.

"General, follow me."

"it is good."

Xie Yeshikai jumped forward and jumped directly to the war horse. Wan Xuanyuan did not dare to fall in love and quickly led the crowd to leave.

"The cavalry covers the generals and evacuates."



"Come on, kill me, you can't let it go, kill me, one is not left." Han Hao shouted wildly, but the cavalry was extremely mobile, he killed the army in an instant, and headed east Ran to the valley.


"Lao Ye, are you okay." Soon after the cavalry team killed the army, they encountered Shang Guanjian who came to the rescue. There were only a few hundred people around him. These were his pro-guards.

"Rest assured, I'm fine." Ye Shikai was covered in wounds, blood was everywhere, his armor was broken, and it looked scary, but his spirit was very good. He didn't look like a seriously injured person. The ability to heal much faster than ordinary people. Although the wound looks scary, the blood has stopped and healing is only a matter of time.

"Okay, let's go quickly."

"Reported several generals, Qin Jun was chasing behind, and tens of thousands of cavalry had already caught up." At this time, a defending sergeant reported.

"Oops, let's retreat quickly." Ye Shikai immediately ordered.

"General, the general will lead the Iron Armor to stop them." Mancang also led the army back, and the people gathered together again, feeling very relieved.

"Okay, you need to be more careful in Mancang, you can't fight while fighting." Ye Shikai commanded, Mancang can only have thousands of sergeants. After breaking, it can be, but it must not fight with Han Hao's army.

"Oh, the general will lead."

"Lao Ye, let's retreat quickly."

"it is good."

After simmering a joss stick, the valley mouth.

"Shangguan ~ ~ have the people evacuated." Ye Shikai asked.

"It's almost the same. Most people have already evacuated into the mountains. As long as they pass through the mountains, they will be safe."

"It's great." Ye Shikai nodded and responded. Although thousands of people were killed during the fierce battle, they saved at least 100,000 people. This operation was considered a success.

"Taniguchi was narrow and Han Hao's army could not be deployed, and we had arranged 3,000 crossbowmen, which was enough to block them." Shang Guanjian explained that everything was planned and soon, Mancang also led his troops to retreat. After coming back, after entering Taniguchi, Shang Guanjian immediately ordered the crossbowman to drop an arrow, forcing the Qin Army back.

"Mr. Han, the rebels laid heavy troops on both sides above Taniguchi, and all arrows were launched. Our people were shot into a sieve as soon as they got up. It was really impossible for them to go up." In front of Taniguchi, many of the defeated Qin wolves wolf Retreat, this is a valley of "one man in charge, one in every way", easy to defend and difficult to attack.

"Abominable, let the sergeant hold up his shield, even if he walks in step by step, he will be chased by me." Han Hao shouted.


"Fast, throw a stone and seal the mouth of the valley." When Ye Shikai saw this, he immediately ordered the sergeant to collect the stones and smash them from a high place. Soon he "blocked" a "stone wall" and blocked the Qin army. Outside the valley.

"Shangguan, you instructed the brethren to evacuate the mountains. Qin Jun will not be so good at rest, they will definitely go into the mountains to search, but as long as we stay in the dark, they will have nothing to do."

"Okay, I'll go now."

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