Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1551: escape

"What's wrong, willn't they be able to live after you leave?" Soul Calibur asked, "Not to mention, isn't your deputy very capable."

"These brethren are willing to give up military rewards and follow me. Once rebellious, we are destined to be the rebels wanted by the court. How could I give up my life if they gave me their lives?" Ye Shikai could not be contacted at this time. He Linghan did not know her movements, but she was accompanied by Ye Shikai's 2,000 elite guards and Xue San. Ye Shikai believed in Xue San's ability. He was clever and had his command. It should not be a problem.

"I can understand your thoughts, but I don't agree with your decision." Soul soul countered, "In this empire, there are also many practitioners. Compared with modern times, the practitioners here are deeper and more difficult to deal with. The court knew your identity and sent practitioners to hunt and kill. You can run alone, but now with so many people, they can neither help you nor cover you, they will only affect you. "

"Haha, come here. There are many people who want to kill me. This time, I won't run." Ye Shikai stood up without fear and experienced too many things. He "threatens" to the outside world. It's not that sensitive anymore, let's talk when they come.

"Yes, it's calm a lot."

After all, the proportion of practitioners only accounts for a small part. For most ordinary people, the practitioners are like "ghosts" and so on. Ye Shikai also believes that His Majesty has a special " "Cultivation troops", but even if they are hunting down now, there are more than two thousand miles from Xianyang to this point. At that time, Ye Shikai had led his team to Chudi.

"Lao Ye, you are here." At this time, Shangguanjian hurried over, looking a little eager.

上 "Shangguan, is there anything?"

"The brother in charge of the valley just came over to report that there was some movement outside Qin Jun, as if it was going to storm the valley. I have arranged for the people to retreat, and it seems that we have to retreat overnight."

"Okay, in this case, we have to leave quickly." Ye Shikai also realized the crisis of the situation, and at least 60,000 or 70,000 Qin Army outside, if he broke into the valley, then killing everyone would be "searching for things."

"General, after taking the Iron Armor Army to break."

"Okay, you pay attention to safety, or that sentence, you can't fight, the roads in the mountains are complicated, you can use the terrain to interfere with them." Ye Shikai instructed to emphasize.

"Oh, subordinates obey."

"The whole army departs, come with me."

After two hours.

"Shangguan, we didn't go the wrong way." Ye Shikai looked at the "walking narrower" road in front of him, and couldn't help asking. When he entered the mountains, he found that the terrain here was more complicated than expected. Some roads were not only rough, but also muddy. It really made the cavalry's brothers have a "headache" and could only come down and take the horse forward.

"No, this map is based on the description of the nearby mountain people. I also sent someone to investigate, but there are many narrow roads here. I think ... after this road, you should be out of the mountain." Shang Guanjian explained.

"Okay, I believe you." Ye Shikai nodded. The narrow and rugged mountain roads are not conducive to their evacuation, but they are also not conducive to the pursuit of the tens of thousands of Qin Army. It is like the road in front of which eight people are side by side. , Let alone tens of thousands of people pass, it will go to the year of the monkey, but the only worrying thing is ... these people, 100,000 people, men and women, young and old, carry it, even if it is a smooth road, they have the most Just 50 miles a day, not to mention so many people crowded in this mountain. If Qin Jun was really caught up, I'm afraid it would be just jumping off the cliff ...

"Shangguan, if Qin Jun catches up now, the villagers will be in danger." Ye Shikai reacted sharply and reminded immediately.

"There is no way, this mountain road is not useful for the cavalry, and the arrows of the crossbowman are very few. We can now say that it is a remnant army, and the only one with combat power is the full armored army." Shang Guanjian turned his head and looked at Ye Shikai. His eyes were full of helplessness, and he shook his head gently. "We can only hope now in the full warehouse."


At the same time, Nanyang-gun.

"Brother Xue, my wife is a bit sick, can you stop and rest for a while?" Lotus stepped out of the carriage and said to the leading Xue San anxiously.

"This ..." Xue San was a little hesitant. He knew very well that once Ye Shikai started his army, his "Wanted Order" would be posted across the country. Similarly, He Linghan, as a family member, would also be rewarded heavily. Fortunately, there was no phone message in ancient times, otherwise Everyone knows it in one second. The time during which the news was passed in Guanfu fast horse was the "golden time" for He Linghan to escape.

Twenty thousand guards, this number is also quite large, and many people will notice that if the speed is slowed down once Xue San is chased by the army, there is nothing he can do. The only thing he can do is to protect He Linghan.

"What's this? Madam's ill, would you be responsible if you continue to go wrong? ~ Lotus is also" guzhu eager ", shouted.

"Oh, subordinates obey." In the end, Xue San still compromised and could only let the team stop and rest.

"Three brothers Xue." At this time, He Linghan slowly walked down from the carriage, her face did not look very good, and she rushed around day and night.

夫人 "Mrs." Lotus hurried forward to help, Xue Sansheng was afraid He Linghan would step on the air and immediately stepped forward to support him.

"Brother Xue, where have we been?" He Linghan said lightly, his voice sounded weak.

"Just arrived in Nanyang County, we should be near Wancheng now." Xue San answered.

"Now in Nanyang County, it's not far from Chu." He Linghan smiled comfortably.

夫人 "Mrs., the general has already started a troop now. It won't be long before the news will reach Nanyang County, and the end will rush the road day and night. It is really for the sake of his wife's safety, and please his wife to understand." Xue San explained.

"The three brothers Xue don't have to blame themselves, this is my choice, so I will never blame you." He Linghan waved his hand and heard this, Xue San's heart felt relaxed.

"Ma'am, are you sick?"

"Rest assured, it's just that the boat and the car are exhausted. It doesn't matter."

"The Admiral has sent a sergeant to investigate. Now Chudi is fighting uprisings everywhere. Nanyang County and Chudi are naturally chaotic. The Admiral urges his wife to bear with me for a while. When Chudi can settle down, . "

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