Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1558: Capture the rations

Nanyang County, thirty miles west of Wancheng.

"Fast, move fast. There must be no misses in these two thousand stone rations."


Above the plain, a team of Qin Army is escorting a batch of grain. There are many villages near Wancheng, with a large population, and Nanyang County has always been a "tax-heavy place" for the imperial court, but the two thousand stone grains are not a fraction. Therefore, the accompanying Qin Jun also had hundreds of people.

"Brothers behind, move faster, don't fall behind." A riding officer waved his whip and said loudly, in addition to the hundreds of Qin Army, there were hundreds of civilian husbands responsible for escorting food.

"Report five hundred masters, and a cavalry is approaching us." Suddenly, a sergeant came to report.

"What, who are they?"

"I don't know. They are not many. They should be wearing the military uniforms of the Qin Army."

"How are they?"

"Fully armed, but marching is not fast, it seems not to worry."

让 "Let your brethren be ready and stand by."


Hundreds of Qin troops took up their weapons, all gathered behind them, forming two lines, dust was raised in the distance, and the horse could be seen in the distance.

"Five hundred masters, in terms of scale, there are probably one or two hundred people."

"One or two hundred people, don't take care and see what they want to do."


It didn't take long for Wan Jiyuan to lead the cavalry, but he was not in a hurry. The officer who escorted the grain saw his face and was slightly relaxed.

"Stop, who is coming." Qin Jun's leading officer pulled out his sword and walked up, stopping everyone.

"Don't you see this suit?" Wan Yuanyuan looked rather disdainful and walked down immediately to the officer.

"No one dared to point a sword at me, what are you?" In the blink of an eye, Wan Yuanyuan pulled out his sabre, the two swords collided together, and the powerful force instantly paralyzed the officer's arm, With a loose palm, the sword fell to the ground.

I looked at the sharp sword on my neck, and the officer of the food team also "suggested". Although it was only one move, it was enough to know that Wan Liyuan's martial arts were high, and it was by no means ordinary.

"Kee, this elder brother was more offended just now. The younger brother didn't know Taishan. For the sake of the same robe, please raise your expensive hand." After that, the food team officer took one or two out of his pocket. Silver handed it over.

"Okay, I look at your sincerity, I don't care." Wan Jiyuan retracted the sabre and glanced at the grain bag on the carriage.

"This time in the future, I just want to remind you that there have been many insurgents in the recent past, and they have specially intercepted the food of the official forces. You must be careful." Wan Yuanyuan said lightly.

"Yes, yes, my brother must keep in mind."

"OK, I won't delay you."

嘞 "Well, let's go now, brethren are ready to go." The food team officer breathed a long sigh of relief and turned and shouted.



Suddenly, thousands of cavalry appeared in front of them, galloping and charging, and in front of the food team in front of them.

"Five hundred masters, a large number of cavalry are rushing towards us."

"How is this going……"

He did not wait for the officer of the food team to react. A bloodstain appeared on his neck and he could not make a sound in pain, and the man who started the action was the man behind him.

"Hands on." With an order, the cavalry behind Wan Qi swooped up, and after another, they suddenly attacked, and the vigilant Qin Bing, who relaxed his vigilance, had fallen into a pool of blood before he even responded.

"Hurry up."

Wan Xi originally brought a small portion of the cavalry to attract the Qin army who was escorting the grain to the back of the grain team. Then, when Qin soldiers were slack, they struck back and forth, beating them off guard. Annihilated.

"Commander, what are these people to do?" A sergeant pointed at the trembling people and asked Manahara.

"Just rest assured, we are just robbing the grain and not hurting the innocent. We are leaving now, and you must return to the village as soon as possible. Please also, folks, please do n’t go to the Fuzhong reporter, thank you very much."

He Wanzhang said, turning and riding on the war horse, he asked the brothers of the cavalry to carry the food on horseback, galloping away, leaving a look of shocked civilian husband and Qin Bing's body on the ground.

After a fragrant incense time.

"I sue General Ye, the end will not humiliate the mission, a total of two thousand stone grains are here." Wan Xiyuan led the team to the agreed place, Ye Shikai has been waiting here for a long time.

"Okay, great."

"In addition, the Qin Jun who transported the grain was also left alone, and all were wiped out."

"Very good, but Qin Jun in Wancheng will soon react. We hurriedly retreat, we can not delay for a moment."



At the same time, ten miles north of Wancheng.

"General Shangguan, there are too many Qin Army behind."

Shangguanjian led the team galloping north, turned around and looked around. Thousands of Qin army iron riders were following behind, and the sky was covered by the dust. There were more than 2,000 cavalry, while Shangguan ’s fitness side had only a few hundred riders.

快 "Hurry up, don't look back, everyone follow me."

Before the action, Shang Guanjian “pleading” in the barracks for a long time, and then Ye Shikai handed him the heavy task of diverting the Qin army.

After several fierce battles across the army, each battalion suffered heavy losses ~ ~ Only one-third of the original number was left. Ye Shikai wanted to redeploy two hundred cavalry to supplement Shang Guanjian's pro-guard, but all were Rejected. This time, Qin Jun's plan was spurred nearby. Nine deaths and a lot of people didn't help, so Shang Guanjian insisted that he only take the guard to go.

Hey, hey, hey.

The Qin Army behind the puppet fired a crossbow, and Shang Guanjian pulled out his sabre, blocking the shot of the crossbow, but several guards around him hit the arrows.

"General, we are now within the range of the crossbow. Here are plains. If we continue this way, we will all die here."

Damn, there is a hill not far ahead, our horses are fast, they rushed away from them, and all the brethren came with me. "Shang Guanjian shouted.



The team galloped for more than ten miles, and sure enough, there was a hill not far away. Although it was not as high as the mountains, the dense jungle could block the chasing of the cavalry. Shangguanjian was now anxious to get rid of the Qin army. Once in the mountains, he had a solution.

"Brothers, come into the mountain."

Xi Shangguanjian led his team into the forest and turned around to see that Qin Jun did not rush in, but stopped outside the hill.

"General, they seem to stop," said a sergeant.

"Indeed." Shang Guanjian turned his head and was a little confused. Qin Jun had thousands of iron riders. Why didn't he dare to come in? Is there anything dangerous in this mountain?

"No matter, let's run away before we talk."

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