Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1582: Coming soon

After the mountain.

Ye Yekai was sitting alone, sitting cross-legged on the ground, running the "Xuan Emperor's Scripture". Since losing her internal strength, he has never practiced again. There has been a lot of time delay in the middle, and he must hurry up.

"Be calm and calm, your Dantian has just been repaired, and it is not suitable for radical cultivation. Everything must be taken slowly." Sword soul was in his mind, guiding him with a voice.

"Xuandi Jing" is a practice method practiced by Ye Shikai, and this set of exercises is not suitable for rapid development.

Ye Shikai is only twenty-five years old, but he can practice to the fifth level of the "Xuandi Scripture", Kun level. This is already called a cultivating genius, very talented, although not necessarily the strongest, but Ye Shikai can internally Perfectly applied to combat power, so that every point of internal force in the body is converted into combat power, so when the internal force is modified to be undifferentiated, Ye Shikai can often prevail.

"I know this, but the speed is not reached." Ye Shikai said lightly.

"You are now only training to the fifth level, but it is enough for you to dominate the underground world. However, if you want to develop further, you must make a breakthrough to the sixth level. Only when you reach the second level can you really be a progress. Soul Calibur continued, and he was right. Only when he broke through to the cricket level, the internal force and combat power could be regarded as a "qualitative" leap.


Ye Shikai screamed, all the stones within twenty steps exploded, and the wind blew. Fortunately, no one came to Houshan, otherwise it would be troublesome to be seen.

I practiced for a full afternoon. Although the internal force did not increase, the meridians were sorted out, which was conducive to his internal force. After all, Dantian had been abandoned for a long time, and it took a little bit to restore his original strength.

"This meteor contains great energy. As soon as you come into contact with it, it will help you restore your internal force. If you can have it, it will definitely be beneficial to your future cultivation." Soul Calibur said.

"Come on, I'm still shocked and scared of that expansive energy. It would be more than a hundred times if all the energy of this meteorite was injected into me," Ye Shikai laughed at himself, not that he didn't. Guts, this is the truth. Although there is no space limit for storage ring, but if the object itself contains huge energy, neither storage ring or Ye Shikai himself is unbearable.

"Every ambitious practitioner is looking for stronger energy, boy, do n’t you Chinese Huaxia also have a sentence called" Kill the daring, starve to the timid ", precisely because that meteorite has huge energy, That's why you should have it even more. "Soul Calibur continued.

"Yeah, it's not unreasonable to say that it's daring to starve to death, but whether it's dying or starving, aren't they all dead? The result is the same. What we have to do is Survive. "Ye Shikai rode on the war horse and returned to the barracks. The heavy battalion was sorting out military rations. A bag of sacks of military rations had been loaded on the carriage. As long as the military order, they could set off.

"Lao Ye, the sergeants who have come home to visit have almost returned, but the departure time of the protagonist has not been settled. We will ... when will we leave." In the account, Shang Guanjian saw Ye Shikai returning to the camp and immediately stepped forward to ask .

"Don't you understand yet? It's a big deal to set off. Maybe the protagonist has forgotten it." Ye Shikai chuckled twice and waved his hand.

"What does it mean."

"The meaning of the lord, this departure date is set by you and me, but within seven days, it must start." Ye Shikai explained.

"So, when are we going?"

"Don't worry, I don't think Qin Jun will take the initiative to go south for a few months. We went to South County and just waited there. So don't worry, go back a few days later and make full preparations."

好 "Okay, I'll order now."


Ye Yekai is not a person with procrastination, nor is he afraid of death, deliberately procrastinating, but ... he still wants to accompany He Linghan more.


"Fu Jun, are you going to leave tomorrow?" A few days passed in a blink of an eye, and He Linghan's face was gloomy every day.

"Yeah, noon tomorrow, we are about to leave." Ye Shikai nodded and reached out to hold her palm.

"Linger, this time I'm going to South County, for a short period of six months, a long period of several years, you worked hard at home."

"Relax, as long as you go, I'll wait long, if you come back, I will meet you in person." He Linghan is very intimate, she did not quarrel and make a noise, which pleased him very much.


"Linger, tomorrow we will start directly from the barracks. The city is thirty miles away from the barracks. You do n’t have to come farewell and rest at home." Ye Shikai said faintly. He Linghan nodded, she knew why. Since Separation is unavoidable, so why bother sadness at the moment of separation.

"Yes, Linger, I have a gift for you." Ye Shikai took a pendant from the storage ring, inlaid with a crystal clear jade, very small and exquisite ~ ~ husband You know I don't like these jewelry very much. "

"Linger, listen to me and put on this pendant, it will have a great effect when it matters." Ye Shikai put her pendant on her own.

作用 "Function, what effect?" He Linghan asked curiously.

"You'll know later, now I'll sell it."

Although He Linghan was confused, after receiving the pendant, a happy smile appeared on his face.

"Well, husband, I have a gift for you, too." After that, He Linghan turned and entered the house. It didn't take long before she came out.

"What is it?" Ye Shikai was also very curious, what did He Linghan give him.

"That's it." He Linghan showed out what was in his hand. This was a ... soft armor, with many iron scales inlaid on it, exquisite workmanship, and a good pair of soft armor. Ye Shikai remembered He Linghan when he was in Shangshui Village The night before his expedition to the north, he also sent a pair of armor, but that was "fur armor".

"I gave you a piece of fur armor you made yourself, but that can only keep you warm. In the past few days, I asked the best armor division in the city to customize this soft armor for you. If you wear it inside, you will not be afraid of swords. Now. "

"Okay, I'll take it." Ye Shikai nodded, and put on soft armor in front of her. In fact, for a practitioner, such an iron soft armor has no effect. But this is the mind of He Linghan.

"It fits well." Ye Shikai teased.

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