Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1586: Arson

The Northern Expedition is a foregone conclusion, and the people of several counties will be involved in the war again.

Xie Yeshikai could not persuade Xun Wen. As a courtier, he could only obey.

"Xue San, you immediately set off, dived into Nanyang, and inquired about the information of the counties, including soldiers, horses, money and food, and preparations. If it involves military affairs, I need it. Remember, you have only two days." Immediately after leaving, Ye Shikai called Xue San and gave him an urgent order.

"Two days, so anxious." Xue San could not help feeling a moment of pressure when he heard the request. The two days were too short. It was just a journey. It would take two days to come back, let alone one. Inquire about intelligence.

"Yes, because the army will set off in two days, and this time it is a quick battle. If I expected it to be correct, after a month, a large number of Qin Army will go south from the Central Plains, when the war situation will be reversed, so ... If the war cannot be ended within a month, I will certainly persuade the principal to withdraw. "

"That's it, lord please rest assured that the end will start immediately and will not humiliate the mission." Xue Sanzuo said, turned and left the camp, and led his brethren to leave for Nanyang.

Wu Wen used Wuxian as a granary of the army. This matter must have been planned long ago. In just one hour, hundreds of thousands of stone grains were shipped here. There were also tens of thousands of armors and weapons, and millions of arrows. This is indeed the equipment Ye Shikai has seen the most.

"Lao Ye, there is too much equipment shipped from various counties and counties, Wuxian's warehouse is not large, I am afraid it is not enough to put it." Shangguan Jianhui reported.

"Order the sergeants to expand the warehouse. If it is not enough, find a flat place and put a wooden wall as a barrier." Ye Shikai commanded that Wuxian is only a small county after all, with a population of less than 100,000. How can there be such a warehouse? Large, can hold hundreds of thousands of stone grain.

"I see, time is urgent, I'll do it."

"Wait a minute." Ye Shikai suddenly called.

"Lao Ye, is there anything else?"

"My principal and I were assassinated by assassins in the bamboo forest today. Do you know this?" Ye Shikai asked.

"Of course, although the protagonist will not let the guard talk about this, I already know it."

"I think this was done by the imperial court, so I suspect that they already know the truth of Wuxian County. If this is the case, we must protect these grains and ordnance." Ye Shikai especially warned that since ancient times, logistics have been the most important for the expedition An important part, especially now, the court knew their actions. If assassins were sent to burn these grains, it would be all over.

既然 "Since these assassins can silently lurk in the bamboo forest to attack my host and me, they can also sneak into the warehouse and manipulate the military food."

"Lao Ye, you can rest assured. I personally led troops to patrol around the warehouse in the past two days to ensure that there will be no problems." Shang Guanjian nodded.

"That's great, I'm at ease with you."


Late at night.

Ye Yekai did not fall asleep. Brother 20,000 was divided into four teams. One team was stationed in the city. The other three teams took turns to patrol to protect the safety of supplies.

Wu Chaoting is not a fool. If they know that it is impossible to remain indifferent if the grass is placed in Wuxian, they will try it even if it is difficult to succeed.

报告 "Report, it's bad, the granary suddenly caught fire, and the general Shangguan was leading the organization to put it out." Suddenly, a guard rushed in, shouting loudly, very anxious.

"Whatever, the guards come with me." Ye Shikai was startled. Although he had thought of this result countless times, he was still surprised and immediately stood up and went out.


Ye Shikai came to the fire. This is one of the warehouses. Hundreds of sergeants have fenced it around, and the rest have fetched buckets and came to the fire. The warehouses nearby were filled with cloth and straw. Not so many sergeant regiments surrounded and controlled the fire in this warehouse, then the situation was dangerous. A strong wind was blowing at night. If it was ignored, the fire would be out of control.

"Lao Ye, you're here." Shang Guanjian hurried over, his face was black, all smoked, and together with the fire, he personally stepped forward to extinguish the fire, and even his clothes were burned. some.

在 At the Yingling Fortress, Ye Shikai was hit by the opponent's plan, and more than a thousand brothers were burned to death. So when he saw the fire, he felt a bit overshadowed.

"Shangguan, are you okay." Ye Shikai asked quickly.

"Relax, I'm okay, but I was slightly rubbed by the flame." Shang Guanjian shook his head. "Lao Ye, I don't have the ability to let arson."

"It's okay, it's okay. You took someone to fight it in time, didn't let the fire spread, and minimized the loss. This is already a merit. You got a burn. Hurry up and see a medic. It's here." After waving, this is just a small warehouse with two or three hundred stone grains in it, as well as a dozen pieces of cloth. The loss is not great, which is a blessing.

Hundreds of sergeants kept transporting water, and soon the fire was put out. Ye Shikai didn't dare to carelessly, and sent 2,000 sergeants to guard him to ensure that there would not be any "dead end".

Camp account.

怎么 样 "How's the injury?" Ye Shikai asked.

"It's okay ~ ~ I rubbed some ointment to cure the burn, and it will be okay in a few days." Shang Guanjian nodded and asked anxiously, "Old Ye, how much we lost."

"Relax, not much. Hundreds of stone grains and a dozen pieces of cloth have no effect." Ye Shikai waved his hand.

"It is the carelessness of the generals that allows those fine works to be exploited."

"It's okay, it's not your fault." Ye Shikai knows clearly that if those arsonists are cultivators, it is not difficult to avoid the vision of ordinary sergeants.

"Sure enough, as I expected, those fine works have already turned their eyes to Wuxian. What will happen to Wuxian in the future if we are on the front line?" Ye Shikai couldn't help feeling a bit of pressure. Since ancient times, granaries have been the objects of key protection However, the practitioner is far faster than ordinary people in speed, and it is most suitable for sneak attack. Therefore, he must advise Yu Wen to send some practitioners to protect Wuxian County to prevent it from being attacked again by the Qin army.

The next day.

As soon as the sky was bright, Ye Shikai took dozens of guards and flew to Jiangling County.

"What's going on with General Ye?" Shouted the sergeant on the city.

"I have an urgent matter to sue the principal, and quickly open the gate."

"Oh, open the gate."

Eunuch House.

"What's wrong, I listened to the general who guarded the city and said, you rushed into the city just after dawn. Is something wrong in Wuxian County?" 芈 Wen asked.

"I am here to tell you something important."

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