Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1595: Cope

"There are no Qin Army guards in Houying. Our fleet should not be too close, so that they can be found by them." Ye Shikai ordered that the troops disembarked three miles away from Houying gate. Speaking, Qin Jun was too After focusing on what happened in the camp, he did not find that tens of thousands of rebels had landed in the rear.

"Zheng Lang's intentions are really stingy. At least 30,000 troops were used this time, and he occupied all the highs and lows in the periphery. When General Huo led the army into the camp, he completely blocked and killed him." Ye Shikai faintly saw the dense Qinjun crossbowmen standing on the hillside outside the front door of the camp. They were "unscrupulous" throwing arrows into the camp, and several doors were blocked by the Qin army.

"The Qin Army behind the camp was weak in defense. Why didn't General Huo break through from behind with his troops?" Mancang asked curiously.

"No, have you forgotten, here is Zhao He. Huo Ziqing did not know that we would lead the army, and naturally we would not break through behind. Otherwise, if no one answered, they would lean against the river, there is no way to retreat. When death comes, that's really desperate. "

"Yes, yes, yes, the general will think simple." Mancang slammed his brain and said again and again.

"But it is also a good opportunity for us. Qin Jun did not expect someone to come along to meet General Huo along the river, so he did not send many people to defend in the rear, which just gave us a chance."

"Listen to the army and charge me."

Kill it.


Ye Shikai rushed to the front. Qin Jun, who was behind the camp, heard the shouting God behind him, turned around, and found that tens of thousands of rebels were rushing towards them. Before they could react, the arrows shot. ...


"Fast, come with me." Ye Shikai runs his internal forces and moves very fast. He rushes into the army in a blink of an eye, holding a gun and a sword in one hand, like the same killing god, and it ’s not long before he can kill blood. The corpse is all over the ground.

"Come on, run away."


"Don't chase, quickly break through the walled gate." Ye Shikai shouted, the most important thing now is to respond to Huo Ziqing, these remnants don't matter at all.


Dozens of strong sergeants held siege hammers and hit the Zhaimen in turn, but they did not see the Zhaimen loose anymore.

"What's going on, smashing the walled door." Ye Shikai shouted.

"General, the gate is reinforced, and there are many heavy objects on the inside to block the door. It is difficult for our sergeant to crash."

"Flick off, let me come." Ye Shikai rushed to the front of the Zhaimen, with his hands on the front of the Zhaimen, running the internal force, the arms seemed to be filled with a thousand pounds of force. Han Zhaimen, who was difficult to break with the siege hammer, was pushed alive by one person.

"This ... the general is really divine."

"Yeah, how could a mortal move unless it is a god."

"Asshole, break it for me." Ye Shikai sighed, releasing all his strength.


"Oh my god, really pushed away."

"Yeah, it's rare in the world."

The heavy Zhaimen was pushed away stiffly, and the sergeants were so shocked that they forgot that they were now fighting, and in addition to admiring Ye Shikai, they had more awe in their hearts ...

"Follow me."


"Look at General Huo, it's General Ye who brought troops." At the same time, Huo Ziqing, who was fighting fiercely at the front door, also noticed the movement of the back door of the camp.

"What, how is this possible." In despair, Huo Ziqing turned his head sharply, with a look of astonishment.

"It is really General Ye. I saw his general."

"Really General Ye."


When the sergeants saw the reinforcements coming from behind, they thought it was an illusion, but they quickly reacted. This was not an illusion, it was a real reinforcement.

"General Huo is retreating from the back door, where there is a ferry boat to answer." Ye Shikai shouted loudly, in order to let everyone hear, he also ordered his subordinates to shout together, and soon, the voice spread throughout the camp.

"It's really General Ye, they're here to save us." Huo Ziqing almost cried with excitement. "Brothers, there is no such thing as a heaven, and everyone will follow me."



The remaining thousands of iron riders immediately turned their horses and ran to the back of the camp. In order to prevent the road from being blocked, Ye Shikai specifically instructed his subordinates to reserve a passageway in the middle to allow Huo Ziqing's iron riders to withdraw first, and then the full armored army Queen.

"Full positions, after the break."

"Relax, sir." Mancang nodded and rushed up with his subordinates. This army built after Wei Wu's death was a big ace under Ye Shikai. They were all strong men in the army. More than forty kilograms of battle armor, holding a halberd, a spear, a sword around his waist, and a strong bow and crossbow on his back. Once lined up, it is indestructible.

"Fast, go." Ye Shikai kept urging. Speaking, Huo Ziqing was indeed a good general, and the iron rider training was also disciplined. Although the losses were heavy, they did not lose their discipline when the crisis occurred, and they were chaotic and defeated, even if they retreated. There is also an orderly retreat.

Outside the camp.

"The newspaper ... reported to General Zheng, UU reading The back door of Yingzhai suddenly killed an army, with a population of no less than 10,000, fully armed, our army could not resist, and the back door had been opened."

"What, how is this possible? It is Zhao He outside the back door of the camp. Could these people have been killed from the city north of us?" Zheng Lang heard the news and was shocked to step down the war horse and yelled loudly.

"No, they seem to be coming by ferry."

"What, on the ferry."

"General, the thief must have raided our Lvlin ferry, where there are enough ferries for tens of thousands of people. In order to complete the general's plan, we deployed troops from various strongholds and camps. It is difficult to withstand the attack of 10,000 people. "The lieutenant general beside Zheng Lang explained.

"Abominable, is it that our plan has been seen through by them?"

"Unlike, if they saw it early, how could Huo Ziqing be sent to death? In addition, we still have the battlefield advantage. The thieves who came to help the battle should come to Huo Ziqing." Not all of Qin Jun's generals The wine bag and rice bag, not to mention, Ye Shikai's rescue intention is obvious. There are 30,000 Qin troops outside the camp, and they still occupy the high ground. It is impossible to defeat, so Zheng Lang quickly understood everything.

"You're right. In this case, we can't let them go any more." Zheng Lang's eyes flashed fiercely. "Pass me the order, the whole army must be let into the camp, and no one should be let go."

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