Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1609: Go to war

Ye Shikai pinned his hopes on Yiwen. His orders may not be easy to use, but the Yiwen is the protagonist. If she ordered them, those "old qualifications" would not dare to violate the law. When he was a general in the Qin army, I have also encountered such a situation, but whether it is Han Hao in Hanoi County or Ma Yao in East County, he "requires everything" and "cares and adds" to Ye Shikai's needs. Even if the generals of my colleagues do not envy envy or hate, they dare not count him behind.

"Oblique General, the ordnance has arrived at the camp." At this time, an officer rushed over on a fast horse, Ye Shikai turned his head to look at him, his body was all dust, his face was dirt, the whole person seemed to have just come out of the quagmire. It crawls out the same.

"Why are you so embarrassed."

"General Uighur, his subordinates ... The subordinates took their brethren to the camp with them overnight, and encountered a mud in the middle of the road ... dirty clothes, the situation is urgent, and they can't wait to change their clothes and come to the obituary. Excuse me. "

"Hard work, you did a good job, the army defeated Wancheng, and you have done a great job." Ye Shikai nodded comfortably, a long leader who still understood the principle of unity, those generals with heavy soldiers were fighting in the back. sad.

"Thank you, General, thank you."

"Shangguan, let's go back, tomorrow morning, this is the battlefield."

"it is good."

Ye Shikai didn't sleep for almost a night. For the practitioner, this doesn't make him feel exhausted, but the situation in front of him is quite anxious. Looking at the map repeatedly for a long time, now the lives of tens of thousands of people are holding In his hands, Wancheng is a strong city. Although Zheng Lang now has only 20,000 recruits, with the city defense, they can still resist. On the contrary, Ye Shikai has only 30,000 people. , But it is still difficult to break through in one fell swoop.

"Lao Ye, otherwise, transfer the troops of General Zhang Lan and Wang Lian back to help, if the 50,000 army siege the city, within three days, Wancheng will break."

"No, if the Qin Army ’s reinforcements slammed behind us while we were attacking the city, when Zheng Lang attacked the city again, our army would be defeated on both sides, and there would be no doubt that there would be no possibility of retreating. The whole army was annihilated. "Ye Shikai directly refused. The siege was risky and there was a risk of" anti-encirclement ". Those generals did not send troops, so he had to split his troops to guard the passage to prevent the Qin army from attacking.

"so what should I do now."

"I attacked three gates, then concentrated on the east gate."

"East Gate, why choose the East Gate, where the city defense is the strongest, and the city gate is also very heavy, and our main force is in the South Gate, the East Gate ... I am afraid I can't attack it."

"Because of this, Zheng Lang also knows that we have assembled heavy troops at the South Gate, so we will definitely increase the South Gate's garrison. We must be surprised and attack the East Gate. As long as we can break through one gate, Nawan City is not counted. It's broken. "

"Well then, I'll notify Mancang, and let him sneak into the East Gate with the Iron Armor Army tomorrow. The Iron Armor Army is the elite of the army, and their siege is slightly their masterpiece." Shang Guanjian was about to leave and was stopped by Ye Shikai.

"Wait a minute."

"Lao Ye, is there anything else?"

"Tomorrow will leave the South Gate to attack." Ye Shikai hesitated for two seconds before saying a word.

"Why, no one is more suitable than siege of the Iron Armor." Shang Guanjian was shocked. He did not expect Ye Shikai to make such an arrangement.

"That's why." Ye Shikai coughed twice and explained, "Zheng Lang knows us well, he knows that the warehouse is my confidant, and the Iron Armor is my trump card. This army is wearing heavy armor. Gaocheng Shenchi is a strong weapon for attacking the ground, so no matter which door I put the Iron Armor in, he will think that it is our main attack direction, and he is convinced that it can just confuse him. "

"That's it." Shang Guanjian nodded slightly, then raised his head and looked at Ye Shikai, who was serious about his heart.

"Lao Ye, is it just for this reason."

"Yes, of course."


The next day.

"Are you ready?"

"Fall the general, the North Gate is ready."

"East Gate is ready."

"Simon is ready."

"The South Gate is also ready." Mancang followed Ye Shikai's orders and left the Iron Armor at the South Gate. Perhaps because of the conversation between him and Ye Shikai that day, the war was imminent. Instead of being agitated, he was a bit lost. He already knew The "protagonist" of this siege battle is not him.

"Well, all the troops listen to the orders and start a war." Ye Shikai slowly pulled out his sword and pointed at the city, roaring loudly.



When the city gates were on all sides, tens of thousands of people rushed forward, and the scene was spectacular. This was the first time Ye Shikai commanded the army to attack the city. He did not dare to take the slightest care.

快 "Come on, put the trebuchet on me."


More than a dozen trebuchets hurled huge stones at the same time, smashing against the city walls, the stones collided, making a deafening impact sound, this sound just made people tremble ~ ~ 嗖, 嗖, 嗖.

At the same time, Qin Jun's crossbowmen in the city also dropped arrows. Many brothers fell along the way. As the commander, Ye Shikai was distressed, but there was no way. This was the price of siege.

Zheng Lang is standing on the gate of the south gate. Ye Shikai can even see him with his naked eyes. If he is not worried about his identity, he really wants to fly up with his internal force and kill him directly.

"Fast, give me an arrow." Zheng Lang walked around the city walls to oversee the battle. Most of the defenders who came to the city were temporary recruits. Without training, the war started. If it wasn't for the city wall, they would be early. I was frightened. When I saw the boulders thrown by the trebuchet, they smashed people into meat sauce. They were frightened and shivered.

"Hurry up, stand me up to meet the enemy." Zheng Lang grabbed a soldier who was running backwards and slashed him with a sword.

"Retreat without authorization, face the fearless warrior, kill without amnesty."



快 "Hurry up, aim at the thief below, and shoot me an arrow."

The Qin Army in the city, relying on its strong bow and crossbow and its sturdy wall, caused a lot of casualties to the insurgents. The arrow was raining, and the sergeant just fell in half as soon as he got up ...

"General, now the brethren are fighting in blood, and will eventually fight as the leader of the Iron Armor." At last, Mancang still couldn't stand it. He and thousands of Iron Armor stood at the South Gate. This was originally an assault. They still acted as The reserve force is tantamount to standing behind and watching.

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