Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1658: What to do

Ye Shikai behaved very fearlessly. On the one hand, he is not a runaway person. As a man and a commander, these responsibilities are still there. On the other hand, Lu Wen will not kill him, let alone his life ... ...

"Remove all the guards. I just went to see the protagonist. What a big move to do." Ye Shikai waved his hand, motioned for the guards to disperse, and asked for a fast horse alone, intending to go to the camp of Yuwen alone.

"Lao Ye, wait a moment." Suddenly, Shang Guanjian whip his horse, came to Ye Shikai, and stopped him.

"Shangguan, what are you doing here?"

"Nonsense, the dissolution of the army is the decision of the two of us, not to mention, you are the commander in chief, and I am the deputy commander, and you say I want to go."

"Well, let's go." Ye Shikai hesitated a moment, still agreed to Shang Guanjian's request. He knew the personality of this partner. In the face of such a thing, even if he resolutely opposed, Shang Guanjian would still go and be able to He also feels very relieved to have a brother who is willing to be born and die together in this "unfamiliar" era.



"Who is coming?" As soon as Ye Shikai and Shang Guanjian arrived at the door, they were stopped by the Sergeant.

"Some brethren, please come in and let me know, and say that we will meet the principal to discuss matters." Ye Shikai said lightly.

"You ... are you General Ye."

"You know me." Ye Shikai was a little shocked, and unexpectedly he was recognized.

"See General Ye, the guard army is responsible for the security of the principal. At that time, when he was in Linxiang City, the villain was fortunate enough to witness the general's true appearance. The villain went in and reported, please wait for the army." The soldier hurried in In the camp, it didn't take long to return.

"The two generals, please, the Lord is waiting for the two in the camp."

"Shangguan, just stay outside the camp. There are some things that I want to talk to the protagonist personally."

"Well, Lao Ye, if you pay more attention to safety, I will be outside the camp. If anything happens to you, call me at any time."

"it is good."

Ye Shikai intends to go into the camp alone to discuss with Wenwen, and then releases his sword to the guard outside the account and walks in alone.

"Come to see me so late, what's the big deal." Wu Wen, in a suit, was sitting in the center, she looked quite "feeling", but she is really beautiful, even with modern people From the perspective of her, she can also be called a big beauty, but ... as a protagonist, it is not appropriate to dress like this.

"Now that you know, why bother asking again." Ye Shikai continued, "Listen to the report of the local defense force commander, you will be here in the morning, and you have been waiting for us here, and you should be clear about our every move." Ye Shikai said lightly.

"You're half right. I can tell you every move, but I didn't come here in the morning. Actually, I arrived here yesterday. This morning is the time when the Guards arrived." In front of Ye Shikai, her tone of voice was scornful, and a smile was raised at the corner of her mouth. This smile was a "confident" smile. Although Wen Wen was not on the battlefield, she could "see everything". This is the source of her confidence.

However, at this moment, this smile made Ye Shikai feel "disgusted".

"You are so bold that you dared to disband the troops without permission." Su Wen suddenly gave a cold yell. Ye Shikai suddenly felt a cold on his neck. Looking down, Yu Wen ’s sword was already on his neck.

"You know, it is a capital crime to dissolve the army without permission. Not to mention, your army is elite in the army. It took me a few years to train, but now it is gone."

"If you want to kill me, you can do it now." Ye Shikai raised his hands and did not resist. On the contrary, he also raised his hands and "captured."

"Ha ha." Su Wen suddenly laughed and put away his sword.

"Why are you laughing."

"You are expected that I will not kill you, oh no, it should be said that I cannot kill you. You are a cultivator and powerful. Even if I do something to you, you have many ways to escape."

"Yi Wen, those sergeants were recruited by you personally, and you have been with you for several years. How cruel this battle is, you haven't seen it. The soldiers are not ten at all. As a commander, I will not only be responsible for the success or failure of the battle. , Also be responsible for their fate, I can't ... can't let them all die in a foreign land. "Ye Shikai persuaded" bitterly, "he now understands the so-called mercy, maybe he has such a personality, Destined not to be a general.

"So you want me to show mercy and let these sergeants go home."

"Ahem, you can think so, if you watch this battle, I think you will understand."

"That's good ~ ~ Since you have sent these sergeants home, it doesn't make sense for me to go after them, but ... how do you want to carry the charges of dissolving the troops in private?" Turn and refocus the problem on Ye Shikai.

"How's it going?"

Ye Shikai slowly took off his body armor, as well as his helmet and jersey, neatly aside.

"what do you mean."

"I blame and resign. From now on, I am not a general, but a civilian. All the rewards you give me, I will send people back to the government." Ye Shikai said lightly.

"No, I don't agree." Yun Wen refused directly.


"You disbanded the army, and now I still have one less general, isn't that a big loss?"

"Then what do you want," Ye Shikai asked.

"Of course it's Daisong and meritorious deeds, otherwise what do you want?" Wu Wen sneered. "It's impossible, you really want me to kill you."

"Never mind that, it's better to wear crime and make a contribution." Ye Shikai "suggested in seconds," and breathed a long sigh of relief.

"Che, I thought you were really not afraid of dying." Tong Wen snorted coldly, throwing a big white eye.

"If you are a person, you are naturally afraid of death. Whoever wants to die is born."

"Well, if you just put you on the battlefield to wear your crimes and make a contribution, it will be too cheap for you, death is unavoidable, and you cannot escape the crime of being alive." Yu Wen turned sharply, and his sharp eyes made him tremble.

"Otherwise, I donate some money, treasures and things, as if it were an expense of re-recruiting soldiers and horses."

"Well, when I was in business, you didn't know where. You thought a little money would allow me to forgive your sins," said Wen Wenrong.

"But I can't give you anything else. You have everything I have. Otherwise, what do you want to do?"

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