Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1676: Substitution

"What." Ye Shikai yelled, and the officers responsible for training the recruits immediately knelt down in fear that he would kill several people when he was angry.

"Explain it to me," Ye Shikai shouted.

"Half a month ago, there were rumors in the army saying that the army would be recruited to conquer Ba Shu, and ... it was also said that even if the victory was won, it would be a life of nine deaths, difficult to survive, and the rumors spread more and more. The hearts of the people were disturbed, and the army was unstable. This time, the recruits took turns to train, and some sergeants did not even come. "

Ye Shikai finally understood it. Although it is true that the next year ’s expedition to Bashu is true, rumors always add fuel and vinegar. Although there may be casualties, it is impossible to exaggerate. Bashu does not have the main force of the Qin army, and once the wolf descends south Xianyang will fully defend the Great Wall, and there will be no soldiers to support Ba Shu. The casualties cannot be so large.

Obviously, someone must have done it deliberately, the purpose was to scare these recruits and disturb the army. Moreover, in the current situation, the rumors were very "successful" and had made many sergeants dare not come to train.

Ye Shikai was also quite embarrassed for a while. To be precise, this rumor is true. The army's felling of Shu next year is a matter of nailing, so he ca n’t “remove rumors”, but since he has to admit it, how can he explain to the sergeants? If it means that there will be no war in the year, when the time comes for the expedition, the generals will realize that they have been deceived, and the army's heart will collapse immediately.

"We have ordered officials to investigate the names of sergeants who evade training, and they will be severely punished."

"Strict punishment does not solve the problem, especially the military heart. Only by truly uniting up and down can we win the battle. If the strict punishment by laws and regulations also solves the problem, then there will not be so many insurgents everywhere." Ye Shikai looked dignified, Frankly speaking, this matter can be big or small. If it is dealt with, the rumor will be "disappeared." If it is not dealt with, I am afraid it will be difficult to say, but at least for now, there is still a chance for remedy.

"You guys, listen to me. If you return to the army, if anyone talks about this, you will be punished severely. In addition, pay attention to whether Qin Jun's agents sneak into the barracks and deliberately disturb the army. If suspicious Staff, immediately take down the questioning. "Ye Shikai ordered.



"General Ye, what about those sergeants who escape training?"

"Do what you want to do, remember, it's better to deal with it lightly, if it can be persuaded," Ye Shikai still can't bear the hardships of those deserters. After all, anyone is afraid of death. Not to mention someone with a family around.

"In addition, no one pays some copper coins to the sergeants who come to train. You don't need a lot to encourage them, at least." Ye Shikai said lightly.


"What's wrong?" Ye Shikai asked coldly, seeing a few people in disgust.

"According to regulations, if you want to reward the entire army, you must get permission from the protagonist, and now ... the protagonist has not yet ordered."

"I am one of the commanders of the Chu army. Now the 20,000 troops here are under my command. I want to reward his subordinates, and I also need the order of the protagonist."

"General Ye, we all understand what you said, but this is an order given by the protagonist himself. If we violate it, I'm afraid we can't eat it."

Ye Shikai was angry, and he did not send it out for a long time. The reward and punishment was only a "common meal" in the army. As the coach of the 20,000 troops, if he could not even take care of these small things, then what is the command? military.


Ye Shikai returned to the camp, screaming angrily, flipping the table directly to the ground.

"Lao Ye, what's wrong with you, such a fire." Shang Guanjian asked.

"Those bastards, even giving rewards to the army for such things, have to push back three obstacles." Ye Shikai filled his mouth with cold water, and then he dispelled the anger and told the matter to Shangguanjian again.

"Lao Ye, most of the generals were directly inserted by the protagonist." Shang Guanjian only returned a sentence. Ye Shikai already understood the meaning of his words. Since it was a general who was inserted by Yunwen, it was naturally her close friend. Compared with Ye Shikai's Military orders, they naturally obey the military orders of Ye Wen. On the surface, Ye Shikai is the commander-in-chief, but these generals are not his close friends, and there will naturally be many obstacles to the execution of the order.

"It won't work like this, these key positions must be replaced by our own people, at least, those people must obey my orders."

"Lao Ye, this matter must be taken care of, or else if this continues, the position of commander-in-chief will be a vanity." Shangguanjian advised.

"It seems that it is the right time for me to solicit doormen." Ye Shikai stood up. "I have selected some of those doormen who are good at battle, and he intends to bring them all ~ ~ Arranged in important positions. "

Ye Shikai's arrangement was also based on many considerations. Generals' disagreement is a taboo for soldiers, and these gatekeepers are his confidantes. They would rather violate the order of the scriptures and obey Ye Shikai's order. It just happens to come in handy.

"It's true that you can better control this army by putting in your dears, but ... does the Lord ’s Guild agree? If you replace so many officers, all of you will be replaced by delinquents. I ’m worried that the Lord ’s Guild will intervene.”

"She didn't agree that I would do the same. Since the principal asked me to command the army, what if I change some generals? I'll change this person, and I'll change it immediately, cut and play." Ye Shikai said firmly.


Ye Shikai has always said that he can do it, not to mention that today's things have made him very annoyed, sergeant training is lazy, and there is even a "desert soldier". The officer did not obey his orders. In the afternoon, I replaced all thirty generals. The entire unit was "changing blood", and naturally it was his close relatives. Of course, Ye Shikai was not just a pro, not a wise man. These replaced officers Through his "screening", his command and combat ability is not weak, and he is also brave and good at fighting. He is by no means greedy for life and fear of death.

As for the officers who were replaced, Ye Shikai was also disposed of properly, and each person issued fifty-two silver. This money was Ye Shikai's private property. In this way, he was not afraid of falling into tongues.

"Lao Ye, the candidates have been changed."

"Well, is there any movement in the army?" Ye Shikai was worried that changing all officers at once would lead to mutiny among his subordinates, so he was also very "careful" when handing over.

"It's nothing, the sergeants are training normally, and they have no major impact."

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