Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1723: Desperately

"My lord, there are too many Chu troops coming in, and they are all diverging into the forest. We can't drag it." The dark guard saw the signal and rushed to gather, but the results were not ideal, although it was delayed for a while. Chu Jun, but he also lost more than 20 brothers. Although Chu Jun suffered thousands of casualties, but for tens of thousands of Chu Jun, this is only nine cattle and one hair, defeating one batch, there will be the next batch, can not be beaten at all.

"Okay, all of them are withdrawn one after another. Even if we are desperately dead here, it will not help. We stayed in the mountains, no worries and no firewood. This stronghold, I don't want it anymore." Ye Shikai took two boxes of mines from the storage ring. This is his last survival. Even bullets and grenades are scarce. I knew that today would be the situation. When Ye Shikai was in Europe, he should hit the arsenal in the storage ring.

"Each person will take two, and bury this thing on the way into the forest, each two feet apart, remember, handle it lightly." Ye Shikai commanded.

"Master, what is this?" Dark Wei looked at the thing like a "discus" in his hand and asked curiously.

"Living things, less nonsense, rush to bury."



Following the orders of Ye Shikai, the dark guards buried all the mines in the soil, and then retreated toward the stronghold.

After twenty minutes.

Ye Shikai and An Wei hurried back to the stronghold. He Linghan saw them coming back, which made him breathe a sigh of relief, and he felt a little more secure. The sergeants opened the gate and let them in.

"Hurry up, seal the Zhaimen, they will come soon." Ye Shikai shouted loudly, the sergeant behind him quickly closed the Zhaimen, sealed the door with wooden boards, and blocked the heavy objects behind.

"Linger, why did you come out, yes, why haven't you left yet?" Ye Shikai shouted loudly. The situation was urgent, and he was very anxious, and his tone was a bit rushing.

"I ... I'm waiting for you here."

"Naughty, it's too dangerous now, Mancang, you take a team of brothers to **** her to retreat from the back road, go straight out of the cave, there is a big river in the distance, there is a boat I made for you, you cross the river immediately, although Chu Jun There are many people, but there are no ferries, and no one can get through, so as long as you cross the river, you are naturally safe. "

"Well, sir, I must protect Xunzi." Man Cang was ordered, he is a trustworthy person, Wu Yi Gao Qiang, gave He Linghan to him, Ye Shikai can rest assured.

"Wait a minute, I'll go first, then you." He Linghan asked.

"After the cave, we have no horses, we can only walk across the river, the speed is too slow, if all evacuated, the Chu army will catch up with us, so I must stay and delay." Ye Shikai continued, "Go, hurry up. "

"Sister, please come with me."

"Linger, rest assured, I will definitely go back alive." Before leaving, Ye Shikai still gave her a hug. He Linghan was not vulnerable, but if it was related to his safety, it would be inevitable.


Suddenly, there was a sound of explosion in the distance. Chu Jun had already entered their "landmine array". The density of their mines was not small, but at best they were only delaying them. The Chu army was tens of thousands and was not afraid of death.

"Hurry up, quickly." Ye Shikai shouted, Mancang quickly pulled He Linghan away from the cave behind the waterfall. Ye Shikai slowly turned around and looked at the hundreds of brothers in front of him. Although the army was approaching, there was no one in his eyes. Reveal fear.

"Brothers, you were both born and died with me. I promised you that I would take you to a place without war, so that you can all live in peace, but now it seems that I want to keep my word." Ye Shikai murmured. .

"There are tens of thousands of troops outside, and once they come in, they will kill the war, one will not stay, and I can tell you that people like us cannot resist them at all, but I ask you, are you afraid?"

"Not afraid."

"Not afraid." Baby

"Not afraid."

Shouted the sergeants.

"General, since we have followed you, we are going all the way to the end. Since the people outside do not intend to let us go, what are we afraid of? Fight with them."

"Yeah, fight, what are you afraid of."

"Spell it, fight with them."

"Well, we'll fight with them today." Ye Shikai was very relieved, frankly, when he learned that he had an undercover, he couldn't help feeling a little bit chilled, but now it seems that he is lucky to get so much Brothers who live and die together, even if only one of them is faithful, he feels worth it.

Ye Shikai took all the remaining arms out of the storage ring. There were more than fifty rifles and thousands of bullets. He sent all the guns to the dark guard. When he was jailed before, Ye Shikai was forced to use the "modern Weapons ", so the dark guard also learned how to use it. This is not something that should have appeared in this era. Ye Shikai didn't want to use it, but in the current situation, don't be afraid that even life is gone ...

"The Chu Army cannot carry a ladder and a siege hammer, so they can only let the sergeant hit the door and wait for the people behind him. They only need to hit the door ~ ~ Ye Shikai instructed.



"Wait a minute." Ye Shikai stopped them suddenly.

"Sir, what else is up?"

"Come on, tell dozens of brethren to take buckets of water, wet the Zhaimen and store some more water."

"Sir, why is this."

"Don't ask more, execute the order."



It didn't take long for the Chu army to appear distantly in the distance. The explosion of landmines did not stop along the way. Naturally, there were no equipment for mine clearance in this era. The obituary used the life of the Chu army to detect mines. I can't bear it. These brothers were his subordinates before, but now they have to fight for your life. If it is pain, he should be the most uncomfortable.

Over the years, he has fought many battles, and now in retrospect, many of them are meaningless killings. The soldiers are nothing more than ambition pawns, which can be discarded at any time. The soldiers themselves did not even think of fighting. Who is not looking forward to peace in the world.

"Master, look, the Chu army is here." A dark guard pointed at the distance and said, he could even see the head of the sergeant in the front row.

Ye Shikai picked up the rifle, aimed at the leading officer, hesitated for a while, but still did not pull the trigger, and instead lowered the muzzle by two inches.


The bullet hit the lead officer's feet, scaring him, and the army of the Chu army stopped.

"Sir, you are ..."

"Don't shoot them directly, deter them with gunfire."

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