Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1747: "resurrection"

"Fu Jun, hold on." He Linghan fluttered to tears in Ye Shikai's arms, Ye Shikai was pierced with a sword by Ye Wenkai, and he could even feel that the power was flowing a little bit, his limbs were heavy, he never felt Raising his arms was so laborious, and his eyelids were heavy, as if he had been filled with lead. Ye Shikai did not feel much pain. His nerves were weakening, and the pain was not so obvious. Blood flowed from the chest and abdominal wounds. He also There was no feeling, as if this was not his body.

He Linghan's tragic cry and panic obituary reflected in her eyes. Her expression was like a good child who had missed someone and killed someone. She could still hear her sobbing. She had returned to God, but It seemed that she could not accept all this, or that she didn't believe what she was seeing at all.

"Linger, you ... you go quickly, survive, survive ..."

The eyelids are very heavy. It seems that only the brain is still supporting the whole body. He began to lose consciousness, and gradually lost his ability to think. He murmured in his mouth, leaving only a sentence "Live".

Along the way, he and He Linghan have experienced so many things, nothing more than to live, sometimes even life can not be talked about, he even has to think about how to survive, Ye Shikai never thought that he would die, escape from death Too much, it always gives people an illusion, seems to be favored by God, and can never die.

If his death today can bring peace to the people around him, so will it.


At the last moment when he lost his consciousness, he faintly heard a loud noise. This was the sound of thunder and lightning. The enchantment seemed to be broken by the thunder and lightning. Ye Shikai wanted to open his eyes to see, but his eyelids seemed to be locked. Opening, then, he felt a bright light around him, even if he closed his eyelids, he could still feel that, immediately, there was a great heat, as if in a fire.

It's hot, it's really hot.

He could not feel the existence of the body, of course, at this moment he should be dead, but Ye Shikai could clearly feel the existence of consciousness. It is reasonable to say that after death, the brain will stop functioning, the dust will return to the dust, and the soil will return to the earth. But he has a clear perception, isn't this the soul of a person after death, or ... he's about to be reborn.

人 No one knows what will happen after death, and no one is sure whether such a thing as spiritual consciousness exists. After all, it is impossible for people who enter the gate of ghosts to come out and tell the living people the answer. Perhaps this is the state after death.

Ye Shikai did n’t know how long it had been, maybe ten minutes, maybe a day, maybe a year, or maybe even longer. He had no reference, no watch, no sun and moon, and naturally no concept of time. In fact, Time was originally invented by man. In a deeper dimension, time should be redefined ...


In the midst of ambiguity, Ye Shikai felt "abnormal", except for his spirit, he seemed to have other sensations, as if ... it was tactile, this was impossible, maybe it was too long, and he even forgot how it felt .

Finally, Ye Shikai felt the light, no longer the "deep" black, but the light.

A moment later, he opened his eyes. New

Yes, it ’s the eyes. Although Ye Shikai did n’t know how long, but he still remembered this organ. Although his consciousness disappeared, his spirit was still there.

Soon after, he began to "move". With his legs and hands, he felt cold. The touch from his skin made him feel "cold" again.

"Here ... where." With a little feeling, Ye Shikai moved his body hard. After tens of minutes, he slowly got up from the ground.

When he restored his vision, he could see the scene in front of him clearly. It seemed ... it was a secret room, there was no light around him, and he stumbled in the dark.

"Strange, shouldn't I be dead?" Ye Shikai said faintly, death can't be resurrected, is it possible ... he was really born.

Ye Yekai touched the clothes on his body. There was no light. He couldn't see clearly, but by touch, he could feel that many parts of the clothes were broken.

Ye Yekai shook his head, and memories began to flow into his head. He remembered ... that day, his heart was suspended and he died.

"Damn, many things can't be remembered." Ye Shikai patted his brain and touched his hands. Fortunately, the storage ring was still here, Ye Shikai was operating his internal force, took out the flashlight, and saw the light again. Feeling a little "excited", however, when he saw the scene in front of him clearly, he was startled again ...

There are a lot of mouths on this dress, especially the abdomen and chest. Not only there are mouths, but also blood stains. In fact, there are many blood stains on this dress, and of course he will not be unfamiliar. The court wears those holes, which are naturally cut by the scriptures. As for the blood, he is even more impossible to forget.

That is, ~ ~ He came here after he died on the execution ground. Ye Shikai lifted his clothes, and those wounds have healed. If it was not for a shallow scar, Ye Shikai would even doubt whether he was Really got stabbed by the sword.

He put his hand on his chest and his heart was still beating. Although he was weak, he knew that his body was slowly recovering. At the beginning, he had difficulty getting up. Now he can start walking, holding The flashlight looked around, it seemed like ... it was a tomb.

The coffin was placed in the middle of the coffin, and there was no word around it. Of course, Ye Shikai did not plan to open the coffin cover, and it was not a good thing to disturb the rest of the dead. He just wanted to figure out where it was and how to go out.

Since this is the burial chamber, and the person in the coffin is not him, then two things can be explained. First, this is not his grave, and second, he should have been placed here.

But whose grave is this, Ye Shikai is a little curious, but there is no text on the surrounding wall, and he cannot find it. In addition, compared to the identity of the grave owner, he is more curious about how to leave here.

When he came to a stone door, Ye Shikai groped with his hands. Suddenly, he felt a depression. There seemed to be an organ here. He reached down and pressed it hard. The stone door opened slowly. There was a graveway outside. Ye Shikai walked along the graveway. I walked forward, I do n’t know how long it was, and it was another huge stone door. He still tried to find the institution, but this time, he did n’t find it. Unlike the stone door in the grave chamber just now, the "big stone door" in front of him was double-opened. As if it were a city gate, it was pushed hard without moving, and the outside seemed to be blocked.

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