Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1754: dissuade

"I did n’t want to threaten you, but you ca n’t go back. Besides, even if it is true that Zilun said that Kunlun Mountain has the power to travel through time and space, what confidence do you have to cross the Qin Dynasty accurately and if you return What to do in the Stone Age, and even earlier, what do you do, and ... if you ca n’t come back, what do we do? "Su Qingyu advised, looking at the person in front of him, Ye Shikai's heart finally calmed down It came down as if He Linghan was standing in front of him.

Is he still in love with Su Qingyu, maybe? Otherwise, why did he go to Qin Dynasty, he was immediately attracted by the identical appearance of He Linghan. At first, he and Su Qingyu were divorced. It was a last resort for the children in the belly of Chen Yuxin. After he got married, he didn't have a happy day until he went to Qin Dynasty and saw He Linghan ...

"I understand everything you said. Qingyu, in fact, I have always felt guilty to you, but I cannot accept this result. Even if I really can't be with Linger, at least there should be an explanation." Ye Shikai continued Said.

世 Ye Shikai at this time is very painful, he can't go back, he doesn't even know if He Linghan is dead or alive, he is already dead under the sword of Yun Wen, then she should not kill He Linghan again ...

"In addition, I also thank you for coming to see me. You were right when I was in Qin Dynasty. Although I was real, but now I think it ’s really like a dream, but I ’m not Willing to wake up from a dream. "Ye Shikai walked past He Linghan and said that the fastest way to go to Kunlun Mountain is to go to the airport.

"Brother, you have just returned. Let's go back to Yanjing first. Kunlun Mountain is too dangerous now." At the airport, Zi Zhi still kept persuading.

"Yes, boss, everyone is on Kunlun Mountain now, it's just a fairy fight, you just came back, and the remaining Dark Guards have also gone up with Lord Luna, and it's too dangerous for you to go alone."

"Aster, worm, you go back with Qingyu, don't worry about me. Besides, do you still worry about my strength?" Ye Shikai comforted.

"Boss, is your internal force ..."

"It has completely recovered and is stronger than the original." Ye Shikai smiled slightly, both of them were shocked.

"That's great."

"Yes, the boss had been hunted by Doris because it had lost its internal strength. Now with the internal strength, the Hades will definitely return to its peak."

Looking at it from another angle, Ye Shikai went to Qin Dynasty. Although he disappeared for two months and suffered a lot, he was able to restore Dantian and recover his internal strength. Small, especially the danger from the master of cultivation, is sometimes more terrible than thousands of troops.

"Otherwise, you should return to Yanjing first." Su Qingyu still wanted to persuade, but was rejected by Ye Shikai.

"Just rest assured. I go to Kunlun Mountain to see acquaintances. Now they are all in Kunlun Mountain. I can't leave them there. I can help if they are in danger." Ye Shikai advised, I bought a plane ticket, passed the boarding gate, and flew to Kunlun Mountain.

"Commissioner Zhang, thank you very much for this time. I still have some things. You go back to Yanjing first." Su Qingyu said lightly.

"It's okay, but it's just a matter of convenience. I will go back on a business trip and return to the police station. I will leave first."

"Okay, be safe on the road."

After Zhang Ting drove away, Su Qingyu seemed to be in deep thought. Maybe she couldn't understand it for a while, or even couldn't react. After all, she didn't meet Ye Shikai for a long time. How could two years' experience be explained in two words.

"Ahem, bitch, are you going back to Yanjing next?" Zi Yan asked aside.

"Go back first, I want to ... go to Kunlun."

"Sister-in-law, Kunlun Mountain is not something we can go to. There are many practitioners there, and some of them are hostile to my brother. It would be dangerous if they let you know your identity," Ziyu advised.

"I will not go up the mountain, I will stay below and wait for him to come back." Su Qingyu bought the next flight to Kunlun.

"Sister-in-law, since you are determined to go, then I will go with you, too," said Zi Yan.

"Yeah, then I'll go too." When the worm saw this, naturally he was not willing to go back alone.

"Okay, you don't have to go." Zi Zheng advised "I have a lot of poison on my body. If there is a danger and I have a way to get away, you should go back quickly. Brother also said that there is a very important thing in the mobile phone. photo."


Kunlun Mountains.

"The big families in the front are really lively, but they are not smaller than the battles we have encountered abroad." Wang Kai looked at the "battlefield" not far away, but could not help but have some reluctance. The temple of war was destroyed, he and the rest His brother and the Hades would stay together and came to Kunlun Mountain together.

"This is of course. There are dozens of Huaxia's family members. If they are smaller, they are even more numerous ~ ~ In addition, the Kunlun Mountains remains no better than others. It is known as Huaxia's" Saint "Mountains, who dare to come here, are by no means ordinary characters." Ji Qian said lightly.

"Master God of War, haven't you come from Huaxia, don't you know?" Asked Soul Extermination.

"Ashamed, ashamed, I basically stay in the Temple of War and rarely come back. Many things about Huaxia don't understand. Unless Doris took advantage of the strength of the palace and broke the Temple of War, I wouldn't want to come." Wang Kay explained.

"Okay, be quiet." Ji Qian said, speaking, this time the Ji family can be said to come out of the nest, all the elders and experts in the family have been convened within a month, of course, not only Ji family The four major families of Yanjing, and the three major families of Chang'an have already practiced their families in Jiangnan and other places. It is not an overstatement to use "immortal fighting". After all, the Hades and Wang Kai are If the main temple forces come here rashly, I am afraid they will become the target of criticism, so Ji Qian let them all masked and follow her, which did not cause others to doubt.

"Miss, the owner ordered you to lead someone behind the team and be the queen of the team." Chen Ligong came here with a few members of the Baiwu Army.

"I see." Ji Qian nodded.

"In addition, we are close to a ruin, and there are many people from other families around, the owner told you not to take care, be careful."


"Mr. Luna, there are many practitioners in the vicinity. They have fallen into a scuffle. The best choice is to detour." Nightmare said lightly.

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