Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1777: Coalition collapse

"But we don't even know where the Moon God is now and how to find someone." Wang Kai was a little irritable, and the ghost could understand that the man in the Temple of War had only one light pole commander left, and he didn't care about the so-called " The power rises and falls ", but everyone who died is his brother. There used to be hundreds of people in the Temple of War, and they are now killed. In fact, not only the Temple of War, but also the Temple of Moon. Since Ji Qian After returning to Ji's house, the Luna Temple became an empty shell. After several fierce battles, the personnel decreased sharply. Now most of them are next to Ji Qian, and some remain in Yanjing as the "intelligence department of the Luna Temple." "As for the Hades, although the structure is still there, the four Hades are also there, but the scale is not as good as before.

"Since the Chen family has taken this road instead of the avenue, it means that this must be a shortcut. If we want to find Ji's home, the only way is to continue along this road." Ghost analyzed.

"What, we must continue to follow the Chen family, we have just been found, so we will send members of the film agency to kill us after Ming, if we follow, will not we die?" Fanghu objected.

"You're right, but right now, we only have this way, can't we just gamble? The shadow agency is a sharp blade in the hands of Minghou. After fighting with us, they also suffered heavy casualties. If she wants to go to In the end, it's the least impulsive to fight for both of us in order to kill us, which will only make other families cheaper. "

"I agree with Ghost's opinion. My brethren are gone, even if they are dead." Wang Kai insisted on a battle. Although Magic Fox does not want to take risks, it seems that they have only this way.

"Okay, let's rest here tonight, and wait until dawn, then start, nightmare, you'll hurry up."

"it is good."

The crowd rested in the cave. They were not sure whether the shadow agency was still pursuing, so they did not dare to sleep at all. The four took turns to "stand guard" to prevent someone from sneaking in.

The next day.

Family camp.

"Have you heard that just last night, more than 30 people were frozen to death, and hundreds of others were frostbite wounded to their hands and feet, making walking difficult?"

"That's not it. In such cold weather, at least dozens of degrees below zero, now the tents are not enough, not even the thicker clothes, and staying out for a night, isn't it frostbite? . "

"Looking at the snow, it may be colder, and I don't know how many people will freeze to death next night."

People from all the families talked about it, so many people froze to death and frostbite, but they did n’t feel much shock except for regret. When they came to the ruins of Kunlun Mountain, they might not be able to return at any time. These freeze-dead people are better than those who were Kill those monsters and eat them.

"Send some people to send back those who can't move due to frostbite. All the rest are assembled."

"Zheng family, such a heavy snowstorm, if you go up, I am afraid it will be dangerous." Said a family owner.

"Zhangjiazhu, we have already killed many people in Kunlun Mountains. Even the crickets have come here. Is it because of a little snow and snow halfway now? If your Zhangjia dare not go up, but do n’t hinder others.”


Not only did the people in the families begin to talk to each other, but even the homeowners were arguing and quarrelling. Some people advocated forward, some advocated retreat, and others chose to stay here and wait for later ones. People sent supplies.

"It's so cold, if you insist on leaving, what if all freezes to death?"

"I think you are clearly timid, brave to die, starve to death. Anyone who wants to get the treasures in the secret place, go up the mountain with me. If you are afraid of death, don't come."

In the big account, more than 20 families have become so noisy, and many people have gathered outside. Of course, this is a meeting between the homeowners. Enchantments are set up outside the tent. Outsiders cannot hear the voice inside. of.

"Please be quiet, listen to my husband." Zheng Li, as the leader, naturally can't ignore it. The house owners are only for their own interests, and their opinions are different. I am afraid that it is not easy to coordinate. If there is no stalemate, everyone can only wait in place. Time-consuming.

"Master Zheng, it's up to you to give your opinion. Since we can't stand still, no one can persuade anyone, we still ask you to decide as a neutral party."


Zheng Li waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

"Since you already have different opinions that are intolerable, I will be dissatisfied no matter how I decide. If I do n’t decide, we will stay in place, which is tantamount to futility, so I think you should act independently. . "


"Master Zheng, what do you mean by that?"

"Right now, since some of you want to go in, some people want to retreat, you can't reconcile, so the only way is to go separately. Those who want to go in can go in, and those who want to retreat leave." Zheng Li The words have been very clear, the dissolution of the alliance, whether you want to go up the mountain, or want to go down the mountain, are at will.

"This ... OK, since our families can no longer agree, let's go our separate ways."

"let's go."

The owners left the camp one after another, and Ji Tao faced gloomy. He had expected that this would be the case. At first, the families were united because they encountered common problems and tended to benefit. Now, of course, they will split because of different interests. Zheng If Li chooses to favor one side, it will inevitably offend the other side's family. In the future, they will even be counted by them. It would be better to dissolve on the spot, so that neither side can be guilty.

"Master Zheng, he will retire in the next step," Ji Tao said as a slapstick.

"Brother Ji, walk slowly."


Outside the camp.

"Come on ~ ~ pack up and get ready to go. It's faster, it's warmer during the day, so you can hurry up."

"Father, what's the matter." Ji Qian stepped forward and asked, many families have begun packing, and each owner who walked out of the big account was ugly.

"It's gone, it's all gone." Ji Tao murmured.

"Do you mean ... other families?" Ji Qian asked.

"It's all for the benefit. They could join hands yesterday to be intimate, and today they can kill with a knife in the back."

"Father, then what shall we do next, forward or backward." Ji Qian asked back.

"Of course, we are moving forward. We sent down those people who were still too shallow, so there was no loss last night. The remaining people are the elite of the Ji family, enough to fight the cold."

"Okay, let's prepare early and start early, so that we can hurry more during the day."

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