Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1782: Find Ji's Home

"No comment." Ye Shikai said lightly, "Xinxin, my heart is determined, no matter what, Kunlun's secret realm I will go, and I still advise you to go down the mountain."

"No, if I go down the mountain now, you won't come to me again." Chen Yuxin is not stupid, she knows very well that Ye Shikai is disgusted with her now, this time she will find Ye Shikai, if she let go again He, who knows whether Ye Shikai will come back. In addition, the hardship in the Kunlun Mountains is also true. Just now, Ye Shikai was almost killed by the Snow Demon. If he goes further, the danger is even greater. In addition, there are Your Huaxia family, each of them has hundreds of people and thousands of people, but Ye Shikai is alone.

"Unless you swear, you will definitely come back."

Ye Shikai remained silent. What he wanted was to go back to find He Linghan. His feelings for Chen Yuxin were dead, but after all, she was still pregnant with her child. If Ye Shikai didn't care, she would still feel a little guilty.

"Sure enough, you didn't plan to come back at all." Chen Yuxin sneered. "Why, why are you doing this to me?"

"I once tried to fall in love with you, but I really ca n’t do it, neither of us can go back in time. Regarding the child, I am very guilty, but I will not escape this responsibility until the child is born And I will raise him. "

Chen Yuxin felt a terrible pain. When she heard this, all her illusions were broken. She knew why Ye Shikai hated her so much, but she couldn't accept the reality in front of her. She couldn't imagine life without Ye Shikai. In the two months she had gone missing, Chen Yuxin was very decadent and painful. She wouldn't have planned to come if she hadn't heard that Kunlun's secret place had the energy to travel through time and space.

"Xiao Kai, are you really ... going?"

"I said, I have to go."

"Okay, so I'll go with you, okay."

"Xiao Xin, you are pregnant, the crisis is here, you still don't want to go." Ye Shikai advised.

"Since you don't listen to me, why should I listen to you?" Chen Yuxin stepped forward, holding his hands tightly around his waist.

"Xiao Kai, I need you husband, and children need you father. I will never allow you to have any accidents. If you do, the only prerequisite is that I die first."

Chen Yuxin insisted on leaving together, but Ye Shikai could not hold her anymore, and finally she could only agree, which could not help but make him feel more guilty about Chen Yuxin.

"Homeowner, auntie, those snow fairies have been driven away by us and can go at any time." Chen Ruoya stepped forward to report.

"Okay, let's go now, don't delay any more." Chen Yuxin turned to look at Ye Shikai.

"Lower case, the families behind will follow soon, let's hurry up."



"Homeowner, three more people were frostbite, and the situation is very serious."

"Send a few people and send them all back." Ji Tao said lightly.


"Father, these days, people are suffering from frostbite every day. Not only our family, but other families' conditions are more serious." Ji Qian was a bit worried because she didn't know if the situation would be worse, but the temperature was true. On the decline.

"You're right." Ji Tao nodded slightly, marching with the Ji family, there are more than a dozen families, thousands of people, dozens of corpses fall on the road every few hours, Along the way, you can see the frozen practitioners lying on the side of the road. Before departure, the Ji family has ordered those who are weaker to return, and the rest are the elite of the Ji family, so many unnecessary points are avoided Casualties.

"Stop and rest for a while, and remind everyone to keep your body temperature. If you have frostbite, report it immediately."

"it is good."

The Ji family can be said to be at the end of all the families. It's not that Ji Tao is not in a hurry, but he is a man who likes to be pre-emptive. Now he is still a long way from Kunlun's secret realm, and there is nothing to grab the first place. Meaning, on the contrary, if there is an accident, the person who walks in the front must be the first to bear it, for example, those frozen practitioners on the roadside.

Late at night, camp.

Ji Qian was alone in the tent, and the fire was lit to warm it up. She took out a book to look at it and used it to relieve boredom. There were not many people in Ji's family who could talk to her. Ji Yu was her Sister, but Ji Yu is not a practitioner, so this time she did not come to Kunlun Mountain.

"What?" Suddenly, Ji Qian shouted, took out her dagger, and faced the door.

"Master Luna, it's us." Suddenly, a soft voice came from outside the account. Although the voice was not loud, Ji Qian could not recognize it. It was the voice of nightmare.

"It's you, come in quickly." Ji Qian said quickly, letting a few people outside the tent come in.

"It's great. I finally saw the fire, and it's almost cold." Wang Kai hurried to the fire to warm himself, the nightmare, the magic fox, and the ghost followed behind.

"I finally found you." Ji Qian was a little excited. After the avalanche, she lost contact with the generals of the Hades, and unexpectedly they found it.

"Wait a minute, why are there only four of you?" Ji Qian asked back, logically speaking, even if there was an avalanche, there would never be only four of them, but none of the members of the Three Temples had seen it.

"Where are the soul destroyers and the magic girls, why didn't they come?" Ji Qian asked in turn, the faces of the four people suddenly dropped.

"We encountered the ambush of the shadow organization, and the wind chimes and snow owls were all there. After the fierce battle, we lost many people and were seriously injured ..." Mengyun explained, slowly lowering her head.

"Death Soul is too badly injured, so I decided to let the magical Ji and the rest of the members send him down the mountain, and we will continue up the mountain." Ghost continued.

"You are doing it right." Ji Qian nodded, but she was more concerned that they were attacked by the film agency.

"How could you have been met by the people of the film agency." Ji Qian knows very well ~ ~ The film agency is a secret trump card of Chen Yuxin. How did they meet such a large Kunlun Mountain.

"This is a long story. We have been on the road since the avalanche. We just met the Chen family and followed in secret. We came here along an unmanned road, and there we were. The agency was ambushed. "

"The secret path is like this." Ji Qian suddenly realized, no wonder, no trace of the Chen family had been seen along the way. It turned out that Chen Yuxin had already walked along the path and walked in front of everyone.

"So, you haven't encountered the sound of nature."

"Team, what heaven, we came here along the path."

"Sure enough."

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