Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1784: Who is she

"Anyway, lower case, now that you're back now, don't leave anymore, I'm worried about you," Chen Yuxin advised.

"Okay, it's so late now, you still have to rest early. The environment is so bad, and you are pregnant with pregnancy, you really shouldn't come up with me." Ye Shikai didn't answer, but persuaded Chen Yuxin to take an early rest. Ye Shikai is Tie Cixin wanted to go up the mountain, and Chen Yuxin was the same obedience. He had to accompany him. Ye Shikai couldn't promise her, and he didn't have the heart to refuse directly.


Ye Shikai returned to the tent and lay aside. It didn't take long for the tent's zipper to slowly open and Chen Yuxin also came in. Ye Shikai was not surprised, he had expected it.

"Lower case, are you asleep?"

"As you can see, no." Ye Shikai replied coldly.

"Well, shall we talk? I haven't seen you for a long time these days, and I also want to know what happened." Chen Yuxin continued. "At the beginning you were going to the Holy Mountain to participate in the Lord God Conference. I would disagree. It's all the woman from Ji Qian ... "

"This has nothing to do with her." Ye Shikai interrupted her before Chen Yuxin finished speaking.

"In the beginning, I insisted on going to the Holy Mountain."

"Well, you're back now anyway, it's safe." Chen Yuxin didn't dare to anger him, so she had to answer everything. She hated Ji Qian in her heart, and even tried to get rid of her many times, but Chen Yuxin didn't dare. Doing this, one, if you start with Ji Qian, you are fighting the Ji family. Of course, because of Ye Shikai, she doesn't want to be hated by Ye Shikai.

"Xiao Kai, you crossed back to the Qin Dynasty, have you encountered any danger? There is no better place than now." Chen Yuxin gently hugged his waist and whispered in his ear.

"Dangerous, but there was no danger. At that time, I had no internal force and encountered war again. I almost died in the chaos. Speaking of it, I still thank you." Ye Shikai's tone was full of resentment against Chen Yuxin. Listen At this point, her body trembled violently, clutching Ye Shikai's clothes tightly with her hands.


"I don't want to hear this now. I'm a bit tired. I will continue to hurry tomorrow. You still have to return to your main account to rest." Ye Shikai turned to her side, Chen Yuxin didn't leave, but hugged tightly. He, this time Ye Shikai didn't stop, let her hold it like this, and fell asleep soon.

He had a long dream, and he seemed to be back on the execution ground that day ...

Ye Shikai saw that "himself" was lying in a pool of blood, and his chest had been dangling through. He Linghan hugged his body tightly, but the text was shocked and shocked. The sky was pouring rain. Ye Shikai was curious. At this time, he should be It's only right to cross back, but why is there still a "he" on the execution ground.

But soon, Ye Shikai figured it out. He was just dreaming. The contents were just fantasy, not that he really returned to Qin Dynasty.

Yi Wen's palm was loose, and her sword fell to the ground. Maybe she did not respond until the moment the sword came out. Ye Shikai had already died under her sword.

Ye Shikai died under her obsession. At this moment, her heart may be more painful than He Linghan.

According to previous experience, there will be a lightning split at this time, and Ye Shikai is brought back to modern times, but this did not happen in the dream, he was still lying there, He Linghan held his body tightly, and the obituary He also bent down slowly, stroking his chest.

Ye Shikai looked at He Linghan's heartbreaking heart, and his heart was extremely uncomfortable, but he had no choice but to watch silently beside him.

"It's you, it's all because of you." Suddenly, Ye Wen's eyes became blood red, and he suddenly clenched the hanging cymbals. Jian Feng arrived on He Linghan's neck. She didn't have any internal force, and her hands were not bound by chickens. How could it be the opponent of Wu Wen, and there were no helpers around him, the execution ground was set up, and outsiders could not enter at all.

"If it wasn't for you, how could she not agree to my request." Ye Wen was in a state of insanity. Ye Shikai had thought about what she would do after he was killed by She by mistake. She must be crazy. She would definitely Enraged at He Linghan, this is also Ye Shikai's most worried. If Wen Wen wants to start, killing her is easy.

"Yunwen, you are a lunatic." He Ling cursed coldly.

"Okay, since you love him so much, I'll send you to be buried with him." Yun Wen held up a sling, and fell suddenly.

"No." Ye Shikai exclaimed. The whole man sat up sharply, his eyes opened, and he was breathing heavily. This was a nightmare, but it was too real. Ye Shikai touched his back. Although the weather was very cold, But the clothes on the back had been wet with cold sweat, thinking day by night and dreaming at night. He always thought about He Linghan's things and naturally dreamed about her, but this result was the last thing he wanted to see.

Huh, Huh.

Ye Shikai took a long breath and calmed down after a long time. This is a dream, but it is very likely to happen.

The dream is a possibility of reality. He Linghan may not be killed by the scriptures. Instead, this nightmare strengthens Ye Shikai's determination to return to the Qin Dynasty. He must go back. Only in this way can He Linghan be rescued.

"Lower case."

Suddenly, a soft voice sounded beside him, Ye Shikai was taken aback. Just now the nightmare was too realistic, and he forgot that he was still sleeping beside him.

Chen Yuxin sat up slowly, her eyes were a little red and swollen, as if she didn't sleep well.

"Who is He Linghan?" Chen Yuxin asked suddenly.

"How do you know her ~ ~ Ye Shikai's heart trembled.

"You've been calling her name last night. You sweat a lot. Is it a nightmare?"

"Relax, I'm fine." Ye Shikai turned around and wanted to perfuse the past, but how sensitive Chen Yuxin is, if it is not a very important person, how could Ye Shikai call out names in dreams, and Chen Yuxin knows all his relationships Wang, but never heard of a man named He Linghan.

"What kind of person is He Linghan?" Chen Yuxin obviously did not intend to let go of this topic, she must know who this woman is.

"I'm still sleepy, let me sleep again." Ye Shikai waved perfunctoryly.

"No." Chen Yuxin swooped up and pulled Ye Shikai to sit up.

"Xiao Kai, who is this He Linghan, do you insist on going to Kunlun's secret realm, is it for her?" Chen Yuxin associates the two things. In fact, it is also very easy to think that during the day, Ye Shikai did not mention going to the mountain. The reason is that now that he does not speak of He Linghan's identity, Chen Yuxin is not stupid and can think of it all at once.

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