Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1795: Look for

"Lord, the families behind will catch up soon, let's speed up." Feng Ling reminded.

"Okay, lower case, let's go quickly." Chen Yuxin originally wanted to close the gates of the palace and prevent those families from coming in, but no one knew where the authorities were, so she could only move forward.

"Master, there is a door in front." Feng Ling walked to the front and reported to the team behind.

"Open." Chen Yuxin ordered, and several members of the Chen family immediately stepped forward and forced the door open, but this time the door also gave "face", and it was opened quickly, without any obstruction.

"Homeowner, all the treasures are inside." Chen Ruoya led some people to enter first, the house was full of elixir, one bottle and one bottle, even larger than the big family's alchemy room, with some in the middle An alchemy furnace, if you guessed it right, should be the best. This is just the first room, which contains so many treasures. If the rooms in the back are searched one by one, it would not be a big profit.

No wonder, so many families want to be the first to come here. With so many treasures, a "legion" of practitioners can be formed in a short period of time. Once they have obtained so many resources, even the second-class family can quickly become Chinese family.

Chen Yuxin was so excited to see so many treasures. With these, the Chen family could even become the first big family of Yanjing. The Wang family suffered heavy losses. The remaining Ji family and Murong family arrived. The first horse is Zhan.

"Xiao Kai, don't you have a storage ring, can you take all these things." So many treasures, it is certainly not possible to rely on people to take them alone. Moreover, there are many rooms in the back, they have not searched Ye Shikai did not refuse. If these treasures were not taken, sooner or later they would be taken away by other families, and it would be troublesome.

Once the storage ring is out, all the treasures present are in the bag, and even the alchemy furnace in the middle is taken in. Although the storage ring is not a battle treasure, it is extremely convenient. The most important thing is that the public There is no second storage ring in the family, and only Ye Shikai has the ability to bring all the treasures back.

"Xiao Kai, let's go forward." Chen Yuxin said.

"Let's go."

at the same time.

"The people of the Wang family and the Tang family just want to retreat, which means that they must have fought with the previous family." Zheng Li said in a cold voice. He did not expect that there were still families walking in front, and all five families were "cut off." ".

"I saw that Tang Can and Wang Lianfeng were both seriously injured. Who in the world has such powerful strength and defeated both families?" Ji Tao was a little nervous, which shows that there are more powerful opponents in the front, and they are better than this. Both are stronger.

"The Chen family." Ji Qian muttered.

"Yeah, I almost forgot about the Chen family." Ji Tao looked dignified. From the beginning, they didn't see the Chen family.

"And he." Ji Qian faintly guessed who defeated the two families, except for him, I am afraid no one can do it.

It didn't take long for the five families to reach the gate of the palace. The door had been opened. Zheng Li didn't delay. They immediately ordered everyone to enter the palace. There were thousands of people in the five families, but they entered the palace a little. None seemed crowded.

"Several of our families suffered heavy losses in front of them, and the Chen family went ahead first. If they wanted to swallow the treasure alone, the old man would not agree." Li Changtian said indignantly.

"Yes, Lao Li said so much, the Chen family is too shameless."

"So many treasures, the Chen family wants to swallow it alone, and is not afraid to die."

Several other homeowners agreed. The first thing all families want is to enter the palace first, and the most worrying is that other families will go ahead. The Chen family did commit public anger. When the interests were not the same, conflict was inevitable. Now, of course, these are all plain words, and the subtexts of several homeowners are also very simple. If your Chen family is willing to cooperate, you can still get a share of it, but if you want to swallow it alone, the five of them will never agree.

"Everyone, be careful, there may be institutions here." Zheng Lidao was very cautious, this is an unknown place, and there may be danger everywhere.

"Zheng family, the Chen family has gone so far ahead, let's speed up the progress, otherwise they will all take away the treasures." Several other family owners were already anxious, Ji Tao did not express his position, the old saying is anxious You ca n’t eat hot tofu, but here, you may be anxious.

"That's okay." Zheng Zhonghuan was also anxious, but no more than a few homeowners, everyone speeded up, but they soon reached a fork in the road.

"There are four forks here, how should we go."

In front of them were four forks, each of which was similar.

"There are many treasures in the palace, and the families behind will come soon. I suggest that our five families act separately." Li Changtian suggested.

"I agree with the idea of ​​Li's family. If we go all the way, what should we do in the other three ways? Of course, we should act separately."

"Yes, I agree."

"Well, in this case, let's break up." Zheng Li was helpless. It stands to reason that in a place that is completely unknown and very likely to be dangerous, there is a risk of being broken up by the breakup, but those homeowners In his eyes, only the thirst for treasure was left, and he had long been unable to give up. How could he possibly listen to persuasion?

Each of the five families walks one way. Ji Tao decides to take the second road with the Li family. No one knows what the end of the road is ...


"Xiao Kai, what are you looking for?" When members of the Chen family were looking for treasure, Ye Shikai was constantly looking for something, but his goal was obviously not those treasures, and Chen Yuxin did not show much treasure How much desire, all her attention was on Ye Shikai. UU reading books www.uukanshu. com

"Nothing." Ye Shikai waved his hand, he was very clear that Chen Yuxin was worried that he would "run away" and only followed him.

"Xiao Kai, this time we got so many treasures. Compared to the ruins I've been to before, it's almost a witch."

"What do you want to say." Ye Shikai asked.

"This time we won the top prize. As long as we got these treasures, the Chen family will be able to dominate in Yanjing, and we can live a stable life." Chen Yuxin held his hands, his eyes were full of expectations, Ye Shikai didn't know her What he was thinking, but what he wanted was to be able to go back and find He Linghan.

"Okay, let's find it quickly. You are pregnant and let the wind chimes and Xueyu look after them more."

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