Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1800: hell

The palace itself contains powerful energy. These bronze statues do not have life themselves. The reason why they can act like ordinary people is entirely because of the palace itself, but it is strange that Ye Shikai cannot feel this energy. The palace seems to have only cold buildings. If there is any energy, the treasures in the palace are also emitted.

"I really saw a ghost." Ye Shikai couldn't help muttering. Maybe there is still a formation here, which hides this energy, even the formation itself is hidden, based on his cultivation, and The understanding of the matrix method can not be seen at all, so it is not noticeable.

"Since this is Kunlun's secret place, then this palace cannot be so simple. It seems you are busy." Sword soul teased.

"Yeah, if you don't know the reason, then you will definitely meet the Bronze Man, or something more terrible." Ye Shikai said faintly, but through this crisis, he also figured out that although the number of these bronze Qin Army There are many, but as long as the commanding general is killed, the rest can't be moved.

If it is said that he understands the battle formation, it is Zheng Li. This hidden man can control tens of thousands of practitioners to form 20 to 30 formations at the same time, and merge into a large formation. I am also probably the first person in China.

Maybe if you find Zheng Li, you should be able to figure it out. He has cooperated with the Zheng family several times. He also has a good relationship with Zheng Zheng, the eldest son of the Zheng family. Zheng Li may be able to help him. Big, how can he know where the Zheng family is.

"Did you notice anything?" At this time, Ji Qian suddenly said beside him.

"It's nothing." Ye Shikai looked at the bronze General statue that he "beheaded" and looked carefully. Suddenly, his eyes fell on the bronze statue's waist.

"What happened?"

Ye Shikai reached out and took the token around his waist. Even the token was made of bronze. When Ye Shikai's hand touched the token, he suddenly felt an electric shock and his palm shrank back. The copper token also began to change, and turned into a wooden one. Ye Shikai took it in his hand and carefully weighed it.

"This should be the token of the general." Ji Qian asked curiously.

"Yes, this is the token of General Qin, this is the proof of the rank of the military. Similarly, if it is a battle, this is the military order." Ye Shikai explained, he took another token from the storage ring, and This piece is almost the same in the hand, and only by careful observation can we see the difference.

"What is this, how can you have it." Ji Qian asked curiously.

"I haven't told you that. I have been a General Qin for a while, and I have kept this token." Ye Shikai observed carefully that from these two tokens, these bronze statues must be Qin The army is undoubted.

"What's your plan?" Ji Qian asked afterwards.

"If I had this token, would I be able to order the other Qin army?" Ye Shikai muttered, but quickly dispelled the idea. Even if he got the general's token, other bronze sergeants still had It is impossible for other generals to listen to him.

But if, with this token, is it possible to command the bronze sergeant present ...

Hesitating again and again, Ye Shikai still did not do this. This is too risky. There are so many people present. If his guess is wrong, the result is unthinkable. Ye Shikai puts the token into the storage ring and will not pay attention anymore. And continue to move forward.


After half an hour.

Sanjia continued to walk along the road in front, but after a long walk, there was no end. If they did not meet the still bronze statues again, everyone would think they were in circles.

"Is this palace so big?"

"Why haven't you come to an end."

Someone in the crowd was already curious.

"Yeah, logically, I feel like I'm in a circle."

"Okay, don't talk much. Hurry up."



"Look, what's that?" Suddenly, someone in the crowd shouted, pointing his hand forward.

"That's ... the flower." Ye Shikai looked at the front and murmured, in front of the crowd, there were a lot of flowers, blood-red flowers ...

At the same time, the surrounding environment gradually brightened up. But here in the palace, there should not be any sunshine, but when you look up, it is almost the same as outdoor.

The crowd did not bother so much and went directly to the flower group.

"This flower is so beautiful."


"Don't mess around, hurry up."

Ye Shikai looked at the blood-red flowers around him, and he couldn't help falling into contemplation. He suddenly remembered many things ...

"Xiao Kai, Xiao Kai, are you okay." Chen Yuxin took his arm and yelled several times, and then Ye Shikai came back to God.

"Lower case, what are you thinking."

"Nothing, get lost." Ye Shikai looked at the flowers around him, and suddenly felt a dull chest, which was not a good omen.

Suddenly, a strong purple-red light shot from the air, and the sky was blue and white in the last second, and suddenly turned into a suppressed purple-red. The sudden strong light caught everyone off guard, and quickly turned around to avoid the light .

"Abominable, what is this?" Ye Shikai rubbed his eyes, surrounded by the purple-red light, he was not sure what it was, but it must not be a good thing.

Then, the sight in front of him surprised him again, to be precise, scary.

Countless monsters with long axes and spears suddenly appeared. appeared in the crowd, silent, as if it popped out suddenly.


A monster around him picked up an axe and split it at him. Ye Shikai hurried to his side, smashing the axe to the ground, and smashed a depression. These monsters are more than two meters tall, fierce. The surrounding environment, originally a sea of ​​flowers, instantly turned into rocks, and there was magma around it, and the sky was extremely dark. This is like hell.

Ye Shikai took out You Xijian and waved it backhand, but You Xijian chopped on the monster's body, he just repelled the monster and did not kill him.


At the same time, there was a shout around them. These monsters suddenly appeared and scattered among the crowd. The people were unprepared and suffered heavy losses for a while. In addition, they were scattered and could not resist each other. Fighting.

Ye Shikai found Chen Yuxin among the crowd. He was worried that these monsters would harm her, so he rushed up and chopped the two monsters in front of him.

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