Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1808: Life and death

"Linger, are you ... the one who married you?" Ji Qian asked back.

"Yes, I met her when I went back to Qin Chao. I became a close friend of her, but I encountered some trouble later, so I must go back." Ye Shikai stopped Ji Qian's hands suddenly.

"Qian, I saw him just now, I really met her, and she appeared in front of me." Ye Shikai said excitedly.

"She told her it was okay, and she's been waiting for me to come back to save her."

"You calm down a bit." Ji Qian said, holding him.

"Great, great, I knew she would be fine." Ye Shikai muttered to herself. "She told me that there is energy in the depths of Kunlun's mystery that can travel through time and space. I must find it first. To go back. "

"Anyway, you can't act alone. It's too dangerous here. Let's go back first." Ji Qian advised.

"I can't wait." Ye Shikai shook Ji Qian's arm away and shouted loudly.

"These families are all for their own selfishness. What they want is nothing more than treasure. If they wait for them, they don't know that they have to wait until the year of the monkey." Ye Shikai cursed with excitement, and the sudden appearance of He Linghan just now has made him confused. At this moment, he has only one mind, that is, to return to the Qin Dynasty as soon as possible and rescue He Linghan.

"But it's too dangerous for you to leave alone." Ji Qian wanted to persuade, but Ye Shikai could not stop, how could she possibly listen to her persuasion.

"I don't care if I follow them, if this energy falls into their hands, then how can I go back." Ye Shikai said excitedly.

"Don't be so excited, calm down, will you?"

"Qian, Linger is really important to me. She is waiting for me in Linxiang City now, and I must save her." Ye Shikai held her arms.

"You will help me, right."

Ji Qian's face was condensed. Obviously, she was hesitating, her chest suddenly jumped, and there was a sound in her head.

You cannot lose him.

ten minutes later.

Ye Shikai carefully looked around, and the path before and after. The path that He followed with He Linghan just now should be right. As long as he continues, he can find the energy rumored in the depths of the mystery.

"Qian, as long as I keep going, I will be able to find it. I need your help." Ye Shikai asked.

"Okay, I promise you." Ji Qian nodded and said, the two left the team and walked forward.

at the same time.

"Well, did Miss find it?" Ji Tao asked anxiously.

"Back to the housekeeper, we found a series of footprints on the road ahead, which should be the footprints of the missing young lady and Ye Gongzi." Chen Ligong replied.

"Okay, we'll go immediately." Ji Tao said firmly. Ji Qian was missing. He was most worried. Although there were many treasures in front of him, these were nothing compared to Ji Qian's safety.

"Master Ji, I want to go too." At this time, Chen Yuxin also came over and Ye Shikai disappeared. She was also anxious. Compared to the treasures ahead, she cared more about Ye Shikai's safety.

"OK, let's go together."

"Father, the Chen family and the Ji family have all gone over there, what shall we do?" Zheng Xuan reported to Zheng Li as soon as the two men left the big team.

"Just let them go, they are looking for someone, we do our thing." Zheng Li waved his hand, a lot of people continued to move forward, the Li family was not willing to blend in, naturally they would not care about them, There are many families behind who are rushing here. You can't delay here for too long, and the treasures here are almost searched.

"Yes, everyone is ready to go."


"You run slower." At the forefront, Ji Qian was chasing Ye Shikai's footsteps, but his speed was really too fast, which shows that his heart is extremely enthusiastic.

"There is a wall in front. What's going on." Ye Shikai walked along the road, but soon reached a "dead end."

"What's going on." Ji Qian asked.

"This is a wall." Ye Shikai pushed hard, but it was useless. This was a solid wall. Even if internal forces were used, there was no response.

"Will there be nothing behind this?" Ji Qian asked back.

"Impossible, this is obviously a way. I don't believe in designing a dead end." Ye Shikai firmly believes that there must be a way behind him. He Linghan's voice in his mind is getting louder and louder. He can feel that behind this wall, there is a strong energy of.

"Find out if there are any organs nearby." Ye Shikai illuminated the stone wall with a flashlight and looked carefully, and finally, he found a "gap".

"Qian, look here quickly." Ye Shikai said excitedly, his mouth was flat, not like a place to insert a key, but more like ... a scabbard.

Ye Shikai took out You Xijian and put it in the mouth. It was unexpected that the size and length were just right. The sword was in the sheath and the sword was left outside.

"Hurry up and let go." Ji Qian asked curiously.

"I ... I can't loose it." Ye Shikai felt that the palms of his hands were welded with the sword, and there was no use in exhausting it. It seemed as if there was a powerful suction that kept the energy in his body inside. Pumping, at the same time, a glowing pattern appeared on the wall, as if it was a matrix method, along the body of You Xi absorbed the energy in Ye Shikai's body.

"No, you can let go, I will help you" Ji Qian saw this and wanted to help.

"You step back." Ye Shikai shoved Ji Qian away ~ ~ He is not sure how much energy this matrix method will absorb. If Ji Qian comes up, she will not run away.

"Today ... I must open here." Ye Shikai runs "Inner Nerve", and the energy in the body is continuously input into it. He also removes the sci-fi and fire elements from the storage ring to provide energy for the formation.

"No, you will do this, psychic will occur." Ji Qian was surprised.

"Hurry up and get out of here." Ye Shikai shouted loudly, his eyes have become flushed, and the energy of the depressive psychedelics that has been suppressed in his body begins to release, which will make him lose his mind.

"Come on." Ye Shikai shouted that he was betting on "all net worth", including his life, and he must open this stone wall.

"I will never leave." Ji Qian stepped forward, grabbed his arm, and took out the water element and gem staff. If you can't break the formation today, open this wall, the two Will die here.

"Why are you crazy woman here?" Ye Shikai cursed loudly. He wanted to push Ji Qian away, but the two had been completely absorbed by the formation and could not escape.

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