Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1802: despair

Take a closer look at how this room didn't know him. He is now in the closet of the Chen family. Chen Yuxin once "captured" him in this place, but he was quickly escaped. There are many Chens in this closet. The "secret research" of the family is a top secret place for outsiders, but Ye Shikai is no stranger.

Ye Shikai got up from the bed, until this time he found out that he was so wrapped with so many bandages that he lay down for so long, and walked out of bed all of a sudden, his legs almost couldn't support, and the bandage on his arm was taken apart. There were many wounds on his arm, but now healed, his head was a little dizzy, as if a bit broken, before ... what happened.

"Xiao Kai, you're awake, that's great." At this time, a sound of a cracking porcelain bowl suddenly heard from the door. Ye Shikai turned her head and looked at it, Chen Yuxin thumped with excitement, all the chopsticks on her hand fell. On the ground.

"Xiao Xin, why are you?" Ye Shikai didn't respond, but in fact he asked each other why he was in the Chen's closet.

Wait, Ye Shikai suddenly realized that something was wrong. Shouldn't he have crossed back to the Qin Dynasty, how could he still be in modern times, the huge energy group in Kunlun's secret realm, rumored to be able to penetrate the power of time and space, why and why he would still Here.

"Xiao Xin, why am I here?" Ye Shikai shoved Chen Yuxin away. If he didn't go back, there wouldn't be no more chance. He would never accept this fact.

"Xiao Kai, what are you talking about? You were seriously injured in Kunlun's secret realm. I sent you down. How about it? Is your injury better?" Chen Yuxin looked at his injury carefully, but was impatient with Ye Shikai. The ground pushed away, and now he was thinking about the crossing.

Ye Shikai tried hard to remember that at the time in the hall, he intended to use the energy group to cross back, but was blocked by Ji Qian. She even started to work with Ye Shikai. Finally, she threw the water element into the energy group. Then he passed out.

"Xiao Kai, calm down a bit, sit down first." Chen Yuxin also showed great patience when she saw this. Now Ye Shikai managed to recover from her serious injuries. What she needed was stillness. She didn't want Ye Shikai to be a little surprised.

"That day you were seriously injured in a secret place, covered with blood, and I was scared to death. I quickly took someone to send you down the mountain for treatment. Now that you finally wake up, I am really happy."

"I'm in a coma." Ye Shikai murmured. At that time, he felt only an extremely powerful energy, and then completely lost consciousness. If according to Chen Yuxin, the shock wave after the explosion of the energy group would shock him into a serious injury.

"Yeah, I've been in a coma for more than half a month, and I'm almost worried about death."

"Half a month, it took so long." Ye Shikai stood up sharply.

"Xiao Kai, what are you going to do?" Chen Yuxin asked quickly.

"Xiao Xin, I'm not joking with you. I have to go back to Qin Dynasty. Ling Er is still waiting for me." Ye Shikai planned to leave the back room, but a matrix was set up at the door, and he couldn't open it at all.

"What's going on, you quickly open the formation and let me out."

"Xiao Kai, are you still thinking about the woman named Ling Er." Chen Yuxin's face suddenly changed and looked very dignified. In fact, she already knew everything. After going down the mountain, Ji Qian had explained to her, frankly. Chen Yuxin's heart was also uncomfortable. Her husband married a woman. It was unacceptable to anyone, but she was relieved. Ye Shikai returned to the Qin Dynasty by accident. This is everyone, including him. An accident I did not expect. Somehow came to the Qin Dynasty more than 2,000 years ago. No one can be sure to return to modern times. In this case, for modern times, Ye Shikai, who crossed the Qin Dynasty, Just a "dead man".

But now, Ye Shikai has returned, but still hesitates about He Linghan, which disappoints Chen Yuxin.

"Linger is very important to me." Ye Shikai said firmly.

"So what am I to you, Xiaokai, since we got married, have you really regarded me as a wife." Chen Yuxin's tone was "peaceful", and Ye Shikai's actions broke her heart. Indeed, Chen Yuxin was doing After many things that hurt him, the two were also married by Feng Zi. For this reason, Ye Shikai had to divorce Su Qingyu.

"Linger is unique to me." Ye Shikai turned around and said softly.

"What about me, what am I?"

"You are irreplaceable." After speaking, Ye Shikai left directly, and everyone in the Chen family saw Ye Shikai coming out, and he did not dare to stop him, but had to let him leave the residence.

However, the moment he left Chen's mansion, he was stopped alone.

"Qian, how could it be you." Ye Shikai stepped down from the car and saw Ji Qian, he felt a rage.

"Don't you go first, listen to me." Ji Qian stopped him, begging hard.

"Enough, I don't need to listen to your explanation." In fact, Ye Shikai already knew why Ji Qian had made such a crazy move that day. The other side of the flower confused her consciousness and did not let Ye Shikai leave. It was indeed Ji Qian's intention. But it is more because of the other side flower. After the energy group exploded, the other side flower in the entire palace lost its energy supply and no ability to deceive people. In short, although Ye Shikai hated her, she would not hate her.

"I didn't mean it that day." Ji Qian suddenly burst into tears. Ye Shikai spent a long time with her. The woman in front of her always had a strong appearance. At least in front of everyone, she would never cry.

"What's the matter, let's talk on the bus."

ten minutes later. UU Kanshu

"Where are you going now?" Ji Qian asked curiously, and Ye Shikai was almost racing all the way.

"Of course the airport. I want to go back to Kunlun Mountain."

"It's useless. The Kunlun ruins have been closed for a long time. It may take decades to open them again."

"What do you say." Ye Shikai stepped on the brakes for decades, which means that he may not have the opportunity to go back in his life.

"Sorry, it's all my fault." Ji Qian cried again.

Ye Shikai furiously raised his palms, but eventually fell slowly and leaned weakly on the seat. His only chance to return to Qin Dynasty was gone.

How did that happen.

Despair reached an extreme, and Ye Shikai suddenly laughed. Maybe this is a big joke on heaven with him.

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