Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1828: Attacker

Strange, we have reached the depths of the alley, but there is no one here. "Ting Zhang looked around. The houses next to them were all vacant, but this is also normal. This is a shantytown. People come and go, and people leave are normal."

"Okay, let's hurry and find it." Ye Shikai said lightly. The two of them separated to find it. But in the deep alley, it was said to be "dirty." There was a lot of garbage here, but no one came to clean it.

Boom, boom, boom.

Zhang Ting knocked on the thin wooden door, but no one came to open it. Although it was a shantytown, it was also a resident ’s room after all. Zhang Ting was not easy to break in directly. Moreover, she did n’t think there would be anything inside. clue.

"Are you sure ... are these missing people living here." Zhang Ting said lightly.

"According to that Huang Mao, it should be right here, but nobody at all, we don't know that room is their residence." Ye Shikai waved his hand, and suddenly, a flash flashed on the roof not far away Black shadow.

"Be careful." Ye Shikai shouted and pulled Zhang Ting directly with one hand. He smelled a "taste", which was a dangerous "taste."


"Someone." As soon as the words fell, a crossbow arrow was shot from the air. Ye Shikai used his internal force. As soon as the flying crossbow arrow arrived in front of him, he was blocked by the overbearing internal force. Five fingers clenched his fist, and the crossbow arrow instantly became powder. .

"Who?" Ye Shikai shouted. The black shadow on the roof immediately disappeared, and it should be a cultivator. His first reaction was the wind chime. This woman, like maggots attached to her bones, followed her shadow. Where did Ye Shikai go, she She followed where she was, and she was already impatient with Zhang Ting, but he quickly ruled out the idea. The wind chime was not stupid. She did n’t need to attack Zhang Ting, which would cause trouble and retreat 10,000. He said that even if she really wanted to start, she would never pick Ye Shikai in the presence.

Zhang Ting has not responded so far. She only saw a crossbow hang in the air, and then turned into broken pieces. She was too surprised to react.

"You stay here, don't go around." Ye Shikai jumped onto the roof in one step. Although the dark shadow was fast, he was still seen by him.

"Xiu Xiang wanted to go." Ye Shikai immediately ran his internal power and galloped up. This kind of crossbow was specifically designed to target practitioners, and the other party is also a cultivator. This has to make Ye Shikai more suspicious of the other party's identity. In the case of disappearance, how could a cultivator attack from the side? This is by no means an ordinary case. The kidnapping of these people must have an ulterior motive.

Ye Shikai's speed is very fast. Although the man keeps fleeing, Xiu Wei is obviously inferior to him. If he wants to get rid of it, it is impossible.

"I still want to run." Ye Shikai went forward and punched the man with a punch. He didn't leave his hand at all. Since this man had already killed Zhang Ting, he must be a "desperate man." Hand, the victim is himself.


With a punch, the man fell directly from the air and hit the roof. The house in the shantytown was not of good quality. He even directly penetrated the roof and fell directly into it. It was choking enough and Ye Shikai jumped. Down.

"Who the **** are you, and why did you attack us?" Ye Shikai looked at the man's face. His memory was good, and he was sure that he had never seen him.

Boom, boom, boom, boom.

At this time, there was a sudden rush of footsteps. Ye Shikai turned his head and looked at it. More than a dozen men in black had rushed in. Looking at the clothes, they should be with the man in front of him.

"Good guy, I wanted to hook me, then see if you have this skill." Ye Shikai sneered and picked up an iron rod from the ground. He didn't plan to use You Xijian or the Sword. The power of the weapon is enough to "open the whole shantytown".


After three minutes.

"I thought how strong you were, it turned out to be this level." Ye Shikai knocked them all down to the ground. These people are at best the level of the outing period, which is far worse than his fit period.

"Say, who are you." Ye Shikai picked up one of the collars and shouted loudly.


Suddenly, the man in front of him spewed out a mouthful of blood, and he didn't wait for Ye Shikai's first aid. The man died. When he turned around, the rest of them all vomited blood and died. Ye Shikai opened his mouth. There was no unusual smell in it. There is no toxin, which means that these people did not commit suicide by taking poison, but took capsules with high toxicity in advance. When the time came, the toxin spread in the stomach, causing their death.

Twenty minutes later.

"Wow, what's the situation." Zhang Ting and the coming police looked at the corpse all over the floor, and looked shocked. Ye Shikai explained the incident from beginning to end, if not the crossbow and Zhang Ting carried by the man who sneaked in. He ’s really unclear about his testimony, but since these people are taking drugs in advance, as long as an autopsy is done, the results can be obtained.

"So, all these people died after taking poison." Zhang Ting asked back, she was still a little hard to believe.

"Yes, that's true, what am I doing to you." Ye Shikai was also shocked. Originally, he was only investigating a serial disappearance case, but now it's gone. It turned into a "collective drug suicide case." The bigger.

But after all, what secrets, even a dozen people who committed suicide by taking drugs, could not be said, indicating that this is by no means an ordinary case of disappearance, and there must be a deeper secret behind it, and Ye Shikai has a hunch If it is not detected as soon as possible, there will be more serious consequences.

"Now that so many people have committed suicide by taking drugs, the Bureau attaches great importance. According to the clues given by us, Director Huang has started a full investigation." Zhang Ting continued.

"Alas, these people are dead. I'm afraid the clues will be broken again." Ye Shikai sighed bitterly. I'm afraid the matter will be re-investigated.

"Right, you are not injured." Ye Shikai asked back.

"Injured, but I am agile and light-weight, how can I get hurt so easily."

"If it weren't for me, the crossbow arrow had already shot through your head." Ye Shikai rolled his eyes. The group was really insidious. Seeing the two went to the shantytown to investigate, they actually killed in secret. If today only Zhang Ting went alone, I am afraid that he really wants to be "traumatized by a black hand".

"Grandpa, are you okay?" The wind chime also hurried over and heard that Ye Shikai was attacked by the man in black. She was afraid that something might happen.

"Relax, I'm fine."

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