Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1835: Buyer

With so many institutions here, it seems that you have also invested your blood. "Ye Shikai looked around. Although the Mole was hiding well, he still found the location of the unknown organization, and they were all deadly organizations. If the Mole was not leading them in, at least the bodyguards behind Ye Shikai would probably have to Died on the road.

"What's this, money for insurance, it's worth it. Let me show you this." Mole suddenly lifted his coat, revealing his chest, and there was a thing sticking on it. At first glance, it looked like a plaster, but it was actually It is impossible to be so simple.

"This is a sensor piece with an annunciator on it. If my heart does not beat for ten minutes in a row, or if it is forcibly removed or destroyed, then all the explosives placed in my laboratory, cargo hold, and data room will be Explosion without signal, as for the power, it should be no problem to flatten this abandoned factory. "

"You always say that your buyer is a ruthless character. In my opinion, your mole is a ruthless character." Ye Shikai sighed. He didn't find this. If the mole was really hurt before, then after ten minutes, here The information wiped out the dust.

"We're here." The Mole led the crowd to an iron door, entered the password and fingerprint on it, and the iron door slowly opened.

"I'm a secret inside, so you don't have to wait for the idlers."

"Okay, I promise you." Ye Shikai ordered the bodyguards to stay outside the door and walked in with the mole himself.

"Good guy, I don't think there are any other holes in it." Ye Shikai murmured. There are a lot of servers here. In the middle is a desk. The mole should be processing data here.

"I don't see the sun inside all the year round, except for me, you are the first one to come in." The Mole sat at the desk.

"The transaction information I want." Ye Shikai asked straight away.

"Don't worry, I can find it right away." The mole was operating in front of the computer. Ye Shikai glanced curiously. The dense records of transactions were encrypted but the mole was not a normal black market seller. This is also for insurance reasons, which shows that he should also be a computer expert.

"I have encrypted all the transaction contents through special methods. The average person would like to crack it. Of course, I remember that you have a world-class hacker under your hands. If he can get my transaction contents, he may be able to crack it, but ... All of my information here is only on the hard disk, unless he can come here to take the hard disk, otherwise it is impossible to get information. "

"A good mole, it seems that you have arranged everything." Ye Shikai said lightly.

"What do you mean?" The Mole asked rhetorically.

"It's only a few kilometers from the pier. If something goes wrong, you will be able to leave Huaxia from the pier soon."

"Haha, the guardian's heart is indispensable, you should be able to understand me." Mole remarked, "You see, these are the transaction content of buying capsules with me, and the customer's information, all here Now. "


"Give it to you." The Mole copied all the information in the U disk and handed it to Ye Shikai.

"By the way, I heard that you have a lot of black technology here, can you open my eyes." Ye Shikai took the U disk and put it in his pocket.

"If you want to buy it, I certainly welcome it, but if you are just curious, then forget it. Frankly, I didn't want to agree, but because of your identity, I can only make an exception." Mole said lightly .

"But I am curious, why do you want these materials, if I remember correctly, they should have nothing to do with you, and as your noble identity, they will not take care of them."

"You do n’t have to worry about these. I have my own business. I will send someone to the Netherworld immediately. In addition, I will also publish the news in the name of the Netherworld as required. In this way, your customers will not Dare to move you. "

"No need." The Mole waved his hand slowly. "I'm not used to living elsewhere. It's not safe there either. I'm a Mole. I naturally have my own" nest "and it's safe there."

"So ... you are not afraid that they will find you." Ye Shikai asked back.

"Of course I am afraid." The Mole immediately retorted. "I always follow the rules, and keep my body safe. This time is an exception. I only hope that you will destroy them before they chase me down."

"Then you are going abroad now, I will send someone to give you." Ye Shikai said lightly.

"No, you said that. The neighborhood is the pier. I'm leaving soon. You don't have to worry about me. Although the mole is weak, it has its own way of survival."


Ye Shikai got the information he needed, and the mole ran to his own "safe house". This result should be said to be the best. Frankly speaking, he was originally worried that if the mole insisted on not buying, he could If it is difficult, the clue will be cut off, and the case can no longer be investigated.

Turning on the computer, Ye Shikai checked the information in the U disk. Although Mole is cunning, as a businessman, integrity is still the first. It contains the transaction content, which records the customer information of all the capsules bought from Mole. There are contents of each transaction.

A capsule sells for one million, in fact it is not a small number, but if you want to train and recruit a cultivator, you need more than one million. Each of these people took a capsule. At least it can be explained that this The organization is quite rich.

Ye Shikai found a few of them, and the most transactional information among them ~ ~ really surprised him, and he bought 300 in one breath, so it would cost 300 million yuan. Organizations that have so much money in one go are also rare, and the buyer is a Huaxia, which just meets the conditions.

The second largest transaction volume is more than one hundred, but it was sold to a killer organization abroad. As for the other transaction orders, they are small fish, shrimp, dozens, dozens, which are completely insufficient and can be excluded.

From this perspective, the order with the largest trading volume has the greatest suspicion. Ye Shikai feels that it should be the order.

This is a male buyer from China Harbour City, named "Howard". Of course, this may not be his real name, but at least it is a salutation, and there is an address and contact number on it. But at least all are useful clues.

Ye Shikai wanted to inquire about the mole and inquire about the details of this "Howard", but he was also not clear. The transaction chats were all text messages, and there was no language contact between the two parties.

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