Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1873: Battle Book

Doris is my mortal enemy, and she sees that the power of the Three Palaces continues to expand, so she wants to preemptively, even with such a mean method, she wants to blow up all of us. "Ye Shikai said indignantly, the two vicious women, Doris and Aphrodite, have always been unscrupulous and act despicable. If they really want to assassinate them, this way is not surprising.

"Doris and Aphrodite are also threats to China, so our National Security Bureau has been monitoring their movements, but as long as they don't come in, we can't control them."

"These two women dare to move my son, I will not be lighthearted." Ye Shikai's words revealed the killing intention, did not go to find them actively, they came on their own initiative, Ye Shikai could not bear it.

"You came to us on your own initiative and told us what the news was for." Chen Yuxin asked back, Tian Jing's appearance today appeared a bit sudden. Neither Ye Shikai nor Chen Yuxin had asked Tian Jing to investigate before, and he Today the Lord sent the door to inform that it seemed to be somewhat "enthusiastic".

"Well ... No matter what Mr. Ye and Ms. Chen think, it doesn't matter. I'm here today to just tell you the news. As for what you are going to do next, I will not interfere." Tian Jing slowly stood up. "I have nothing else. There are still some things in the bureau. Let's say goodbye first."

After half an hour.

"Now I know that the master is behind the scenes, what are you thinking about." Ye Shikai gently touched Chen Yuxin's head and said lightly.

"Xiaokai, what do you want to do."

"Doris and Aphrodite dared to move our son this time. Even if we endure this time, they will have a second and third time, so they must be removed first." Ye Shikai said firmly .

"But ..." Chen Yuxin was hesitant. She also vowed secretly before that she must seize the principal behind the scenes, and have to get rid of it soon, but learned that the other party was Doris and Aphrodite. It is heavy. The opponent is not an ordinary person. The strength of Doris is one of the best in the entire foreign underground world. It is not inferior to the former Zeus. If you really do it, then Ye Shikai will definitely confront her, in case. Accidentally, then she will lose Ye Shikai, she does not want to take this risk.

"Xiaoxin, don't you want me to go in person." Ye Shikai saw her thoughts. She didn't want Ye Shikai to take risks.

"Yes, you are my husband, Ye Di's father. If you have an accident, what shall we do." Chen Yuxin made no secret that she didn't know how to export. Ye Shikai asked her, of course, she said directly to her heart Words.

"Doris is indeed a very powerful opponent. If you really play against her, frankly speaking, not only me, any master in the fit period can't be guaranteed to retreat."

"But I also said that Doris is always a hidden danger. If we don't remove her, she will try to get rid of us, especially me. As long as I don't die, it will always be a fatal threat to her." Ye Shikai turned to look at Chen Yuxin, her eyes full of embarrassment.

"Xiaoxin, believe me, okay, I will be able to come back safely, I promise you." Ye Shikai said softly in her ear, the tone was very weak, but very firm.

All night, both of them did not sleep, Ye Shikai had been persuading that Chen Yuxin still did not agree with life and death at the beginning, until finally, she nodded in pain and expressed compromise.

"Xiaokai, you can go, but I have several conditions, you have to agree."


Europe, Hades headquarters.

"Boss, have you really decided." Extermination asked.

"Yes, with our current combat power, it is enough to fight against them." Ye Shikai turned his head and looked at the worm.

"Send a message to the underground world immediately, the Underworld, the Temple of War, and the Temple of the Moon, to fight against the Palace of the Sea King, so that everyone in the entire underground world can see it." Ye Shikai continued, "I want all cultivators, all I can see the war books I gave to the Neptune Palace. In addition, in my name, I invite anyone to join us. As long as they are willing to join our camp, I guarantee that they can get the loot they want. "

"Okay, I'll send a message immediately." The worm nodded.

"This time I will take the initiative to issue a book of war to the Neptune Palace and agree to the time and place of the decisive battle." Ye Shikai said firmly that the strength of the Three Palaces is now stronger than that of the Neptune Palace. The time and place of the decisive battle are agreed. Of the three temples, of course, the Neptune Palace can also choose not to fight. In this way, although you can avoid hard losses, Doris ’s prestige will be greatly affected, especially for those who are wandering between the two camps. People say that once Doris should not fight, it can be understood as "cowardice", at least on the surface, she is cowardly, then the original choice of her organization, UU reading may be surrendered To the three halls, the strength of the two sides is changing, so the chances of winning the three halls are even greater.

"Adult, when this war book is issued, the underground world will inevitably cause uproar, and then there will be standing teams of various organizations."

"Yeah, the sky of the entire underground world will change." Ye Shikai muttered, the mountain rain was coming, and it was unstoppable. This time is the final battle between the two camps. If it wins, then the three temples will have no opponents. If you lose, the whole underground world is Doris's.

"I'm here too." At this time, Ji Qian pushed through the door, followed by hundreds of Baiwu Army, and her personal Moon Guard.

"Qian, you are here too." Ye Shikai was not surprised. He had expected that Ji Qian would come. With her help, it was the same as the Ji family joining the Three Temples camp. In this way, the power of the Three Temples was even greater. In addition, in addition to the Ji family, several Chinese families also sent people to join.

"These White Mist Army are the elite of the Ji family, go back and thank me for Senior Ji for me."

Ji Qian didn't say much. Ji Tao ordered Baiwujun to go, not to help Ye Shikai, but just to protect Ji Qian, but in fact it made no difference.

"Worms, you send another message. Any organization or individual who joins us will immediately come to the Netherworld to gather. Three days later, all will go to the Sea Palace." Ye Shikai added.

"Okay, I will do it now."

"Great, this time is finally going to war, how many of our brothers died in the hands of Doris, this time, we must avenge our brothers."

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