Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1888: Accidentally come

Ye Shikai never thought that words would appear here.

"Hurry up." Silently urged, Ye Shikai touched his chest with his hand, the pain just disappeared suddenly without a trace, no feeling.

"What happened just now."

"You have all caught my poison, and my chest hurts a lot, and it is difficult to move." Wu Yan explained, "No way, you run too fast, I can only get poison in this range, otherwise Can't stop them. "

"Sprinkle these things on the nose, and the Gu poison will be resolved immediately." Wu Shi handed a small bottle to Ye Shikai, which contained some white powder.

"Okay." Ye Shikai stepped forward and sprinkled the powder in front of the noses of Wang Kai, Nightmare, and Soul Extinguishing. In a blink of an eye, the pain disappeared immediately.

"Come on, let them detoxify."

"it is good."

"These two women, I see where you are running now." Wang Kai detoxified, and he didn't mind the speechless behavior. He stepped forward, and Doris and Aphrodite fell in pain. On the ground, there is no power to parry.

"Ares ... I can join forces with you." Doris said in pain, and she was still in awe of death, trying to make peace with the Three Palaces.

"I still want to ask Rao, Doris, how much of my brother's blood is on your hands, and I want to spare you." Wang Kai said coldly, his killing intention was decided, and Ye Shikai didn't say much, it was the default By the way, Doris and the Three Palaces are at the same level, and her begging for mercy now is just a way to slow down the soldiers. If you do n’t get rid of it today, it will become a big problem in the future.

"Go to death." Wang Kai held a spear and pierced directly towards Doris' chest.


"Go down and atone for my brothers."

The tip of the gun penetrated Doris' heart, and after a stroke of death, a generation of Neptune died like this. Ye Shikai didn't feel much, but felt relieved.

Ye Shikai, holding a ghost knife, walked slowly to Aphrodite.

"How about, do you have anything else to say." Ye Shikai said lightly.

"Hadis, you keep me alive, I will tell you what a secret is." Aphrodite looked painful, but her tone turned out to be unhurried, as if she was quite sure.

"Lao Ye, don't talk nonsense with this woman. She has killed us so many times. She almost killed you. Kill her, and we will have no future troubles." Wang Kai said excitedly, treating this insidious and cunning opponent, Of course he wanted to get rid of it soon.

"Aphrodite, how many brothers did you kill, and now I want to ask for forgiveness, do you think I will agree." Ye Shikai clenched the knife in her hand and put it on her neck.

"go to hell."

"Hades, don't you want to know the principal behind the HST project." Aphrodite cried excitedly.

"What do you say." Ye Shikai closed the knife, and the blade was close to her head ...

"I said, don't you want to know the behind-the-scenes envoy of the HST project, you just killed a substitute at the base just now, the real behind-the-scenes envoy, you still haven't caught it." Aphrodite continued Said.

"Lao Ye, what are you doing, hurry up." Wang Kai saw this, a little curious and even more anxious.

"Kill her."

"No." Ye Shikai waved his hand, instructing Wang Kai not to do it.

"Lao Ye, why are you, how many brothers she killed us."

"If you don't understand the principal behind the HST project, it will not be a complete end. If you don't understand the details of the HST project, then we will die more brothers, far more than now." Ye Shikai said coldly. "As long as She still has a little use value, and I will keep her. "

"Speak, who is the principal behind the scenes." Ye Shikai asked.

"If I say it now, then I will be in a different place in the next second, Hades, you are my three-year-old child." Aphrodite sneered, if she said it now, it would be No use value, Ye Shikai will kill her immediately. On the contrary, as long as she does not say, Ye Shikai will not dare to kill her even if she is reborn.

"So what do you want."

"Send me to a safe place, I can tell you everything I know." Aphrodite made her request, it seems that she wanted to protect her body, but just want to change based on this sentence Life seems not so easy.

"Lao Ye, don't listen to her talking nonsense, this woman, for the sake of her life, can tell everything, and can't let her go."

"Okay, you don't have to say anything." Ye Shikai looked back at Aphrodite. "You'd better not play tricks, otherwise I will kill you immediately. Now Doris is dead and you don't have any backers." "Ye Shikai threatened.

"Relax, I won't lie to you."

"Follow me, nightmare, soul extermination, you look at her." Ye Shikai ordered.

"Wait a minute, I'm poisoned now. You shouldn't mind detoxifying me first ~ ~ Hum." Ye Shikai detoxified Aphrodite. Now she is being detained by everyone. No tricks.

"Wait." Suddenly said without a word, then walked to Aphrodite's side and waved at her.

"Okay, I have laid down a tiny Gu Gu, which is difficult to detect, but after a day, the Gu Gu will drill into the heart, and unless I give her an antidote, she will definitely die." Wordless gave Aphrodite Ye Shikai had heard of the poisonous poisonous insects, but he had never seen it before.

"No one can solve this guilty except me, if you don't want to die, be obedient and I will give you an antidote every day." Wu Yan threatened.

"Relax, I will never play tricks."

"Okay, let's go back."


"How did you come to South America?" Ye Shikai asked curiously. In his impression, he was speechless but the ancestor of Gu Zong, who had been drawn from the depths. .

"Do you think you are abroad, no one in China knows, I tell you, not only I know, any cultivating family in China knows." Wu Yan said contemptuously.

"These Chinese families are clearly separated from the foreign underground world. The well water does not violate the river water, but in fact it keeps an eye on the situation outside." Ye Shikai sighed.

"Your movements are so loud, do you want others to not know."

"Then why did you come, did Gu Zong never ask foreign affairs."

"You ... you stupid wood, if today wasn't me, the two women would run away." Wu Yan said with a little anger and anger.

"Cough, well, I really want to thank you today. If it weren't for you, they really ran away."

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