Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 843: Sell ​​shares

Ye Shikai couldn't help but start scolding himself in his heart. Why does he now instinctively guess the intention when he mentions Chen Yuxin's name, and then subconsciously guards it, like a thief, Ye Shikai doesn't understand why he has become this now? Looks like, thinking of the past in the past, he started to blame, can't he give Chen Yuxin some warmth in his heart.

"What's the matter with you." Su Qingyu keenly felt the anomaly, Ye Shikai coughed twice and waved his hand.

"It's all right."

Having said that, why did Chen Yuxin come to Su Qingyu for cooperation? This is the most curious place for Ye Shikai.

"What do you think." Su Qingyu blinked his eyes and seemed to be waiting for Ye Shikai's opinion, which made him feel uncomfortable.

"I ... don't understand business matters, you decide for yourself." Ye Shikai embarrassed and perfunctory, one is an ex-girlfriend, the other is a current wife, he had better remain neutral.

"But I just want to listen to your opinions." Su Qingyu was very persistent, Ye Shikai began to be a little confused. Su Qingyu knew that Chen Yuxin and his relationship were very special. Why was it necessary in this matter? Ye Shikai expressed his attitude.

"Qing Yu, why do you have to ask me?" Ye Shikai was very embarrassed.

"I know your relationship with her, so I specifically wanted to ask your opinion." Su Qingyu's tone was flat. "She" in her mouth naturally refers to Chen Yuxin, and Ye Shikai's avoidance attitude seems to provoke Su Qingyu somewhat. Displeased.

"Then you didn't make me embarrassed."

"If you don't want to make a statement, I won't force you." Su Qingyu turned around, somewhat frustrated, silently put away the contract, intending to leave.

"Wait a moment." Suddenly, a sound sounded behind Su Qingyu. As soon as she turned her head, she felt embraced.

The four lips touched, and Su Qingyu was caught off guard by the sudden kiss, but when she calmed down, she also instinctively resisted, closed her eyes, and responded to Ye Shikai's love with her own kiss.

"Qing Yu, no matter what you do, I support you." Ye Shikai whispered in her ear. What Su Qingyu asked for was just a sentence of support, and if he showed his position, Ye Shikai would give it, he would definitely give it.

"Thank you."

"Well, tell me about the contract." I don't know why. After kissing, Ye Shikai's mentality was quite open-minded and he asked directly.

"The acquisition of shares."

"What shares."

"The Chen Group wants to acquire part of the shares of Tianya Group. This is the letter of intent to acquire the shares." Su Qingyu said lightly. "These days, Miss Chen bought some shares from some shareholders. She also sent me a copy. I want to buy three percent of my shares. "

"What is she doing to buy shares." Ye Shikai was very puzzled.

"Now the development of the group has encountered a bottleneck period. Many of the shareholders in the company are comfortable and lazy. Ms. Chen's acquisition of their shares will also help the company, and the Chen Group has better connections. In fact, I do not object. "

"Then promise, then a three-percent stake at 150 million is considered to be higher than the market share price." Ye Shikai nodded. Su Qingyu actually had an idea long ago, but she wanted it, but it was Ye Shikai's sentence supports.

"In this way, she has 15% of the shares in her hands." Su Qingyu murmured, Ye Shikai still has some understanding of Tianya Group, and Su Qingyu holds 30% of the shares of the group An Lan has 18%, and the remaining shares are in the hands of large and small shareholders.

If Su Qingyu signs the contract, she will only have 27% of the shares, but she will still be the company's largest shareholder. With the support of An Lan, her position will not be shaken.

Lying on the bed, Ye Shikai was still "grumbling" about the contract. What exactly did Chen Yuxin do to acquire the shares? Did she want to be detrimental to Su Qingyu? Ye Shikai shook her head. How could she think of her like that? Ye Shikai hammered his head heavily.

"What's wrong with you seems to be serious." Su Qingyu came over, just seeing this scene, and asked curiously.

"It's nothing, my head hurts a bit." Ye Shikai lay down quickly, perfunctory.

"You've been busy with your case, just take a break."

"Qing Yu, I think ..." Ye Shikai just wanted to speak, but when he talked about his lips, he staggered the words back.

"What's wrong." Su Qingyu saw Ye Shikai's eloquent and unstoppable expression, and he couldn't help being curious.

"I think that contract ..."

"What's wrong, do you think there is something wrong." Su Qingyu asked.

"I think you'll think again."


The next day.

Ye Shikai got up early in the morning. He didn't sleep well all night, but he didn't want to go back to sleep.

"Look at you with two dark circles as if you haven't slept." Although Zhang Ting was covered in plaster and bandaged, her spirit was very good. It seemed that healing was the best vacation for her.

"Some annoying things, don't say anything." Ye Shikai lay on the empty bed next to him, and when he arrived at the hospital, his drowsiness came up.

"Is it because of the escaping scorpion." Zhang Ting looks a little scared. It's no wonder that in the face of such a giant monster, the first instinct of a normal person is fear. Zhang Ting's psychological quality is indeed Okay, but I still have some fear.

Ye Shikai fell into silence. Scorpion people belonged to the first generation of the Hst project. Unlike Ade, they need to take drugs regularly to maintain their lives, so if it really hides, it is really a headache.

"If I can't get into the bed now, I'll take someone to look for it now, hiss ..." Zhang Ting said fiercely, as soon as he spoke, he twisted to the wound on his waist, and it was so painful to take a breath.

"Okay, just like you are now, and you are still looking for someone, don't let people take you back to the hospital." Ye Shikai put her hand on her waist, a warm internal force was injected into the body, alleviating her Pain.

"Dare you look down on me."

"What a small look, you just stay in bed. Uncle Song, I asked you to take a long vacation. For three months, you can't go to the police station."

"Hum, just lying down like that is a waste of life."

Ye Shikai did not ignore Zhang Ting's complaints. He had other things to think about. If there were more than twelve bases for Mr. Xing, what would he do now? Will he still be planning? Those scientists brought back are accepting Review, but because of the large number of people, it will take a long time.

[End of Chapter] 7

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