Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 900: Righteous

"Qing Qing, you step back, the main actor behind all this is Dongfang Lian." Ye Shikai said coldly. What he hated most was Dongfang Lian wearing the teacher's "sacred coat", but doing things worse than animals, even She even instructed her men to abduct Su Ziqing.

Thanks to her as a teacher, she kidnapped her students.

"What, how can this happen." Su Ziqing obviously couldn't believe Ye Shikai's statement that the beautiful teacher who was amiable and empathetic in school turned out to be the black hand behind them.

"Mr. Dongfang, this is not true, right." Su Ziqing still tried to verify, she hoped Ye Shikai's words were just a joke.

"Huh, you ask what your brother-in-law has done." Dongfang Lian said coldly, and there was a hint of unbearableness in his eyes. "Qing Qing, all this is the evil of your brother-in-law, no wonder I am."

"Dongfang Lian, you said I killed your father. I really don't know about this. I think, no matter what, you have to tell me clearly." Ye Shikai forcibly calmed down, and also hoped that Dongfang Lian could Calm down, the person blinded by hatred is terrible, both defeated and wounded, blood flow into the river is definitely not his wish, not to mention, Ye Shikai did not know what Dongfang Qing said.

"Huh, I said it, you'll know when you go to hell."

"Wait a minute, Teacher Dongfang." At this time, Su Ziqing stood up bravely, even standing in front of Ye Shikai.

"what are you going to do."

"Mr. Dongfang, what do you say, my brother-in-law killed your father, this is absolutely impossible."

"Huh, Qingqing, I came to seek revenge from him. You will leave now, and I will never be angry with you." Dongfang Qing still has a kind heart, and she will not hurt such an innocent person like Su Ziqing. Before kidnapping her, also But it was to seduce Ye Shikai, otherwise ... Su Ziqing is probably dead now.

"Mr. Dongfang, can we find a place to talk about first." Su Ziqing's tone was almost pleading, and Dongfang Lian was also engaged in a fierce psychological struggle.

"I'm going to kill him now," Dongfang Lian gritted his teeth, and immediately started, Ye Shikai shoved Su Ziqing into his silent arms, using a sword to fight Dongfang Lian's attack.

"No words, you take Qingqing first." Ye Shikai shouted.

"Let me go, I won't leave." Su Ziqing wanted to break away from her speechlessness, and the strength was surprisingly great. Ye Shikai was thinking for her safety, and understood his thoughts without words, or forced Su Ziqing away.

"They are not here, you can tell me now." After dozens of rounds, the two turned out to be undifferentiated. Of course, part of the reason was that Ye Shikai didn't do his best. He wanted to know the cause and effect of all this.

"Still that way, you die." Dongfang Lian was not polite, holding a dagger, and stabbed Ye Shikai at the lethal place. If it hadn't been for hiding, he would have been dead.

"You're enough." Ye Shikai gave a loud sigh, reached out his hand momentarily, clasped Dongfang Lian's wrist, pushed hard, took off her dagger, and then ... slapped her in the face.


A loud slap of applause came out in the woods, but Ye Shikai didn't "release water" at all, but he waved out with all his strength.

Uh, it's really embarrassing. The two look at each other with eyes, and Dong Fang's eyes are empty. I don't know what I'm thinking about. Ye Shikai is now struggling to ride a tiger. Should I hurry and comfort or ... slap again.

"It's still troublesome, can't you make it clear first." Ye Shikai shouted anxiously, and shouted. It was an accident that he just slapped her, but now he must count it.

"OK, let's make it clear."

After twenty minutes.

Ye Shikai glanced at the people in black around him. It seemed that Dongfang Lian was still uneasy about him, but it didn't matter. Ye Shikai just wanted to figure out the ins and outs of all this.

"You mean, my father was killed by me in an operation in the Hades palace two years ago." Ye Shikai expressed shock after listening to Dong Fang's words, and he didn't remember any murder.

"What's your father's name."

"Oriental Jing."

Ye Shikai's mind was constantly searching for the name of Dongfang Jing. He encountered many people and enemies when he was underground in foreign countries, but after all, he was abroad and there were not many Chinese people. If there was one Called "Oriental Jing", he should still have an impression.

"I don't know."

"Then you die, give it to me." Dongfang Lian was quite annoyed, thinking Ye Shikai was teasing her.

"Wait a minute, although I don't remember it, I can ask my confidant."

"Haha, do you think I don't know, you want to wait until your reinforcements arrive, and then siege me, I am not a three-year-old child, when I am so deceiving ~ ~ I did not deceive you." Ye Shikai He is very innocent. He really does n’t know about this matter. In fact, except for some major events, most of the decisions in the Hades are made by the ghosts. He is just a “handsman”. "Jing" man, he absolutely did not know this.

"I will avenge my father now."

"Wait, don't get excited." Ye Shikai said again, embarrassed and said, "I really don't know, and you don't let me take someone to explain clearly, what exactly do you want to do?"

"I am going to kill you."

"Can you put it another way."


Speaking of which, Wu Yan and Su Ziqing have left the forest. If there is no accident, she will immediately inform Hades to come to the rescue. At that time, even if Dongfang Qing wants to kill him, it is impossible to kill him.

Ye Shikai can understand the revenge of killing his father, but this may be a misunderstanding, or it may be a conspiracy.

"Dong Fang Ping, you said to me that I killed your father, so I asked you, did you see it with your own eyes?" Ye Shikai seemed to think of something, and suddenly asked sharply.

"No, I listened to my subordinates." Dongfang Lian was angry, but still told the truth.

"Hearing is false. In this case, you have no factual evidence at all, otherwise, you brought your subordinates and confronted me personally." Ye Shikai seemed to have caught a straw, and said loudly, this time, let the East Pity was at a loss.

"Huh, but my subordinates will not lie to me. Whether it is you or not, this is all done by the Hades. You can't get rid of it." Dongfang Lian has no evidence and can't be right, but she seems to stare at Ye Shikai. Must kill him.

[End of this chapter]

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