Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 902: Ji Qian's thoughts

Chapter 902 of the Personal Wife's President's Wife, Volume I Chapter 902 Ji Qian's thoughts "You have already said, when I am a fool." Dongfang Lian seems to have identified the ghost, he must have done it with a single bite, who let the ghost say that it was rude The palace used to suppress the forces of the East Jing. To outsiders, the specter just said is more like a rhetoric used to escape responsibility at a critical moment.

She also said that her father had been suppressed, and now she said that her father did not kill herself. It sounded like a shove.

"Wait a minute, we really didn't kill him." Ghost said quickly, Dongfang Lian seemed to be killing ...

"I just took someone to suppress him, but I didn't kill him." The ghost said quickly, but Dongfang Lian didn't seem to believe it at all.

"Now my father is dead. Of course, although you can say that, you still want to quibble."

"I really don't, you ... I'm absolutely true." Ghost said seriously, but it seems that only the side of the Hades will believe that Ji Qian has prepared everyone to fight, after all, I acted two years ago, how can I keep all the details without any evidence, without words, and Dongfang Lian is angry again? How can I believe that it is not bad to rush up immediately.

"Do you have any evidence?" Dongfang Lian said a word, leaving the ghost speechless. Of course, he has no evidence. Even if he showed Dongfang Lian the discipline of the headquarters of Hades, he would be suspected by Dong Lian. " Tampering, unless there is evidence of a video or photo.

"How could there be evidence?" Said the ghost helplessly. "At first, I saw your father was a Chinese man, and he was a little bit strong, so he didn't kill him and let him go."

Never, let go of an opponent and take a picture.

"Go to death." Dongfang Lian moved his body, rushed to the ghost in an instant, waved his dagger, and swiped hard against the ghost's neck. The move was a dead hand, and the ghost was shocked suddenly. I didn't expect that this seemingly weak woman was so strong and took a step back, and then she avoided this killing move. As a result, the Oriental Pity leaped into the air and struck the ghost's chest firmly. A spurt of blood spurted out instantly.

The ghost was kicked and flew out, and several dark guards immediately guarded it. The actions of Dongfang's mercy surprised everyone.

"Crazy woman, the dark guard listens to the order, follow me." The alligator saw the ghost was beaten, and it was ok, the dignified Hades palace think tank, the second figure, was actually injured by a leader of the "revived" team, All of a sudden, the dark guards of his men were already waiting. As they were about to fight back, Ye Shikai suddenly stood between the two sides.

"Ministry to stop." Ye Shikai shouted, separating the crowd.

"Dong Fang Ping, things have not been figured out yet, you can do it without discrimination, is it wrong?" Ye Shikai first said to Dong Fang Ping, and then waved his hands to signal the people in Hades to step back.


At this time, a few drops of rain were falling in the sky. Within a few minutes, the drizzle turned into heavy rain. Everyone was "bathing" in the rain. Except for Su Ziqing and Wuyan, no one else was holding an umbrella. Neither Ye Shikai nor Dongfang Lian had umbrellas. How could their men dare?


Keke, isn't this a bit embarrassing? "Ye Shikai coughed twice" Or else, talk to a place without rain. "


"Boss, you have to believe me. I didn't really kill the man named Dongfang Jing." Everyone found a cave, perhaps cold rain, which calmed down everyone on both sides. The ghost reiterated again that he was asking Ye Shikai proves.

"I believe you, but she is not necessarily." Ye Shikai said lightly, because of the weather, he asked Mu Zi and several dark guards to bring Su Ziqing back to the base first. The worst result, if the two sides couldn't reach an agreement, Really fight, at least she would not see any **** pictures.

"Come here." At this time, Ji Qian came over and said to Ye Shikai solemnly, the ghost turned away very consciously.

"What's matter."

"You changed." Ji Qian took the lead in a "stern" sentence that suddenly made Ye Shikai stunned.

"what do you mean."

"Do you know how much trouble that woman has brought to you? You obviously have the ability, why you don't have to deal with it in a more straightforward way." Ji Qian's words, Ye Shikai seemed to understand, and did not seem to understand.

"You mean, kill them directly." Ye Shikai said with a bitter smile.

"Isn't it? Qing Qing was almost killed by her, and I said nothing, you almost killed her, right ~ ~ Ji Qian's words made Ye Shikai a little uncomfortable, so simple and rude Although the method is effective, in Ye Shikai's view, there is no difference between it and "indiscriminate killing".

"This ... I'm afraid, it's not good, all of this is just a misunderstanding." Ye Shikai understands that here with Dongfang Lian, it's just in vain. The best way for someone who wants to kill himself at any time is to kill her first Ji Qian's idea is not wrong, not only her, but I am afraid everyone in the Hades would think so.

Dongfang Lian is not weak, and she also has the possibility to kill Ye Shikai. Ji Qian will never tolerate someone against him, even if it is a misunderstanding.

"Dongfang Lian is not a bad person. She may only want to kill me because of a misunderstanding." Ye Shikai advised that if a misunderstanding could have been avoided, he would not have been the first person to shoot, let alone, once he hit It's dozens of lives again. It doesn't make any sense to report the grievances right now. Isn't that the case for Dongfang Lian now.

"Why don't you make sense? Why, you have to wait for bad things to happen before you regret and reflect." Ji Qian seemed a little angry, after all, she was also the main god. When necessary, she would be decisive and cruel.

"I don't regret it." Ye Shikai said firmly, if Dongfang Lian was killed like this, there might be no threat for the time being, but one day, someone will come back to avenge Dongfang Lian.

Ye Shikai's idea is that if she can clarify the facts and find the real murderer of Dongfang Jing, it is best to turn the enemy into a friend and avoid a misunderstanding. Moreover, she can still keep Dongfang's mind at bay At present, in Yanjing University, only Su Ziqing knew this. If she did n’t say, Dongfang Lian was still the popular beauty teacher in the university. Compared with the two, Ye Shikai decided to take a bet with Dongfang Lian Have a good talk.

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