Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 904: Reach a settlement

"This ..." Dongfang Lian was hesitant. She already believed that Dongfang Jing's death was not the result of Hades. Instead of believing in Hades and ghosts, she believed in Ye Shikai's personal, perhaps because of his people. Pin it. Speaking of them, the gangsters they met on the camping trip were just the touchstone of Ye Shikai's character. At first, he didn't know. If he knew that Dongfang Lian had such a good skill, he would not be willing to be a savior. At that time, it was impossible for Dongfang Lian to show his hands and feet, otherwise, once Ye Shikai saw her, her "revenge plan" would be ruined before she arrived at the camp.

Ye Shikai is also considered innocent. Somehow she will help this woman to avenge her family. However, this way, you can avoid the unnecessary casualties of the two parties. Although it is a bit troublesome, it is still a decision from the overall situation, which is already the best. It turned out.

"I'm still teaching at the university, and Qingqing knows what my identity is."

"Just rest assured, I'll just talk to Qingqing, she will understand." Ye Shikai continued.

"You are responsible for all the supplies of my people in Yanjing." Dongfang Lianqiang said strongly.

"That's okay, just raise a few more mouths."

"Also, I must keep in touch with you at all times and monitor the progress of your investigation." Dongfang Li continued.

"Okay, you have my WeChat, and you have been positioned, so you can do it."

"Then it's ... forget it, just so many requests for the time being."

"Okay." Ye Shikai nodded.

"Go, take me to your base." Dong Lian Leng snorted and went out of the cave.

"Wait a minute, Dong Fang." Ye Shikai cried suddenly.

"Is there anything else?"

"Your father, we didn't kill us." Ye Shikai said firmly.


Yanjing, Hades Palace.

"Boss, you really want to stay with these people." The ghost sat in the co-driver and was obviously surprised when he heard Ye Shikai's decision.

"Nonsense, I've said everything. You can still swallow me back, not to mention that this can reduce our casualties. Otherwise, we will have to die a few brothers." Ye Shikai sighed. Expansion, a total of thirty-five people, and prepare an empty lounge. "


"Also, these people's food and living expenses, and pocket money or something, you pay more, since you are here, don't hesitate."

"Well, it's more than thirty mouths again." The ghost sighed, and seemed to feel that the red bill was flying away from his pocket.

"Why are you so stingy that you have so much money out of so many industries out there?" Ye Shikai shook his eyes. "I'll pay them later."

"Well, it's not really about money, but ... Boss, do you really want to raise a tiger?" The meaning of the ghost, Ye Shikai heard it. The two gangs who still wanted to fight just now will sleep in one in the future. Place, can this be reassuring.

"Let them live here, not for raising tigers, but for other reasons." Ye Shikai said faintly. "Dongfang Lian is to find her father to kill the enemy. In this case, what can we do for her?"

"Help her, why not, not relatives or relatives, I wouldn't mind it without her subordinates, but if you let them live in our base, even if I don't mind, my brothers would be unwilling. "

"What's the big deal, you will need to add some new entertainment equipment, each with its own, just meet each other." Ye Shikai said lightly, took out a cigarette and smoked.

"Well, boss, or ... you're thinking about it, it's really impossible. I'd better send these people out of Huaxia than stay here."

"How do I feel you care about them? What's the matter, is the treasure or antique in the base, afraid of stealing and robbing, and not letting a few outsiders live?" Ye Shikai was curious, in general, as long as it was him The order was given by the ghost, but today he constantly persuaded that Ye Shikai was a little curious.

"Wait, did someone say something to you?" Ye Shikai reacted sharply, his face somber and whispered, "It's the moon god."

Seeing the ghost not answering, Ye Shikai understood everything.

"Did she give you another order?" Ye Shikai asked again.

"No, this is absolutely not." The ghost immediately said, Ye Shikai didn't bother to question him, "kick" him directly, and then drove directly towards the base of the Luna Temple.


"Master Pluto, why are you here?" At the gate of the manor, it was Ji Qian's confidant, Yuewei's leader, Serena.

"Where is she?"

"Master Luna, she ... is not at the base ..."

Ye Shikai didn't have much nonsense ~ ~ Stepping on the accelerator suddenly, the car ran out instantly and drove directly to the villa door in the back.

"Master Pluto, Lord Pluto ..."

"Qian, you come out." Ye Shikai directly opened the door of the villa. Sure enough, Ji Qian was sitting on the sofa and seemed to be thinking about something.

"You are really here." Ye Shikai said angrily, sitting directly on the sofa, picked up a fruit, and cut it by himself.

"You go down first." Ji Qian waved her hand, Serena nodded and left.

"What are you doing here?"

"Dongfang Lian and her affairs, you don't have to intervene any more." Ye Shikai opened his eyes. He didn't want Ji Qian to over-influence or even interfere with his decision-making. No matter what Ji Qian's starting point was, he had his own arrangements.

"No, I must intervene in this matter. In your Hades base, insert so many" time bombs ", as well as the one called Dongfang Lian. In the future, can you guarantee that she will not affect it. Ji Qian said firmly.

"You also know that it is my Hades, you tell me the truth, have you ordered with the ghost?" Ye Shikai asked.

"Yes, I let the ghosts gather their hands and kill them." Ji Qian said coldly, and Ye Shikai suddenly felt a little chill.

"Why do you always think about killing them without messing with you?" Ye Shikai was a little puzzled. Ji Qian seemed to have the same hatred as Dong Fang, and had to kill them.

"Do n’t you understand? Now you do n’t understand the situation. Can you guarantee that Dong Lian is loyal enough to you? Can you guarantee that she will listen to you, and you dare to let her continue to teach at school? What to do if she hurts Qingqing. "Ji Qian exclaimed excitedly," the heart is sinister, why don't you understand. "

End of this chapter

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