Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 904: Chat about the past

"Who asked that Song Kai to find me." Ye Shikai grumbled unpleasantly. It was really a short-sighted man. Song Kai apparently wanted to suppress Su Qingyu by mocking Ye Shikai. He almost rose to personal attack. How can Chen Yuxin tolerate it like this?

"He has always been the company's opposition. I didn't expect Miss Chen to help us. Oh no, it should be said that she helped you."

"Haha, don't look at Xiaoxin so cold and strong now. Actually, she used to cry very much." Ye Shikai laughed and teased. At that time, he also gave Chen Yuxin a nickname, "Love "Crying ghost", perhaps because of this contrast in personality, makes Ye Shikai feel strange to Chen Yuxin.

"Really, then tell me something about her." Su Qingyu put his hand to his head and said softly, which really shocked Ye Shikai.

"Why, isn't it?"

"Of course, I'm just afraid that you don't want to listen." Ye Shikai sighed. The two had happened a lot. Those were childhood fun. The poor's child became an early child. Ye Shikai grew up resolutely from an early age. Childlike.

"Why not listen? The two of us rarely communicate. Isn't this a good opportunity to understand each other, and I want to know more about Chen Yuxin."

"Okay, I'll just say that."

After a lapse of eight years, those very clear memories once felt a little vague. Ye Shikai said to Su Qingyu while she was recollecting herself.


Eight years ago.

Jingle Bell.

"It's all over and you're still sleeping."

The drowsy Ye Shikai opened his eyes, the classmates in front of him had begun to make trouble, and the classroom looked like jubilation. Here is Ye Shikai's high school. Like all high schools in Huaxia, everyone is enjoying a short class time. .

Just feeling a touch on his cheek, looking up, a pure girl was poking at his cheek with a ruler.

"Xiao Xin, don't make any noise, don't you not know, I didn't sleep last night." Ye Shikai turned his head, said softly, and then continued to fall asleep, he had already slept over the math class just now Last night, he and his classmates "fighted fiercely" in an Internet cafe overnight. After eating at six in the morning, he returned to school early. Can he not be sleepy?

"Let you dare to go to the Internet cafe all night next time." Chen Yuxin nodded his cheek gently and said angrily.

In the end, under Chen Yuxin's "Frequent Harassment", Ye Shikai surrendered, surrendered from the desk, and forced to sleep for the next Chinese lesson.

Ye Shikai ’s language teacher is an old-fashioned old gentleman. He has very traditional clothes, long shirts, shoes, socks. Of course, to get up in this classical Chinese class, that ’s “forced hypnosis”. Ye Shikai wanted to sleep more.

"His, it hurts." Just as Ye Shikai lowered his head slowly, a sting came from his waist, looking down, and Chen Yuxin was holding a pencil to poke his waist.

"Be spirited, still in class." Chen Yuxin said with a smile.

"Xiao Xin, don't make a mess."

"No, go on like this, what do you do with your language score?"

Forty minutes later.

"Woohoo, it's finally over." When "Old and Old Mr. Gu" left the classroom, Ye Shikai was relieved and lay directly on the table.

"Sleeping, you ..."

"Xiao Xin, what's the matter with you today?" Ye Shikai asked curiously.

"Actually ... for a reason." Chen Yuxin blushed, as if it was a little secret that was seen through.

"Then you can just say no, it's so mysterious." Ye Shikai smiled slightly. The two of them were too familiar with each other. They have been together since elementary school, even with one look, they can know the idea.

"Yesterday, Dad asked me where I was going to go to university." Chen Yuxin said with a little embarrassment. Ye Shikai was very curious. This question has nothing to do with her behavior today. Speaking of it, every high school parent will pay attention to this problem.

University, that is the dream of the students, the expectations of the parents, and everyone works for it.

"Then, how do you answer." Ye Shikai asked directly.

"Yanjing University," said Chen Yuxin, word by word.

"Of course that's fine. You have such a good grade. As long as you work hard, even Yanjing University is assured." Ye Shikai nodded. Chen Yuxin had told him long ago that he would be admitted to Yanjing University in the future, and then The two have been living in Yanjing.

"But ... Dad wants me to study abroad." Chen Yuxin said in a loss. "Whatever I say, he just doesn't want to."

"This ..." Ye Shikai's heart was in a quandary. If Chen Yuxin went abroad, it would also mean that the two were separated. Although not permanent, at least, they would not see each other for several years ~ ~ His family is not good, and his mother also needs care.

"Actually, going abroad is also good, and learning resources are also good. It is naturally the best thing to learn in the future." Ye Shikai still said with a smile on his face. Although these two have been inseparable for so many years, but The future is a serious and rampant topic. He doesn't want to drag Chen Yuxin.

"But ... I don't want to leave here, nor do I want to leave you." Chen Yuxin said the words in her heart.

"Of course I don't want to."

"I'll convince my dad, don't worry, it won't work, I will cry, make trouble, and hang myself." Chen Yuxin said, and suddenly laughed, as did Ye Shikai. In fact, if Chen Yuxin leaves, his heart is the most Sad.

"By the way, how is your aunt's health?" At this time, Chen Yuxin asked. She knew Ye Shikai's family situation very well. His mother was ill, her body was always weak, and she needed constant care.

"Not very good. I will go to the hospital again in a few days." As soon as he mentioned his mother, Ye Shikai looked dignified and thoughtful, which was his heart disease.

"Xiao Kai, in fact I ... can help you, I can ask my dad for some money ..."

"No, didn't I say it, I can do it."

"But that's dangerous ..."

"Changing the topic, Xiaoxin." Ye Shikai interjected before Chen Yuxin finished talking.

"That ... that's okay." Chen Yuxin turned around and she knew Ye Shikai. As long as she made up her mind, it wouldn't change. Chen Yuxin knew Ye Shikai's "high performance" in the underground boxing arena, but after all, she was punching with her life. What's more, at this time Ye Shikai is just a high school student, but the other party is a strong young man.

Have an exam tomorrow, good luck to me o {╯ □ ╰} o + +

{End of Chapter} 6

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