Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 933: Pinhole camera

In the base, Ye Shikai sat alone on the chair in the middle and looked up at the female soldier in front of her. This is the female soldier from the Cultural Regiment. Ye Shikai was not very optimistic. After all, other female soldiers from the Cultural Regiment were in the first place. The selection of the sky has all left, and Zheng Ruoxin's ability to stay to this day is beyond his expectation. Moreover, Wen Ya also supported Zheng Ruoxin to join the secret selection of the Dragon Tooth. This is a kind of "honour", which is equivalent to giving Zheng Ruoxin had an opportunity to participate in this "interview".

"Zheng Ruoxin, right." Ye Shikai said lightly. In the large conference room, there were only two people, and the atmosphere seemed a bit "cold." However, there was no way. Ouyang Feng didn't come. Wen Ya and Ye Shikai were in charge of the interview.

"Yes, sir." Zheng Ruoxin's eyes were sharp and somewhat murderous. Ye Shikai was suddenly curious. How could the female soldiers of the Cultural Regiment be so murderous?

"First of all, congratulations on your passing the selection, this is not easy." Ye Shikai continued, "I'm looking for you today, there is another thing."

"The next thing is highly confidential. Whether or not you want to make a decision, I hope you don't divulge it." Ye Shikai took out the documents and said solemnly.

"Of course, I swear in the name of a soldier."

"Very well, you have to look at this document first." Ye Shikai handed out the document with both hands. The above is a basic introduction of Longya. Ye Shikai also read in advance, that is, a general introduction to Longya, the important content, or You do n’t know until you really join.

Ten minutes later, Zheng Ruoxin completely read the document, saying that it was just a few sheets of paper.

"You must have a lot of doubts right now, but don't hurry to ask questions, let me tell you first." Ye Shikai was not shocked by Zheng Ruoxin's surprise. Anyone who received such a document would be surprised, not to mention, Long Ya For them, it is a brand-new name, and the existence of this unit is unknown at all. Someone now tells that this is a shadow unit, which performs special tasks of high difficulty and high risk. Anyone can listen. It will not be accepted for a while.

At least, think about it first.

But Ye Shikai has some patience.

"Longya, this is a non-existent shadow army. It is directly subordinate to the Supreme Chief. The tasks involved are the most dangerous and mysterious." Ye Shikai briefly introduced that as the most Yanjing selection challenge Of course, his introduction will not say the advantages of Longya, but emphasize the danger of Longya. Of course, objectively speaking, the danger of Longya is indeed the highest in the army. Ye Shikai wants to make Zheng Ruoxin difficult. Retreating, because only after a "horror bombing", who insisted on joining Longya, were they really determined.

"Every year, even every time the team has sacrificed players, as well as daily training, they are also live-fire drills ..."

"You don't want to have no problems. It's not shameful. I won't tell the outside world about these things, walk out of this door, forget everything I said, and return to the special company. You are still a female special soldier." Ye Shikai said lightly, "How about, do you want to give up?"

"Um." Zheng Ruoxin nodded slightly, Ye Shikai was not surprised, and slowly stood up.

"Very well, you made the right decision ..."

"I've decided, I want to join Longya." Before the end of Ye Shikai's speech, Zheng Ruoxin interrupted him.

After working for a long time, this girl didn't hear a word.

"You ... OK." Ye Shikai repeatedly confirmed.

"That's right, I must join Longya." Zheng Ruoxin nodded, thinking that this girl had given up, unexpectedly, she really dared to accept it, let alone, a female soldier from a cultural revolutionary corps can support this step, already It proves that her perseverance is extraordinary. Perhaps this is the most outstanding place in her body. It is precisely when Wen Ya sees this that she supports Zheng Ruoxin.

"Well then, at five o'clock in the afternoon, come to the training base in Houshan." Ye Shikai sighed and said lightly.


After Zheng Ruoxin left, a woman walked in from the door behind the conference room. It was Wen Ya.

"How about, I bet I won." Wen Ya said proudly to Ye Shikai.

"Okay, you are the best." Ye Shikai cast a glance. "In this way, ten members have been determined. This selection work is completely over." Ye Shikai did not expect that the selection was so fast. It is over, the difficulty of selection is increasing every year, and it is even more "perverted difficulty" mode today.

"Then you, Longya's instructor, have to join the welcome ceremony for the new team members."

"Of course ~ ~ has been busy for so many days, there are beginnings and ends." Ye Shikai said with a smile.


South America.

"What, you betrayed the boss." After Soul Extinguisher explained the cause and effect of the matter, the magical girl called subconsciously.

"Speaking blindly, how could I betray the boss, but just obey the woman's words for a while." Desperate soul covered the mouth of Mo Ji, for fear that the woman in black would hear, to be honest, such an upright man In other words, being put on a "suspected mutiny" hat was mental torture.

"Isn't it the same?" Moji glanced at her with disdain.

"I don't think this woman seems malicious, and she is now joining our Hades, and I have sent these things to the ghost, and he has his own right." Exorcist quickly explained.

"Anyway, I just feel that this woman's whereabouts are unknown, and you see, she didn't even remove the veil. Isn't she joining us, isn't it clear that she doesn't trust me?" The magic girl was obviously dissatisfied, in black Although the woman said verbally to help, and killed a few practitioners who wanted to plot the soul, there was no evidence.

"Well, let's see what she wants to say anyway, not to mention, I don't believe she will always wear clothes." Said Desperately, at least, it was an individual who had to take a bath.

Always take off your clothes in the bath.

"Why, what good way do you have." Mo Ji looked black.

"Look at this." Destroyer pulled out his mobile phone from his pocket and opened a piece of software, which seemed to be monitoring software. The picture shows a bathroom.

"This ... isn't that woman's bathroom."

"Yeah, I have specially installed a" secret weapon "," said Devil with a smile.

End of this chapter

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