Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 994: Ji Family

"Really, then forget it." Ye Shikai was lying on the bed, flipping her mobile phone, as if she was watching some news, Chen Yuxin also changed her pajamas and lay beside him. I did not expect that Ye Shikai had intentionally entered the quilt. Unintentionally moving to the other side, as if intentionally away from her.

"Xiao Kai, in fact, the ghost did not prepare a gift at all," Chen Yuxin said coldly.

"How come, but the gift is more special, don't worry."

"Xiao Kai, you know too well, you don't need to hide me." Chen Yuxin said lightly, although the tone was very light, but there was a hint of "powder powder" in the words. I don't know if it was because of the prejudice against ghosts and others or because of Su Qingyu Call.

"Well, nothing can be concealed from you." In the end, Ye Shikai saw the lies uncovered and had to helplessly admit that "you come here in a hurry, they don't have time to prepare."

"Haha, lower case, do you think I would be angry for this reason." Chen Yuxin laughed softly.

"I also want to ease your relationship, so I lied." Ye Shikai apologized sincerely. From today's observations, he also found that although Chen Yuxin did not consider their last attack verbally, she still had deep feelings in her heart. Ye Shikai, Ye Shikai doesn't want things to get worse. As for gifts, it doesn't matter how important they are, it's just a heart.

"Xiao Kai, you still don't understand why I did all this." Chen Yuxin turned her head, stared at his eyes, and said coldly.

"what reason."

"I did it all for you." Chen Yuxin suddenly burst into tears, but this made him overwhelmed. Wasn't she okay just now, and she cried.

"Xiao Xin, don't cry." Ye Shikai held her in his arms and comforted him.

"How powerful the Hades are. If one day they rebel against you, how can you resist it." After Chen Yuxin's mood stabilized, she began to express her heart.

"How could you think too much?" Ye Shikai listened and couldn't help laughing. If there were even ghosts in the world who could betray him, what credible confidant would he be.

"It's because you haven't seen so much. Since the day you entered the Hades, you have never participated in the struggle for rights, so you don't understand." Chen Yuxin's face suddenly showed a disgusting expression. Basically, if you don't guard against it, you will be hurt someday, even if you don't have a rebellious heart now, it will be difficult to say in the future. "

Ye Shikai listened, was this still Chen Yuxin? Absolutely not. Perhaps in the years of family struggle, it really changed one's mindset, even if it was a blank piece of paper, passing through the family so deep and muddy. "Water" will also be dyed colorful.

"The last thing is an example. Miss Ji is the youngest lady in the Ji family, hidden in the city, but she never reveals to you, lower case, now that I am with you, she must be unwilling, and she takes advantage of you When she was neglected in the management of the Hades, she had begun to linger on the ghost. At that time, if she started, it would be unstoppable. "Chen Yuxin continued with a serious expression.

"You really think too much, the ghost just obeys Ji Qian's orders, and she is definitely not such a person." Ye Shikai shook his head. When he and Su Qingyu were married, Ji Qian's heart was stubborn. But when she heard that Ye Shikai was in danger, she was also taking risks to rescue her. If it was really "the kind of person" in Chen Yuxin's mouth, it would not be like now, and the person who loves and hates is the most terrible.

"Xiao Kai, you just have too much trust in the people around you, and the loyal minister does not serve the second master. From this incident, we can see that only Jayton did this, so I will cultivate him as your power." Chen Yuxin She was serious, but Ye Shikai was a little impatient. "Well, I know your kindness. Today I'm tired. I went to bed first. You are still pregnant. Don't worry about so many things, go to bed early."

Quarter home.

"Damn, that stinky man."

"Asshole, scum."

In a well-decorated room, a flowering girl was picking up porcelain on the table and smashing it into the ground and shattered.

A vase full of 300,000, but in the eyes of the girl is as cheap as dung, as if smashing a glass bottle, it is not a pity.

The girl is Miss Ji Jia Er, Ji Yu.

"Miss, what are you doing?" The waitress outside the house hurried forward and pulled Ji Yu to stop her from making any dangerous actions. These days, she has always been in this state, servants Every day I went in to clean up the debris, and then put on new decorations, and was smashed by the girl.

"What makes you so angry." At this time, a heartbreaking voice came from the door. A middle-aged man in a white gown came in slowly ~ ~ Homeowner. "


Several waitresses bowed their knees when they saw the visitors.

"It's all gone." The visitor is the owner of the Ji family, Ji Tao.

"Father, why are you here?" Although Ji Yu saw the visitor, she was still resentful, but she had to take her temper in front of her father.

"I won't come again, but you've burned all the porcelain at home." Ji Tao laughed and teased. "Say, who are you angry with? This is the way it was the day before yesterday."

"It's not Ye Shikai's scum." Ji Yu gritted her teeth, an expression that could not wait to bite.

"Ye Shikai, you mean, Mr. Ye." Ji Tao thought for a while and finally thought of the name.

"What sir, it's a bastard."

"I heard that he was about to marry the girl of the Chen family, and even the news was published." Ji Tao said slowly, "I have also investigated his identity, and it really is not a simple person."

"Father, your focus should be on his marriage experience. Just a few days ago, he just divorced Su Qingyu. Will he get married again in such an anxiety?" Ji Yu seemed to have suffered a lot. In fact, she felt wronged for Ji Qian. She thought that he would divorce, and she would marry Ji Qian and take responsibility. However, he unexpectedly went to marry Chen Yuxin again.

"That's the freedom of others. What are you so angry about?"

"He shit, forget it, you don't understand it." Ji Yu didn't talk about Ye Shikai's relationship with Ji Qian. Let's talk about this kind of thing.

"Tell you something happy." Ji Tao suddenly laughed. "Your sister is coming back."

"What, father, you said my sister is coming back."

"Yes, she told me personally, I've sent someone to pick her up."

End of this chapter

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