Pet Pokemon’s Poor Chapter 195

"His! Ka~ka-cha!" With the cooperation of Taiji and Xiaoling, this Arbok was soon left with only the wreckage.

All of the snake meat was put into Taiji's backpack. To be honest, the two of them didn't care about the distribution of this thing, and Xiaoling and Shitou basically ate together at Taiji's house.

After this little episode, the two finally reached the outskirts of the forest.

The powerful aura of several Ordinary Levels made the Pokémon on the outside dare not stand in front of Taiji and the others.

In this way, all the way back home safely.

"Brother Taiji, I'm going to cook!" As soon as she got home, Xiaoling put her backpack on the stool and went to the kitchen very consciously.

"Yes." Taiji nodded, and walked to the backyard with a few Pokémon.

"Come out, Houndour!" He threw the Poké Ball, and a Black puppy appeared in front of everyone again.

"ao wu!" Houndour howl as soon as it came out, it doesn't like being in Poké Ball very much.

"Alright, alright, it was a special case just now. During Normal, you won't be locked in a Poké Ball."

Taiji touched the dog's head and explained one time.

"Come and meet your seniors!

This is just Pidegeotto, my second Pokémon!"

He gave Houndour first He pointed to Pidegeotto, who was grooming his feathers.

"Beep beep ~ beep beep" Hello, Houndour! We will be comrades from now on!

Pidegeotto saw Taiji introducing himself, and immediately called Houndour friendly.

"Wang Wang ~ Wang ~" senior Good! My name is Houndour!

"Okay, then this is the old big brother in our team and my Starter Pokemon! Say hello to Weepinbell and Houndour!"

"Moo moo ~Moo!"little fellow, I'm Weepinbell, don't worry, I'll help you become stronger in the future!

Hearing Taiji's flower, Weepinbell waved his own leaves in a friendly gesture.

"Woooo~woof!" Hello, Brother Weepinbell! You are amazing, you beat that big snake to pa pa pa!

Houndour saw Weepinbell's strength in Poké Ball, so he admired Weepinbell very much.

"And the one over there is my companion Xiaoling's Starter Pokemon, it's called Poliwhirl."

After introducing her Pokémon, Taiji also called Xiaoling's Pokemon. Poliwhirl introduced it. After all, it looks like a long-term teammate.

"Yobo~gu lu~" Poliwhirl also greeted Houndour and spit out a few ordinary bubbles to play with Houndour.

"Wow?" Houndour looked suspiciously at Bubble who was approaching him, and poked curiously with his front foot.

“pa! Papa!” Several bubbles exploded in an instant.

"woof! Woof!" seems very interesting!

Of course, Houndour is not afraid of this ordinary Bubble, on the contrary, it enjoys the feeling of puncturing the Bubble.

"Okay, let's eat first!" Said Taiji and took out a few Pokémon's for dinner. (Poliwhirl's dinner, Xiaoling gave Taiji before entering the kitchen)

Of course Houndour didn't have Pokéblock, just a piece of raw Pokémon meat.

For Houndour, of course he had other arrangements, but Poliwhirl was still there, so he couldn't take it out directly.

"Wang~woo~woo" Houndour looked at the Pokémon meat, very happy, and took a bite.

“Hahaha, little fellow eat slowly, when the time comes there is a companion who introduced you to me!”

Watching the gobbling Houndour, Taiji laughed.

"Brother Taiji! It's time to eat!" After a while, when the Pokémon had almost finished eating, Xiao Ling's shout came from the room.

"Okay, I see. Then Pidegeotto, go to Shishi's house to have a look and call Shishi.

Weepinbell, let's play with Houndour for a while."

Weepinbell p>

Taiji isn't a training devil either, and I know the truth about each one, so let them play by themselves tonight.

“Moo✪ω✪” and “yo✪ω✪” heard that they can play, and the two big ones were obviously very happy, so they ran with Houndour directly.

"It's still little children, they!" Watching a few Pokémons chasing and making trouble in the open space, Taiji laughed, then turned around and walked towards the main room.

"Brother Taiji, eat this."

"This is delicious too, I just learned it!"

"Well, Not bad."

"dong dong dong ~"

While Taiji and Xiaoling were eating, someone knocked on the door.

"Come in, Stone, the door is unlocked!" Taiji shouted without looking back, he was familiar with the sound of Stone's heavy footsteps.

"Brother Taiji, Xiaoling, you are back."

The stone who opened the door and entered, greeted him first.

"Well, Shishi, have you eaten yet? Would you like to have some together?"

Hearing Shishi's words, Taiji also asked.

"I've eaten, Brother Taiji, did your mission go well this time?

Stone found a stool and sat down, and began to chat with Taiji and Xiaoling.

"All right, look, Brother Stone! This is the new Pokédex I bought! "

Hearing Shito's question, Xiaoling answered directly and took out her Pokédex from her backpack.

"However, it's a pity, Shito, you let us pay attention The Sandshrew did catch it, but the Aptitude was just average medium. "

"Aoao, it's actually fine, I don't care, as long as I can help you as soon as possible." "

Stone didn't feel anything about the Pokédex in Xiaoling's hand, but his eyes shined when he heard Sandshrew.

"I've sold it, Stone, since I chose to make you a With Trainer, you will not be a cannon fodder, you are my teammate, my brother!

Don't worry! when the time comes we'll definitely get you a Sandshrew of at least a good quality. "

Hearing Shishi's words, Taiji put down the tableware and looked at Shishi seriously.

"Yes, yes, Brother Shishi, Poliwhirl and I will help you too." Yes, it's very difficult to deal with me in Diglett's Cave. "

Xiao Ling also expressed her position quickly, and a water polo appeared in her hand.

"en!" "Looking at the serious faces of the two, Shishi felt warm in his heart. He didn't say thank you. In his opinion, it was a foreigner's remark, but a solemn nodded.

"woof! woof!" Suddenly, Houndour's Growl came from the back door, full of threats and threats.

"Brother Taiji, did you buy a new Pokémon? Is it a dog? "

Heard the dog Growl, the stone curiously asked.

"Yeah, Houndour stop barking, this is the other buddy I just told you about." "

Hearing Houndour's Growl, Taiji hurriedly opened the door, and before Houndour rushed over, he hurriedly explained.

"Wow? wang wang wang~ ~" Houndour was a little embarrassed, he scolded so loudly behind the door just now, didn't expect to be his trainer's teammate...

"Wang woo~" It looked back and sneaked The other Pokémon, who were holding back their laughter, felt like they were tricked by them.

"Well, hello, Houndour! My name is Stone. "

Stone didn't care at all, but said hello first.

"Hey Cha~" Seeing that his Trainer didn't care, Geodude certainly wouldn't grab it either. No, I also happily greeted Houndour.

"Wang Wang~" Hello, sorry just now!

Seeing the teammate who took the initiative to expose the matter, Houndour quickly I screamed twice.

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