Pet Pokemon’s Poor Chapter 206

"Boss, then why don't we just join Team Rocket in that town?"

Someone who was not very smart asked directly.

"Are you stupid! Just what we did in that town, how dare the Team Rocket over there accept us!"

Hearing this, a pockmarked man beside him The face Trainer directly patted the person who asked this idiot question.

"But aren't they Team Rocket more evil than us? I heard that they are still doing human experiments."

That Tie Hanhan probably has a relatively straight temper, so he has to be serious. Keep asking.

"That was before! Now Team Rocket doesn't do large-scale raids at all, or do top secrets.

It's not like we slaughtered two families in the town Ah! I even killed Gym Leader's little lover first and then!

hehe, but that chick is really strong! No wonder the daughter of a small family would be favored by the Gym Leader."

hehe p>

When Mazi-face mentioned this, he immediately remembered his previous affair in Pinliang Town, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help laughing.

"Okay, don't mention this kind of thing again, the boat is done, our only way to survive is to find the Team Rocket base here before the Alliance's dog catches up.

< p>md! Damn it! I heard that Team Rocket here was built not long ago, and it seems to have a big mission, so it is very hidden, and the inner should not know the location of the Items body at all!"

Looking With a wretched smile on Mazi's face, Hirano is angry! He didn't enjoy it at the time, and was busy going to the treasure house to find the treasure!

"Okay, boss! Since you've made a confession, boss, we'll always follow you." Seeing that Hirano was angry again, Mazi-face quickly agreed with nodded.

"Yeah, yeah, so brothers can feel at ease!"

"Boss, I'll hang out with you when I get to Team Rocket!"

Others After getting the answer, he immediately began to show his loyalty.

After all, they have no way out in Alliance. If they want to continue to develop, the only way to join Team Rocket is now.

"Well, don't worry, with my elite status, I'm also a platoon captain there, when the time comes you are all Small Captains under my command."

< p> Hearing everyone's statement, Hirano nodded, very satisfied, and took advantage of the situation to give everyone a verbal check.

"haha ~ then thank you boss." The yellow hair next to him thanked him very discerningly.

"Thank you, boss!"

"I knew I would follow the boss! It must be right."

Others also opened the mouth and said thank you, As if the previous forced palace had never happened.

"It's good to say, it's good to say, after the rest, let's go search around in pairs, where the density of Pokémon is relatively high, and there are more types, just mark it down, and two hours later. Come back here and let's investigate together."

Seeing the loyal and loyal people, Hirano didn't mention it again on the surface, and ordered to continue the search.

"Okay, boss."

"Okay, then I'll go with you as Mazi."

After getting the order, so did the others Immediately Contest Category, each paired out of the tree hole.

"The boss, I'd better stay with you, be safe!"

Huang Mao saw the 4 people who had already gone out, and after scolding inwardly, he flattered his face. Said to Hirano.

"Well, let's follow." Hirano didn't care, so he took Hitmonchan out of the tree hole.

On the other hand, Alliance's search team also successfully came to the inner circle of the forest, and the four teams were also assigned to four directions to start searching.

Taiji and their team were also assigned to the position with the most sparse trees, no surprise.

Obviously just let them mingle, don't bother the other three teams to earn extra merit.

"Ah~ Forget it, anyway, I was originally here to protect the bottom line, so Taiji, the three of you will go to the left, and the two of you and I will go to the right."

Although it was his own choice, he was really looked down upon and excluded by others, and Brother Teng's face was a little ugly.

But in the end, he was also sighed and took the other two to the right.

"Then let's go too, just move slowly, as long as you don't stop."

Looking at Brother Teng's lonely back, Taiji didn't know what to say. It also silently walked to the left with Xiaoling and the stone.

As expected, it is the least dangerous area. At a glance, you can see far away places. All around the trees are relatively sparse. Most of them are grasses and bushes that are not very high. Safe roads marked by Pokédex are also very close.

Of course, the corresponding Pokémons are relatively low in density and weak in strength. They basically look like one or two Ordinary Level Lower Sections, and they are easily turned into materials under the siege of three people.

"Alas~ what a pity, Team Rocket's mission to collect Pokémon is over, or else it would be great to accept it for a contribution point."

Taiji put the last one Snake Tooth threw it into the backpack, looked at Arbok who was only left with dregs, and felt a pity in his heart.

"Brother Taiji, shall we just go on slowly? Are we going to stop looking for those fugitives?

I saw the message sent by Depp Investigator, it seems that someone has already dealt with the two. There are only one scumbag, then adding that leader, there are only four left!”

The girl walking beside just saw the real-time information sent by the contactor, and couldn’t help but feel a little anxious, this simple child, I really thought that I would meet the criminal, so I also specially prepared a lot of things in my backpack.

"Cough~ Xiaoling, this kind of thing can't be forced, and with the strength of the three of us, we really don't know who kill who when we meet?

You also see The latest information on the six fugitives shows that the weakest one has three ordinary mid-range Pokémon. When the time comes, we will call for rescue, and the reward will be someone else's.

So the main purpose of our coming out this time is to feel the atmosphere and accumulate experience."

Seeing the impatient girl, Taiji couldn't help but smile, and then explained to the simple child. one time.

"Ah! That's the case, then I bought so many things."

After realizing it, Xiaoling couldn't help but look at her full backpack sadly. It cost her a lot of money.

"It's fine, these things don't expire, they will always be used in the future."

Looking at the sad Xiaoling, Taiji patted her head and comforted her.

"Okay, brother Shito, have you prepared anything extra?"

Based on the principle of not being able to spend money alone, she immediately turned around and asked the other side stone.

"Uh~ I didn't. Brother Taiji didn't say it, and I didn't expect."

Looking at the girl's expectant gaze, Stone touched the back of his head, sorry replied.

"Why is this~wu wu~" Hearing Shitou's answer, Xiaoling realized that she was the only one who spent money in vain, and couldn't help but feel even more sad.

"Alright, alright, Xiaoling, maybe we'll meet, and when the time comes, it's really up to you."

Looking even more sad Xiaoling, Taiji also didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

After some jokes, Xiaoling also quickly accepted the fact, after all, as Taiji said, this will not depreciate, and it will always be used in the future.

After regrouping the team, the three of them continued to explore slowly inside.


It took two or three hours like this, and the three of them got a little deeper. long distance.

"Help! Help!" Suddenly several cries for help came from the side.

"Brother Taiji, someone is calling for help? It's a woman's voice!"

As a born extraordinary, Xiao Ling's senses are actually more sensitive than the other two, she can hear clearly The cry for help came from a woman.

"Well, Pidegeotto, you fly higher, go over there to see the situation, and remember to hide."

Taiji nods, and let Pidegeotto in front of you check the situation .

"Let's retreat in the opposite direction first. Don't mix it up until we understand the situation."

"En~" The two of them were nodded, and they went in the opposite direction together obediently. retreat.

"In the wild, don't meddle in your own business, and don't casually talk to unfamiliar Trainers!"

This is the principle that Taiji has always emphasized with them, so even a simple Xiaoling can He didn't say anything about going to the rescue right away.

After all, Sanguan has been swayed by Taiji. Before, he took a lot of his own private goods for the two of them in the make-up class every night.

After the three retreated for several hundred meters, they finally found a denser bush to hide in.

"Beep~beep~" Pidegeotto flew back after they hid for a few minutes.

Because of the contract, Pidegeotto doesn't have to worry about finding Taiji.

"Beep~Beep~" Pidegeotto landed on the Ground and began to tell Taiji what he had seen and heard.

"There's a woman running for her life over there. It's the woman I met at the Pokémon Center before."

"Yes! It's Ning Hui?? How could she be in the wild, Also appeared in the inner circle!"

Hearing Pidegeotto's first sentence, Taiji's mind immediately appeared a silhouette that was about to be forgotten.

Taiji remembered the affairs of Ninghui's family. He also inquired with Sam Uncle at the time. After learning the whole story, he avoided Ninghui on purpose. After all, a small family with wind and rain. , it's really not worth his marriage! But didn't expect to meet here.

"Go ahead, Pidegeotto." Knowing that it was Ninghui, he became more interested and immediately urged Pidegeotto to continue.

"Beep beep ~ beep beep ~ beep" There is a male Trainer's body not far away, as well as a Pidegeotto, a Raticate's body.

Behind the woman, another pock-faced man with a Tangela was chasing her.

"Beep beep ~ beep beep~" When I saw that woman was running desperately, her Rattata seemed to be trying desperately to stop Tangela, but she was almost killed.

Pidegeotto drew pictures while talking, and Taiji probably understood what was going on.

It is estimated that Ninghui brought her son-in-law here to look for her father's relics, and then she was met by the fugitive, and she became angry.

He also heard some time ago that Ninghui's family seems to have died in the wild in order to restore the normal high-level battle strength.

In the end, although the strength was reduced to the bottom of the family in the town, some basic things were still kept, and the family also recovered the battle strength of the ordinary high section.

Why did he know he was a fugitive when he heard the pockmarked face?

That's because the contactor has already sent information on the face and strength of the fugitive, and there is a Tangela on the pockmarked face.

"Pidegeotto, are you sure you only saw one Tangela? Are there any other Pokémon beside that pockmarked face."

Hearing that there was only one Tangela, Taiji was moved, if It's a fugitive after the fight, so with their three people, it's really possible to win, and this pockmarked face is only an ordinary middle section in the information.

"Beep~beep~" Pidegeotto shook his head, indicating no, but it said that he saw a bitten snake tail next to Raticate, and there were 4 teeth biting out on Pidegeotto's body blood hole.

"That's right. No matter how bad that son-in-law is, he still has two Ordinary Level Pokémons. Impossible were taken down without injury. It seems that something happened."

Hearing that it was Arbok and Golbat's Taiji, decided to vote for him.

"Little Ling, you're right, there's a wounded fugitive chasing a woman in front of you."

The determined Taiji turned his head with a smile on his face The first little Ling said something.

"It's hurt! We can't let Brother Taiji go!"

Little Ling, who received the unexpected joy, immediately persuaded.

"Well, I'm going to vote for him too. This fugitive is the weaker Pokémon, and his other two Pokémon are seriously injured, and there is only one Tangela beside him, how about it? Does Shishi have any opinions?"

Looking at the excited Xiaoling, Taiji laughed, expressing that he also agreed, but he still asked Shishi for his opinion, after all, he had to take care of Shishi's feelings, although there is a high probability Agree.

"Well, I have no problem." Sure enough, the stone was nodded.

"Okay, then let's hide here and use the telescope to look around. Pidegeotto said that the woman probably fled to this area at most."

Agreed when I saw the stone Well, Taiji also arranged it.

"Well, good." Stone nodded, took out the telescope from the backpack, and looked forward.

"Okay! Brother Taiji!" Xiaoling was obviously very excited, and took out the telescope and looked to the side.

On the other side, in the grass not far from Taiji and the others, Mazi looked at Ninghui who was caught by Tangela with a wretched face.

"hahaha ~ I should enjoy it. Last time I was in town, didn't expect to find such a Top Grade this time!

Let that bald head Look down on me, even dumped me and go hunting for high-level Pokémon! Now this girl is mine alone!"

Looking at the huge size of Ninghui's chest that couldn't be covered by the protective clothing, in the Looking at Karen's pure face with rain, the pock-marked face feels that fate is not thin to him!

"wu wu ~woo~" Ninghui, who was bound by vines, also had a rag stuffed in her mouth, so she could only look at the pockmarked face with horror.

"It won't work here, the space is empty, let's walk over there and find a hidden place."

He looked at the slightly open field of vision all around, always It feels too dangerous, and it is better to be cautious when doing things in the wild.

"Come on!" Shishi also saw the fugitive who was walking this way and said in a low voice.

"Don't worry, let's see what the pockmarked face is doing first, I guess it's... Normal men are the most relaxed when..., that's our chance."


Hearing Shitou's words, Xiaoling and Taiji also pointed the telescope in the direction, and also saw the fugitive with a wretched face, and the captured Ninghui.

However, Taiji didn't plan to save people right away. Instead, he explained to Xiaoling who had already pulled out his tools and shook the head.

"Aoao, Taiji brother~ I understand." After listening to Taiji's explanation, the girl's Face is red, and she quietly agreed.

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