Pet Pokemon’s Poor Chapter 32

Soon, Bellsprout put the Catterpie at a distance of about 10 meters, which is the limit of the distance Vine Whip can threaten.

It's still a freshman after all, but in case this Catterpie sees the distance, he's thinking about it.

Taiji still threw a throwing knife right next to Catterpie.

“Woo, woo (๑òᆺó๑)” Catterpie hurriedly nodded, indicating that he would not run.

"Okay, let's get started, Bellsprout uses Sleep Powder at full power!" Seeing the well-behaved Catterpie, Taiji nods, ready to start the final round of testing!


The powder visible to the naked eye of “Swish” had already begun to disperse when it spread to a distance of 7.8 meters, and only a thin layer covered Catterpie’s head. A thin layer

"Woo? Woo oh, wu wu ~" Catterpie at first didn't feel it, but 8.9 seconds later, it felt a groggy feeling.

But the terrifying human didn't let him move, so he could only continue to absorb these powders. For about 30 seconds, Catterpie tilted his head and fell into a sleep state.

"Well, this test is unnecessary, 30 seconds is too long, but it can be seen that although the distance of about 10 meters can't make people fall asleep, it will also affect the mental state, and it can also be used. ”

Taiji wrote down his preliminary test with notes, and plans to grab Weedle for a comparative test later.

After all, Weedle's poisonous attribute should have some resistance. As the two largest groups in the forest, the data obtained by using them for testing can also reflect the state of most Pokémon after being recruited. .

"Bellsprout, Vine Whip, let's put it away, we must be honest!" After getting the test data, this tool bug can also disappear.

"Moo? Moo" Bellsprout feels a little pity, really let it go

"Of course, I'm Aoki Taiji, but I'm a good guy, but you can secretly write down where you lost yourself, wait a few minutes and catch up, that's when we found it again, so it's one yardage Got it, got it!"

"Moo moo! moo moo moo ✪ω✪" Bellsprout was shocked by Taiji's righteous explanation! There is such an operation!

"cough cough! Don't look at me like that, think about it carefully, didn't I let it live? If it wakes up, it doesn't matter if it runs away. If it doesn't wake up, it's me. Give up!"

Taiji, who was blushing a little, explained quickly, they just met again! It is definitely not because of money that people are greedy for their bodies!

Besides, the relationship between Pokémon in the wild and humans in this world is the mortal enemy, how can you believe the words of the mortal enemy!

Alliance has a village that is attacked by wild Pokémon every year, town!

After all, this world Pokémon is the dominant position. Don't look at what 4Elite is now, the champion is very strong!

But in fact, in this world, humans only occupy less than one-tenth of the area, and the rest are Pokémon's territory.

And there are Rookie Trainers every year in the wild, because I heard the nonsense of those old Pokémon, saying that there are natural treasures, they are tricked to kill, and the things on their bodies are their spills of war !

So Taiji at least gave some hope. Compared with this thin Sleep Powder, it will definitely not take long to wake up.

"Moo" Bellsprout nods, and Vine Whip gives a slight toss.

"peng!" Catterpie is only about two meters away from it.

Then it ran a little further away and came slowly

"Moo!" shouted at Taiji, saying it found a Catterpie!

“눈_눈”Taiji looked at Bellsprout’s Divine Immortal operation and was amazed at it. I at least gave me some way to survive before, but you didn’t give me any way!

"Moo? moo moo moo?" Seeing that Taiji didn't respond, Bellsprout asked hurriedly, can he kill him!

"Bellsprout, how greedy you are, forget it, kill it" Seeing Bellsprout who has been asking him about the trainer's opinion, Taiji didn't know whether to cry or laugh the nodded.

I saw Bellsprout raise the Vine Whip and slap "pa! slappa!"

The Catterpie never woke up again.

"Bellsprout, this time we will find a Weedle for testing. It has a poisonous Attribute and should be resistant to your powder!" Taiji, who had cleaned up the scene, identified the next victim. .

This gives us a rough idea of how a non-resistant Pokémon and a resistant Pokémon will face Sleep Powder!

"Moo" Bellsprout nods, thinking that it is Taiji, I think so carefully, I have a lot to learn from him!

Then one Pokémon, one by one, it's time to find the next lucky one!

Soon, two Weedles were found, Bellsprout easily solved one, skillfully tied the other, and brought it back near the entrance of the forest!

"Woooo? Wooooo wu wu" This Weedle is very happy to find that he is not dead!

Does this human want to subdue me? Do I have to be reserved? Listen to seniors, those of us living in the periphery of Weedles and Aptitude are not good.

Rather than living a precarious life here, it's a little more comfortable to eat and drink every day without danger after being subdued!

But senior also said that human beings often do not cherish what is too easy to get! It's not good for me to be too positive!

Well, it's decided, then I'll hold back for a while and let this human know that it's his honor to have me!

"Woooo! Woooo? Wooo wu wu!" Taiji only saw that after the Weedle woke up, the surprise from the very beginning turned into longing, and then began to wriggle in various ways. ! Finally got a look of pride!

"What the hell, did you break your head, Bellsprout!" Taiji, face full of black lines, asked Bellsprout

"Moo?" Bellsprout said he had Stop it.

"Then Bellsprout give it a whip to wake it up! What's so noble here"

"pa!" tone barely fell, just an ordinary Vine Whip On Weedle

"Woo! wu wu wu ~" Weedle, who was caught off guard, didn't expect this human being to be so fierce!

"Then I'd better follow" Weedle immediately slumped and looked at Taiji flatteringly!

"Well, this is decent! Weedle, you should be able to understand what I'm saying. If you understand the meaning, it's nodded!" Seeing Weedle who has acknowledged allegiance, Taiji nominates

"Woo! Woo!" Weedle quickly said that he understood!

"Okay, now I need you to cooperate with me to do a test. As long as you cooperate well, I'll let you live, you understand if I don't kill you!"

"If you don't cooperate, Then I'll kill you now!" Taiji threatened

"Moo( ̄ε(# ̄)☆╰╮o( ̄▽ ̄)" Bellsprout slapped a whip to the side in cooperation.

"Woooo? Wooooooo~" Weedle, who understands that it is not about to be subdued, is a little disappointed, but in order to survive, he is also nodded!

"Okay, Bellsprout, that's still Just follow the previous operation process, and if it changes, just kill it!" Taiji sighed in relief when he saw the Weedle of nodded, it would be a waste of time to catch it!

However, in order to prevent accidents, Bellsprout was given a vigilant order, after all, this Weedle seems to be a little careful!

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