Pet Pokemon’s Poor Chapter 388

Soon, Taiji and the others stayed in Celadon City for more than half a year. After such a long time, Taiji's Wartortle, supported by a large amount of resources regardless of cost, has reached a breakthrough. Ordinary high segment, only a little bit to evolve.

Correspondingly, Houndoom, which was originally an ordinary high-end, finally touched the threshold of elemental power after the energy can't advance, although its current progress is really based on percentages, even percentages. None of them, but when you start, it means that there is a chance, and you will slowly grind it later.

The two elite-level Pokémon didn't make much progress. Pidgeot was still stuck at the limit of the elite-level Lower Section. Under Taiji's order, it didn't try to break through after reaching 10 elemental powers. Instead, I tried compression and tempering, and finally achieved elemental power 11 times in the elite Lower Section, which is a small breakthrough in its own limit.

Don't underestimate the breakthrough of elemental power at this time, whether you can be promoted to Gym depends on this little accumulation, and you can break through to become an elite Pokémon, they have surpassed 9% of the world. Ten of the same kind, if you want to go further and advance from elite to Gym, you have to be more outstanding than other geniuses!

Being able to cross the limit of the regular elite Lower Section is a breakthrough. It can be said that Pidgeot's hope of advancing to Gym has been greatly improved.

Of course, this is also related to Taiji's unrelenting funding. Without the resources and compression skills exchanged from Sabrina, Pidgeot is not a real genius, how could he break through the shackles!

Of course, Taiji had thought about it before, otherwise, let Pidgeot directly break through and become an elite middle class, so that his strength will be stronger, maybe you can see it in that chaos. What about opportunities?

But after thinking about when the time comes the main force in the battle is Elite, he still gave up this means of sacrificing Pidgeot's future potential.

After all, let’s not talk about Elite, even at the Gym level, there is not much difference between the elite Lower Section and the elite middle section, that is, the very few elite high section, the powerhouse that has been immersed in this realm for many years , in order to live with the Gym level so two tricks.

It's Weepinbell, thanks to the help of the two drops of the holy spring, and the grass Attribute cultivation venue specially provided by Celadon City, it is progressing rapidly, it is almost approaching the limit of regular Pokémon, which is about to arrive 10 times the amount of elemental power, it is now 9 times, on the way to 10 times.

In addition, in terms of moves, thanks to Taiji's intention to make friends with the elite Disciples of Celadon City, they can also exchange whether they have or not, and often communicate with each other.

The current Weepinbell has learned many new moves, such as the Leaf Dance and Poison Bomb that Erika's Weepinbell used before, it has already learned.

It's the Magical Leaf move, which made Taiji spend a bit of money. The Alliance store outside doesn't sell it at all. He still found a Gym Disciple that he knew well, and paid a lot of money to ask someone to get one from Gym. .

Fortunately, Weepinbell is more competitive. After a Ability Inheritance Pearl goes down, it learns, and then it merges with its own toxins and successfully creates its own dance of leaves.

And the poison bomb with a wide range of sputtering has been trying since Weepinbell learned Sludge Bomb and Acid Spray, and finally made progress in an elite exchange meeting. Successfully let him learn this trick.

In this way, Weepinbell's anti-virus application has a very convenient step. After all, the sputtering range of this move is really wide, and Normal's opponent may not really care. Small toxins.

Some people may think that it takes only half a year to change so much. In fact, in the final analysis, the progress of elites is no longer measured in days. If it is really that simple, then Sam uncle in Aoki Town. How can you give up and give up?

At this stage, it's not easy to make progress and breakthrough. Most elites without inheritance or resources will stay at this level forever, so if you can do better, then Do your best to reach the limit of this stage, so that there is hope to climb up.

As for Xiaoling, it's almost the same situation. Starmie has only been upgraded from 5 elemental powers to 6 elemental powers. It is an elite promoted by Psychic, so the resources spent are still improved. The difficulty is far greater than that of regular attributes.

And Poliwrath has been upgraded twice. With sufficient elemental crystal supply, it has been upgraded from three elemental power to five elemental power.

At the same time, its moves have also been improved. The previous Poliwrath was a skillful application of his own moves. If it's great, let's chain it together. The trump card's big move is Hurricane snow combined with elemental power.

To tell the truth, it is all about energy and speed to deal with the enemy. There is Xiaoling, the Trainer's Help, which can deal with some stronger opponents, but if it is Erika, there are many tricks. opponent , it is very passive, just like the previous battle, being plot against is deadly and quickly defeated.

So after Absorb learned the lessons of that battle, she began to think about how Poliwrath's battle system should be restructured.

Taiji also helped her to ask Sabrina for help, and obtained some more proven Water Type, ice attribute, Fighting Type Pokémon moves with the help of Sabrina's channels.

After more than half a year of groping, she finally got results. In melee moves, she combined Ice Punch and Dynamic Punch into a new move-Blast Ice Punch!

This move incorporates the skill of blasting on the basis of rushing Ice Punch. When it hits, it will also blast the ice cubes apart to form a splash effect and cause secondary damage.

In this way, even if it is blocked by the enemy with a move, it will not end here. When the enemy blocks, the ice cube covering the fist will explode with a "peng", giving the enemy a surprise!

In the long-range move, she combined the Mud Shot and Icy Wind from the Poliwhirl period to form her own fusion move - Ice Sparkle Strike!

The formidable power is naturally not as good as the ultimate move - Hurricane Snow, but it consumes less! And Bing Shuo's formidable power is not particularly bad. If you have to draw a value according to the formidable power of the moves in the game, it is about 80, which is about one-half higher than the single Mud Shot and Icy Wind formidable power. , but the consumption is only about 1/4/2022 higher than the individual moves, which is still very practical.

With these two moves, Xiaoling's Poliwrath can be regarded as a qualitative improvement in strength.

And the third Pokémon of the girl is the most obvious progress, because it was cultivated for a long time earlier than Taiji's Wartortle, so Marshtomp is one step faster, and at the same time of reaching the ordinary high level, it also evolves with the trend !

Of course, when Marshtomp evolved, Taiji also took out the sacred spring that had been sealed for a long time, gave it a drop, there is this Water Type Supreme Treasure Help, plus Xiaoling has prepared it for a long time. Peak Level evolution material, Marshtomp not only evolved into Swampert smoothly, but also upgraded Aptitude to Boss inferior Aptitude during detection, it can be said that Elite is promising!

After all, I got the Three Founding Families from Alliance, and the lowest Aptitude is the elite and inferior. In each evolution, because of Taiji and Sabrina's Help, the evolution of the highest Peak Level is used. Resources, two evolutions to upgrade three small Aptitudes, and the final leap in actual combat Aptitude is also reasonable.

Correspondingly, in this evolution, all kinds of high-quality resources that it usually eats are also absorbed by it, and with the help of the Holy Spring, it directly catches up, surpassing Houndoom in the Taiji team has also touched the threshold of elemental power, and the progress is faster than Houndoom. If it is described by percentage, Swampert should have 2% of the energy transformed into elemental power at this time.

Of course, most of the credit is due to the drop of the holy spring. This Water Type Supreme Treasure is really great for the Water Type Pokémon, compared to the one used in the Fire Element Houndoom. On the body, it was really the difference between Heaven and Earth, which made Houndoom a little suspicious that the dog was born!

I feel that the drop of holy spring I ate was sneaked into the water by the Trainer.

Based on the principle of not spilling things through excessive enthusiasm, Taiji and Xiaoling did not give Swampert a second drop of the Holy Spring, although if they gave another drop, Swampert would definitely be able to successfully advance to the elite and become the hands of girls The third elite-level battle strength of , but in this way, it is bound to make Swampert's foundation vain, so that this Pokémon is useless.

It should be known that after Swampert has successfully evolved, there should be a long process of energy accumulation in order to reach the threshold of elemental power! (Refer to how long Houndoom stayed in the normal high section for details!)

And now the Sacred Spring directly fills Swampert with energy, forcibly instilling it to the level of the Elemental Sect threshold, which is a lot less of itself Opportunity to feel it firsthand.

And a combat-type Pokémon can't even grasp the amount of energy in its own body and the level of formidable power, and wants to use external force to break open the door of the elite level, it is definitely a proper self. Abandoned foundation!

In fact, when Swampert first evolved successfully, when Xiaoling brought it to try the formidable power, this kind of recruitment appeared. The same Hammer Arm twice, but the formidable power is very different. The target of the test was cracked, and the other time it was only a crack!

at first The girl thought it was the reason for the move she just learned.

But when Swampert tried to use the previous moves, and the problem still occurred, she knew that the strength was increasing too fast.

Although the energy infused by Supreme Treasure like the Sacred Spring is very pure, there is no repercussions, but in pure energy, there will be no subjective consciousness, you don't need to control it, just follow you come to your mind!

Swampert's current situation is equivalent to a mentally handicapped adult, but he doesn't know how to use it, and he still uses it from time to time! This problem is huge.

So the first problem now is to let Swampert adapt to the new body, the new strength, and then talk about other things after it has fully mastered it again, rather than continue to increase its body performance, which will also Make it more difficult to control!

If you really let it break through to the elite level one after another, then it will really be an Aptitude with inferior bosses, let alone Elite, I am afraid that Gym is hopeless.

So the training Xiaoling now arranges for Swampert is very basic move training, which is to let him master his own strength from scratch.

After talking about Xiaoling, let's talk about Ninghui, the little maid, who has changed the most.

Miltank has nothing to say, he is still accumulating energy. In the past six months, he just got rid of the energy level of the first entry into the ordinary high-level segment. Every day, he does some basic combat training according to Taiji's requirements. , so as not to be an ordinary tall vase in the wild.

Clefairy has successfully digested all the honey that Taiji had given it in the past six months. Not to mention, Aptitude has improved to a normal high level.

After all, Taiji's positioning of it is different from that of Miltank. He often arranges heavier combat training tasks for it, but also gives it more cultivation resources, so the three little ones, now It is also that all the members have advanced to the ordinary high section, and they are all good players.

It is worth mentioning that because of Taiji's training throughout the whole process, its combat literacy is still very hard.

Like Cosmic Power and Stored Power in its bloodline inheritance, these two Psychic moves have become very proficient, and under Taiji's Psychic Help, it can now be seamlessly connected These two tricks.

First use Cosmic Power to quickly improve your attack and defense, and at the same time absorb as much Cosmic Power as possible, and then immediately use Stored Power to attack this part of the energy that cannot be converted, two tricks It can be done almost instantly, and the energy wave is much larger than using Stored Power alone.

In terms of Psychic, because of Taiji's intentional training and the personal teaching of Starmie, Clefairy also mastered the most basic Confusion moves. (PS: Clefairy can learn Psychic, but there is no reason why it can't learn the most basic Confusion, and there are many Psychic moves in its bloodline inheritance moves, so on Psychic, it still has innate talent!)

After teaching it Confusion, Starmie took Clefairy to learn Calm Mind. The two words Calm Mind represent a move and a cultivation method to improve Mental Force.

Actually, the cultivation process is the same, except that if you use it as a move, it is to instantly burst out the power of Calm Mind, which can temporarily improve your special attack and special defense.

But if it is used as a cultivation method, it is to give the power from Calm Mind to slowly flowing into your own Sea of Consciousness, so that the Confusion will grow slowly. Although this process is very slow, However, it is the safest way to improve, and it is more suitable for Pokémons like Clefairy who have no Psychic Attribute but some Psychic innate talent.

So the current Clefairy is still small and cute, but the real battle strength is definitely stronger than Normal's Wild High Pokémon!

Previously, Taiji took it out to fight Pokémon in the wild in order to test the success of cultivation.

In addition to Clefairy and Miltank, there are two new members of the Little Maid team, Pelipper and Ivysaur!

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