Pet Pokemon’s Poor Chapter 42

A new morning, Bellsprout worked out on the grounds with the previous basic training plan!

While Taiji was practicing with her new birding gun

"Bang! peng~ peng~!" A tiny gunshot sounded in Taiji's ear

"200, 400, 600..." Every time he beeped, he would recite a sentence in his heart.

It is worth noting that his training distance this time is about 25 meters. After all, if the Flying Type Pokémon is too close, he will definitely be found. He is not Bellsprout, less than one meter tall, and has a natural disguise. color.

He intends to shoot himself from a distance, while Bellsprout lurks as far forward as possible, and the two work together.

The key to this tactic is that he has to shoot first before talking about the follow-up. So he just bought it yesterday afternoon and started practicing this morning.

"Bang! Bang! peng peng peng!" The continuous shooting made Taiji feel distressed, and the Alliance store does not sell simulated bullets, saying that he can't make such a light bullet, he can only reply hehe .

More than 20 rounds were fired soon, and they were basically off-targets. After all, silk bullets were too light and easily disturbed by the wind.

Although he has experience in flying knives, his eyesight has something in common! But Taiji, who touched the gun for the first time, still didn't hit the target.

"However, it's not useless, I feel like I've found a trick, at least I'm getting closer to the goal."

Go to the target and look at the results of my training Taiji, still comforted himself.

He kind of understood why he hadn't seen anyone hunting Pokémon with this gun.

It stands to reason that after you are proficient with this gun, you should be able to earn it back. After all, even if you use this gun to catch Catterpie, you can still make money.

A bullet of 200, a Catterpie plus meat, a total of seven or eight hundred income.

But first of all you have to practice skillfully, to achieve the level of 7 or 8 in ten rounds, ordinary person needs hundreds of bullets! With the money for the gun, that's tens of thousands of dollars!

People who don't even have innate talent may have to pay hundreds of thousands!

And you can guarantee that every time you encounter a single Pokémon? If it's 2.3 Pokémons together, then if you don't hit all of them, it's over.

And after the shot, you still need Pokémon to come forward to kill the prey. Of course, you can take a knife yourself if you are not afraid of any accident.

So for the ordinary person with this money, wouldn't I buy a Pokémon that is better at Aptitude at first?

"Alas╯﹏╰ I feel like I still need to spend more money to buy a box. Now I have found some tricks. It is estimated that these 50 rounds should be almost the same, and it's not just for sale! hehe →_→"

Skilled to play again, Taiji, who has learned the trick, can only choose to buy another box to gamble.

After buying these before, he only has about 11,000 yuan left. To be honest, he is a little regretful now.

It still needs to spend another 10,000 to buy a box of 50 rounds of ammunition. If his plan fails, then he will cry to death. It is better to buy an ordinary medium Aptitude at first as a tool pet That's enough!

"But if it goes well, I'll break even if I catch one, and I'll make a profit if I catch two!" Taiji still decided to give it a shot, maybe turning a bicycle into a motorcycle!

He specifically asked before, even if it is the Zubat of the ordinary low-level Aptitude, the Pokémon House still accepts it!

After all, the flying Pokémon really had an advantage in the early stage! No worries about selling!

Soon these 50 rounds were finished by him, and he was able to achieve an average of 7 out of 10 rounds.

After all, he knew that he still had some innate talent. When he was practicing flying cards, he knew that he was still better than the ordinary person. In addition to the training that he had not missed for so many years, it was no accident that he could reach the standard of actual sneak attack.

"It's okay! It's okay! The first step still won the bet" wiped his sweaty forehead from the high tension,

Taiji decided to buy another box in the afternoon, Then take the Bellsprout to test, and then try a few more rounds at most and go out!

Taiji, who had finished lunch soon, went to the department store immediately, bought a box of 50 rounds of bullets, and came back.

There is no way, after all, I have no money. After I bought this, I returned to before liberation, and I only had more than 1,000 yuan left.

"Moo? moo moo moo" Bellsprout looked at Taiji suspiciously in the afternoon, he was training, why did he suddenly call me here? And put me on such a high branch!

"Bellsprout, I need you to simulate a Flying Type Pokémon on a branch. You can use vines to hang on branches to jump and dodge. Are you ready?" Taiji with a gun aimed at Bellsprout's head !

"Moo" Bellsprout habitually nodded.

"peng!" The bullet hit instantly, forming a big net!

"moo! Moo!" Bellsprout, who was shrouded in panic, fell from the tree.

"Bellsprout, use Vine Whip to hang on the branches above!" Taiji hurriedly shouted.

"Moo ヘ(__ヘ)" After hearing Taiji's voice, Bellsprout calmed down, hooked his hands on the branch he was just standing on, and then slowly landed.

"Sorry, sorry Bellsprout, I shot without telling you in advance, but I was just trying to test the unexpected effect!"

Help to disassemble the net on Bellsprout After coming down, Taiji explained it to Bellsprout.

"Moo(┯_┯)" Bellsprout said that he was completely unaware and was covered, and the speed of the net formation was so fast!

“en? Bellsprout didn’t you hear the sound of breaking the air?”

“Moo” Bellsprout shook his head no.

"That seems to have a good effect, but it may also be because you have the grass poison attribute! Flying Type Pokémon should have a higher perception of wind speed and air flow than you!" Taiji said to himself

After all, the flying Pokémon basically masters the Flying Type energy, and their sensitivity to these is definitely higher than Bellsprout.

"Well then, Bellsprout, let's try a few more times, and now I'm telling you, you can prepare yourself mentally, and you should be able to close the perception gap with Flying Type Pokémon!"

< p>“moo moo moo (๑°3°๑)” Bellsprout was a little helpless when he heard that there would be several more high-altitude stimulation projects.

He also understands that this is all to catch Flying Type Pokémon, and Taiji has no money to buy this gun!

"Are you ready? Bellsprout" Taiji asked aloud when he saw Bellsprout using the vine to slowly climb up the branch.

“Moo(づ●─●)づ” Bellsprout waved to say yes.

"Okay, come on!" Said Taiji and began to aim

"Moo (。ò∀ó。)" Because of the mental preparation in advance, it began to observe carefully .

"peng!" A light sound came from Taiji's ear, and the bullet flew out instantly!

"Moo?" Bellsprout, who was seriously feeling it, clearly felt a little abnormal this time, and tilted his head to the left.

“dong!” was still covered. It turns out that when Taiji found Bellsprout moving this time, he immediately fired two more bullets. The predictions are basically the same.

"Moo(ಥ_ಥ)" Bellsprout means you cheat!

"Hahaha, sorry, Bellsprout, because we have limited ammo, we put three bursts of shots together with this round. It seems that the effect is still good!"

" Then let's go out this afternoon and fight!"

"Moo(ง•̀_•́)ง" Bellsprout saw that he was finally going to start a new hunt, and said he would protect Taiji. of.

"Haha, then you can pay more attention, Bellsprout, let's have dinner early and pack up and go!" Said Taiji, put away his gun, and started to prepare things.

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