Pet Pokemon’s Poor Chapter 437

Xiaoling didn't feel much when he saw the mental Barrier that was arranged, but Taiji, who was also a Psychic, noticed the difference in the movement of Psywave just now.

Although the previous Sabrina is also very powerful, with the strength of Gym Peak, but it does not have the spirituality of the power just now!

As if these Mental Forces were born to her, giving Taiji a feeling that these Mental Forces are entirely hers.

"Na~Sabrina~You've been promoted to Elite!!!"

After thinking for a while, Taiji asked tremblingly.

Before Sabrina could answer, Xiao Ling on the side was also very surprised!

"Really! Sabrina elder sister, you have been promoted to Elite!!!"

Sabrina nods for the joy of the two, and then shook the head, replied:

"I'm out of gym class, but I haven't fully entered Elite.

My spiritual path has a clear direction, but it still takes time to carve out a path. Strictly speaking, I'm just on my way to Elite."

"That's very difficult to deal with! Being able to find a way means that Sabrina, you just need to accumulate, and the way to Elite is open!"< /p>

In this regard, Taiji gave a heartfelt compliment.

In fact, the same is true. Although the accumulation of Gym to Elite requires a lot, a lot, but these can still be built up with resources!

The most difficult thing is to find your own way. I don't know how many Pokémon and Trainers who are brimming over with talent are stuck in Gym Peak, and they can't touch the edge until they get old.

Pioneering your own path is simple enough to say, in a few words, but it's really frustrating for people or Pokémons to do!

Be aware that they have been cultivating on the inherent transcendental path between Heaven and Earth since they were born, or began to cultivate.

It can be said that from top to bottom, there are traces of this extraordinary way, even if the mind wants to change, but the body will subconsciously refuse, after all, after staying in the comfort zone for so long, who wants to go Unfamiliar road!

Not to mention having to recreate an extraordinary path from start to finish!

Even if it can be extended from the main road, which reduces the difficulty a little, but in the final analysis, it is still from scratch. As everyone knows, from 0 to 1 is the most difficult!

Otherwise Fuchsia Road Gym Leader ─Koga would not have personally taken the risk and went to Celadon City to capture the core herbal inheritance.

He wants to use the comprehending method to let himself out of a characteristic poisonous attribute road.

Trainers specializing in one department actually have advantages and disadvantages on this threshold.

The disadvantage is that, because of their specialization, they are too deeply involved in the inherent transcendent path, and it is difficult to find their own way.

Otherwise, why don't the eight ancient cities of the Alliance have Elite-level towns on the surface, and the multi-generational Gym Leaders are stagnant at the Gym-level until their death.

In fact, most of the Elite-level they hide are basically Elite-level Pokémon that have survived from generation to generation and have survived through time, such as Cerulean and Pewter City.

Of course, there is also an Elite like Saffron City, which relies on rich and imposing, forcibly throwing money, resources, and probability on a large area.

And the good thing is that if they find their way, they will progress much faster than a non-specialized Trainer.

That's why Alliance's Elite Four titles are powerhouses that specialize in one department!

Because they go much faster than the unspecialized Elite Trainer, and their natural strength is also much stronger, so they can have the honor of Alliance Elite Four.

It's not because Alliance's Elite powerhouse has only these 4 people!

While Koga and Sabrina are both specialized trainers, Koga also needs the core inheritance of other Poison Types to make her comprehending, but Sabrina understands it by herself!

Comparing the two, it can be said that Sabrina deserves the title of the number one genius in the history of the Alliance!

clear comprehension has made her way, and Sabrina is a Specialized Trainer, and it won't be long before she gets promoted to Elite!

Thinking of this, Taiji and Xiaoling are happy for Sabrina, but also for the stone far away in Pewter City.

As I said before, after Sabrina arrives at Elite, she will secretly help the stone to release the death contract!

In this way, Shito, the little friend, is out of the control of Pewter City, at least life and death are no longer in the hands of others!

No matter what, the three of them have come together from the most difficult time. Naturally, their relationship is extremely deep, but they have never forgotten him!

After being happy, Taiji became annoyed again, and he understood that Sabrina had delayed the cultivation time because of him.

It stands to reason that the road to clear comprehension has already been cleared, so I should strike while the iron is hot, burn money, and burn resources to advance to Elite as soon as possible.

The girl who saw Taiji's annoyed expression, laughed, realized what her sweetheart was thinking in the blink of an eye, she moved her lips, opened the mouth and said:

"Don't worry, Taiji, this time is nothing to me, since I already understand my own path, then Elite is where water flows, a canal is formed, it's harmless for a while, it doesn't matter to me. It will have any impact!"

Sabrina's arrogance as the Psychic queen is fully revealed when she says this!

The Elite-level realm that others can't wait for, is already as easy as pie Normal in her eyes.

Seeing this, Taiji didn't persuade him any more. He understood that Sabrina is a very assertive person, but he was also recruited before. According to Sabrina's idea, he directly took possession of Janine.

Thinking of this, he looked at Sabrina with a headache and asked:

"Then Janine, do I ask Ninghui to stop and leave it to you?"< /p>

Hearing this, Sabrina's mouth drew a strange smile, and shocked the head replied:

"I planned to spend a lot of Mental Force to communicate with Janine many times.< /p>

But with this little maid around, it seems that I can save some Mental Force. Let her try one or two of those methods in the past two days.

Although Janine must not sink, But it can effectively weaken her consciousness, which is quite interesting!"

Sabrina's eyes showed interest when she said this.

Makes Taiji a little scared that she might also awaken some weird hobby...that's the real queen...

Back to the point, after hearing Sabrina After speaking, he touched his head and asked:

"What are we doing now??"

"Let's go out first, let Ninghui go out with you first, Otherwise, the time will be exceeded. Even if this Barrier is here, your Pokémon will be stored for too long, and the contents will still be revealed. Janine will be watched by me first!"

"Yes! I almost forgot. Poliwrath them, this is a weak spot!"

Xiaoling slapped his head sharply, too much has happened in the past two days, and he really missed the most important point.

I originally wanted to borrow this isolation device to stay for another 7-8 days, but now it seems that I have to go out quickly, and then come in quickly.

Chapter 574 Planning for the Seafoam Islands

"No, if Sabrina doesn't come, we'll have to stay here temporarily, or Janine will be left alone, even if we stay One person, pretending to have an accident inside, got the Pokémon back, but when it came out again, it was a huge weak spot in itself.

So if you don't come here, Sabrina, my plan is to take Janine Kill it, and then take a boat and run to the Seafoam Islands!"

It was Taiji, who called the head to say something else.

As a Psychic, his mind is still relatively clear, and he has considered this issue for a long time. Facing Sabrina, he also directly stated his subsequent considerations.

Sabrina shook the head, replied:

"So I'm not here, and you guys are walking right into a trap when you run to the Seafoam Islands.

Sabrina shook the head, replied:


There, Team Rocket is ready to do Articuno, and now everything is ready, only the analysis of the priesthood.

Although Articuno is only the lowest Divine Beast, the essence of the priesthood is actually There is not much difference, and it is the only Divine Beast that can know the exact location.

Taiji-kun, do you think Fuchsia City is the closest coastal city to Seafoam Islands, and Koga has joined Team Rocket. Next, will you help?

It can be said that the Seafoam Islands will definitely be a place where Ninja often haunts for some time in the future!"

After finishing speaking, Sabrina lost Looking at Taiji with a smile.

"This...that's not quite right..."

Hearing this, Taiji felt that his mind was a little confused, and it was not the same as what he expected. .

"Seafoam Islands is not one of the Elite Four with Alliance, ice attribute Elite ─ Chika cultivated on it, it is said that Qianxia can become Elite, or is it because of Articuno's help?

She Can I watch Articuno get captured by Team Rocket?

And Alliance Elite Four, the minimum is 6 Pokémon, all of them are young powerhouses in the middle of the Elite level, even if Koga is out of the customs, it is only the first time to enter Elite Well, how do you fight against Qianxia? Are the four generals of Team Rocket going to shoot all of them?"

In response, Sabrina mysterious laughed and replied:

"ice attribute Elite ─Though Qianxia is strong , but she is only a person, and it is a human being. As far as I know, Team Rocket has secretly taken action and led her to the wilderness area.

At this time, the Seafoam Islands, although there are still Digital Gym is in town, but without Qianxia, it's just a little trouble for Team Rocket, and there's no need to expose Koga's existence.

Taiji, you can go when the time comes Mix it up, especially Xiaoling younger sister, as long as you are not greedy, it is easy to get some Treasures of Water Type and ice attribute when you are confused.

You must know that there is Articuno's lair, even if it is Divine Beast The weakest level in the game, that's Divine Beast."

Hearing Sabrina mentioning herself, Xiaoling's eyes also lit up.

"Okay, okay, I'm not greedy."

After some communication, a strategy was decided, their three people went out first, then came back immediately, Using the spiritual imprint between Sabrina and Taiji, even if the forest is isolated, you can teleport in immediately.

"Come out first, Ninghui!"

Since he had made a strategy, he called out to the arrogant little maid in the small tent.

At this time, in the small tent, Ninghui, who was riding a horse and waving a whip, froze.

"hmph ~ good luck for you, we will play slowly when the time comes ~ some time is spent with you, the Eldest Young Lady!"

She said with a fierce face , the last "Pa", hit a flattery share, and quickly walked out of the tent.

And Janine, who suffered huge humiliation, took a breath and began to quickly adjust her mind.

Although the toys under her were still making "Bzz Bzz", she managed to regain some clarity with her strong perseverance.

"Damn! When I go out, I must smash this woman to pieces!"

She endured the strange feeling from all over her body, and said in her heart with gnashing teeth .

As for why I didn't scold it, it was naturally because my mouth was blocked!

I have been trained by Ninja since she was a child. Although she is the daughter of the Gym Leader, she has avoided some subjects that female Ninjas need special training. Just replaced it.

So despite these treatments, Janine has been able to stick to the bottom line.

It's nothing more than replacing the fake Items with real ones during training, or just a little more!

Speaking of which, after coming out, Ninghui immediately put away her arrogant expression in the tent, especially when she saw Sabrina was there, her face became more respectful.

Step up to pay respect and say:

"Ninghui has met Miss Sabrina!"

Sabrina is quite satisfied with this maid's acquaintance.

She was able to keep this maid by Taiji's side, firstly because Ninghui had followed Taiji since the beginning of time, she was the oldest old man, and still had a deep relationship with Taiji, and secondly, because of this maid Very interesting, a smart person, understands what to do and what not to do.

"En~ Ninghui, I have been observing your taming of Janine just now."

Sabrina paused, said.

Hearing this, the little maid's heart immediately "scared", and she just wanted to explain and try to restore her well-behaved image as much as possible.

But Sabrina waved her hand directly, motioned not to interrupt, and continued:

"Your way is quite good, in my perception it is indeed the spirit of Janine It has a certain impact."

Hearing Sabrina's way of complimenting herself, Ninghui's heart was put down again, a smile appeared on her face, replied:

" Miss Sabrina Miao liked it~"

Sabrina actually knew about the little maid's face-changing skills and the little tricks in her heart, so she also stopped the other party from continuing to shoot flattery.

"Okay, next thing"

"Okay, you go out with Taiji first, come back immediately when the time comes, continue to tame Janine, just press Do what you originally thought, and when the time comes I tell you to stop, you can stop."

After she finished speaking, she stopped looking at the little maid.

Ning Hui naturally didn't dare to disobey, and quickly said "Yes!"

You must know that among so many women in Taiji, she is most afraid of Sabrina, because In front of Sabrina, she always felt that she was being seen clearly, and she couldn't hide her thoughts from the other party.

"Then let's go first, I'll leave this place to Sabrina for the time being."

After Sabrina finished explaining, Taiji said goodbye.

"Hmmmm~" Sabrina nodded and walked into the small tent alone.

Seeing this, Taiji took the two girls out of the isolated forest quickly. With a "shua", they teleported to another place, and then pressed the return button on the watch. .

Looking at the time, fortunately, there is still more than half an hour within the three-day deadline.

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