Pet Pokemon’s Poor Chapter 47

"Forget it, let's spray it with Potion first, otherwise it won't be blood loss if it dies!" Taiji looked at Zubat riddled with scars in Poké Ball and decided to treat it first.

"Bellsprout wait for me to release the Sleep Powder again." Taiji said to Bellsprout.

"Moo(●—●●)" Bellsprout nods, indicating that he is ready.

“pa!” Taiji pressed the button, and a flash of red light brought Zubat out.

"Shashasha~" Bellsprout gave it a face-friendly package directly.

Zubat, who had never woken up at first, fell into a deeper sleep in an instant. It is estimated that the whip of thorns will not wake it up.

“hiss~ hiss~ ” Taiji took out Potion and sprayed it.

"呲~" Zubat, who was stimulated by Potion, suddenly issued a Growl, so frightened that Taiji immediately called Bellsprout, and came again with a face-sticking package.

"Okay, it's done at last" Seeing that the wound had begun to heal, Taiji nods and took Zubat back into the Poké Ball and locked it.

When he was dealing with the wound just now, he had already figured it out, and decided to wait for other Pokémon to be captured before making plans.

Because of the news of the Flying Type Pokémon appearing on the periphery, he estimates that he can only hide it until the day after tomorrow. Since he has waited for the past two days, it is not certain that he can no longer conquer other flying Pokémon.

According to Zubat's born extraordinary physique, he will not starve to death, at most a little weak.

If he is lucky, he will go to the Pokémon House to measure Aptitude after the news spreads!

If you don't have more Flying Type Pokémon to catch, then use this Zubat.

Pokémon is also a foreign object after all, not its own power. Not that I don't believe in Bellsprout, but what if Bellsprout is restricted?

Isn't the one who can rely on yourself at this time? When the time comes, the increase in the gap may save lives!

Taiji can be completely reassured only if the power is attributed to himself.

"Okay, Bellsprout Rest early, and get up early tomorrow!" Taiji, who put down one thing on his mind, turned off the lights, and said good night to Bellsprout.

"Moo" Bellsprout also hit Yawn and closed his eyes.

“en? Is Bellsprout still at Rest? It seems to be because of the high tension last night.”

Taiji, who had woken up, did not mean to wake Bellsprout, but He lightly changed his clothes, and did not rinse with water, but after wiping it with a towel, he picked up the space backpack and was ready to go out.

"Let's sell those two Weedles first, so that I can get money to change intermediate rank protective suits." Taiji thought in his mind, and tiptoed out of the room and walked towards the grocery store!

"Moo~moo~" Bellsprout was still in a dream.

Maybe this is the sense of security that home can bring to it. After all, as a naturally extraordinary species, it can be said that it is very sensitive to the movement in this small house.

It stands to reason that although Taiji has lowered his voice, Bellsprout can immediately detect the movement in the wild.

"It's 1,200 in total. You came to disturb my old man just after opening the door, really." The old man called Yawn, put the money on the counter, and waved Taiji to hurry out.

"Sorry, Arai grandfather, I'll go now." Taiji bowed apologetically to the old man and walked out of the store with the money.

"Well, I'm still a polite kid." The old man nodded, lying on the reclining chair and closing his eyes, ready to take a nap.

"There are more than 2,200 yuan on me, enough! You can also buy another bottle of repellent spray and Potion." Taiji counted the money on his body, and immediately moved towards the second-hand street.

"Uncle Li, I want to buy these!" He quickly picked out an intermediate rank suit, grabbed Potion and repellent spray, and Taiji was immediately in front of the counter.

"en! Taiji, you are already an Ordinary Level Trainer! You are wearing intermediate rank protective clothing!" Li Bo looked at Taiji in surprise and asked in a low voice.

"No, no, Li Bo is just because Rattata's teeth are too strong after using Focus Energy, so I should use intermediate rank protective clothing for safety reasons" Taiji still wanted to hide the news, so he edited it. a lie.

"Oh, so, I remember that one of yours was bitten by a Rattata before." Li Bo asked immediately after realizing it

"Then your low-level Can the protective clothing still be used?"

"Yes, Li Bo will give it to you" Taiji said and took out the low-level protective clothing from his backpack.

"Well, there's no damage. I took this one. Even if it's 2,000, you can take back the two 100." Li Bo took a cursory look, then took out one of the banknotes and returned it. To Taiji.

"Thank you Li Bo" Taiji bowed and thanked him.

According to the rules, these second-hand protective items should be charged at half of the selling price. Now Li Bo is charging directly at the selling price. It can be said that it is not profitable at all.

"Thank you, you're too polite, I've watched you grow up, let's go, remember to be careful." Li Bo waved his hand and started processing the orders of the guests behind.

Taiji, holding the money, walked back home quickly. He now has more than 200 yuan on him.

"Squeak!" Taiji opened the door loudly, knowing that Bellsprout must be up!

“Moo(。・ω・。)ノ♡” As soon as he heard the familiar footsteps, Bellsprout rushed over and hugged Taiji.

"Alright alright, Bellsprout, I just went to buy protective clothing, let's go!"

"Moo|ू•ૅω•́)ᵎᵎᵎ" Bellsprout let go and followed Taiji.

As usual, he had a few chats with the big guards at the city gate, and then he changed into the intermediate rank protective suit after he could not see the city gate.

Otherwise, if he saw him wearing an intermediate rank protective suit, these Old Fox would have to chase after him again, and he was afraid that he would not be able to hide it.

It can be said that he took great pains to hide the news.

"Okay, Bellsprout, our plan for today is to hunt for birds!" Taiji said to Bellsprout after getting dressed.

"Moo? Moo(๑˙ー˙๑)" Bellsprout's interest was significantly lower when he heard that he was looking for birds, not hunting for insects.

"Of course, because it's daytime, so we don't have to dodge those insects, and we'll kill them all! That way, there's a lot of bug meat!" Seeing Bellsprout's state, he knew it was Taiji, who was thinking of something, immediately added a sentence.

“Moo! Moo|ू•ૅω•́)ᵎᵎᵎ” Bellsprout was refreshed in an instant, it originally thought it was the same as last night, because it didn’t make too much noise, it couldn’t hunt insect.

"Let's go, let's kill! Bellsprout!"


The two people are in high spirits, very I soon entered the forest, and then began to explore the past in one direction.

After all, it was only a small number of Pidgeys and Fiery Sparrows who came to the periphery, and Taiji couldn't be sure where they would be.

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