Pet Pokemon’s Poor Chapter 6

"Moo, Moo" Although it doesn't understand what the human being is saying, it knows that this person is its own parents.

Because it was surrounded by the person's scent information when the Pokémon egg began to become conscious, so it heard Taiji's voice and responded with two sentences of joy

"Almost forgot. Now, use Poké Ball to conquer first, and you will be able to understand what I say." Taiji patted his forehead, and he was so surprised that he even forgot this common sense.

This world's Pokémon and human languages do not understand, and there are many differences between Pokémon's languages because of different types.

Of course, an extremely intelligent human being can learn some common terms of Pokémon, but let him communicate with every Pokémon normally, there are only very few Psychic people, and it is the Psychic who needs to learn telepathy only can.

And Pokémon is different. After all, Pokémon's intelligence is also very high. Coupled with the unification of the Pokémon Alliance, the emergence of the common language of mankind has also allowed the current Pokémon to basically understand after contacting some humans. meaning in human speech. Of course this certainly doesn't include nascent Pokémon. This also brings a lot of trouble to the communication between humans and Pokémon.

So a great scientist at that time combined the ancient animal tamer method and the telepathy of Psychic people, and then used special Berry and space technology to make Poké Ball.

This Poké Ball is like the beast-fighting contract in the previous cultivation novel, it can make humans and Pokémon make a contract, so that Pokémon can understand what humans say, and humans can roughly understand what Pokémon means. .

And because of the combination of the animal taming method, after subduing Pokémon, it can increase the human body. Pokémon with different Attributes and different strengths bring different directions and degrees of increase to the Trainer. , Of course, Pokémon's strength breakthrough will also bring some performance growth to its Trainer.

So Trainer is an extraordinary road for the public, which is why the Trainer profession can slowly crush various extraordinary roads since ancient times. After all, as long as an individual conquers Pokémon, he can improve himself. The number of people on this road must be very large, even if there are not many extraordinary people at first Top Rank, but with the accumulation of time, there will definitely be Top Rank and even Peak Level extraordinary, and in the end, it becomes basically invisible now. The emergence of extraordinary professionals, the only active is the Trainer.

Of course, the improvement of capturing Pokémon is limited. Some people have done experiments. After capturing 6 Pokémon of the same strength level, no matter which Attribute is captured, Pokémon at this level will no longer be Bring any physical boost to the Trainer.

Of course, conquering the breakthrough of Pokémon's strength will still bring an increase to the body, but this increase will also weaken again and again, and finally it is almost equal to nothing. For example, your Pokémon breakthrough has reached the elite level, the first time The boost feedback to you is the largest, and the second time it will be a little weaker. By the time it reached the sixth time, this increase was almost nonexistent. I don't know why the number 6 seems to be the ceiling of the Trainer career breakthrough itself. This is also the current Pokémon Alliance advice to Trainers: it is best to bring at most 6 Pokémon on each Trainer.

Of course, this also prevents some people from relying on the method of seize every opportunity, conquering Pokémon without limit, relying on the number of their own bodies, and finally becoming a Top Rank extraordinary.

Taiji took out the Poké Ball and said to the little Bellsprout: "Bellsprout, would you like to be my partner, just click the button in the middle and enter the Poké Ball" I'm afraid Bellsprout doesn't understand What he meant, he also found a subduing video for Bellsprout to watch and made a demonstration.

Bellsprout watched the video on the phone and listened to the words of his parents. Although he didn't understand the meaning, Pokémon, as a natural and extraordinary species, quickly understood what to do. It erected its right leaf, Pressed the button in the center of the Poké Ball.

In an instant, a red light enveloped Bellsprout and sent him to the Poké Ball. The red light, which symbolized that the contract was being conquered, flashed quickly, and then stopped moving.

Taiji saw this scene. Can not help but excited: "I have conquered Bellsprout! I am a Trainer" shouted in the room to express his mood.

This is also because he knows that there is no one around him, so he dares to be so impudent. After all, Pokémon in their infancy basically have no battle strength. Four hands!

He also plans to spend the 7 days of his infancy in his room. At most, he will walk in the open space at the back door, and he will never go out until he is growing up.

After all, only the growing Pokémon is a species that poses great danger to the ordinary person class. His Bellsprout was only about 30 cm, he remembered that the normal growth period Bellsprout should be 70 cm. At that time, you can also go to the Pokémon Center to register and test Aptitude.

"Okay, I almost forgot about you, come out, Bellsprout!" Taiji pressed the middle button. In an instant, a small silhouette appeared in front of him.

"Moo, moo! moo moo moo!" Different from before, now he can roughly understand the meaning of Bellsprout, which is probably how to put me in that room alone, only me Man, I mean hungry and scared.

Tears came out of those cute round eyes, Taiji hurriedly patted Bellsprout's head and said comfortingly

"Alright, alright, yes I'm not good, I see you are too excited, I'll give you something delicious"

Taiji said and gave Bellsprout a bottle of moo milk, Bellsprout happily picked up the bottle and drank it.

Watching Bellsprout at Milk Drink, he checked his condition and felt a little more relaxed and more energetic.

"It should be because Bellsprout is a Grass Type, it gave me a little life force, but because it's infancy, it doesn't seem to be very obvious. If I don't exercise regularly, I really can't feel it. "

Taiji came to the conclusion he wanted after exercising in the room, his body did change a little, but it wasn't obvious.

At this time, Bellsprout, who had finished drinking milk, watched his Trainer punching and kicking in the room, and slowly felt a little sleepy.

Taiji also noticed Bellsprout next to him, and hurriedly brought his own well-prepared nutrient soil flowerpot from behind the door, and said to Bellsprout: "Bellsprout, you are just born, you should be sleepy after drinking milk, go Ingrain in the flowerpot, let’s rest.”

The nutrient soil in this flowerpot was also bought at the department store in the past few days. It also cost him 200 yuan, which is enough to maintain the pet Grass Type Pokémon. A week of fertility breaks.

Taiji has done the best he can with Bellsprout.

Bellsprout nods. He spreads his feet, plunges them into the flowerpot, and falls asleep in a short while.

Looking at Bellsprout who has fallen asleep, Taiji himself turned off the light and went into the dream

"See you tomorrow, Bellsprout!"

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