Pet Pokemon’s Poor Chapter 68

“peng~ peng~! dong! ”

“Boom!” I saw a Pidgey in front of a big tree like a fool, using this Claws and beaks kept attacking.

The trunk of the big tree is full of scratches and pecking holes, and of course the corresponding Pidgey's claws have seen a little blood.

"Okay, Pidgey, take a rest" Taiji was doing his internal training beside Pidgey, and when he saw Pidgey who was bleeding again, he immediately called to stop.

Because he is also training Pokémon for the first time, he doesn't dare to go too far. As long as there is blood in Pidgey's claws or pointed mouth, he will stop it, spray some Potion, and take a break.

Fortunately, Pidgey is not an ordinary bird, it is an extraordinary species. After spraying a little Potion, the small wound healed after a short rest, and then continued to attack non-stop, Laser Focus on.

And Bellsprout next to him started comprehend his own Poison Type moves after training his regular Ability.

The morning will soon pass, and when Pidgey eats at noon, his mouth hurts and he can't eat!

“啵啵(ಥ_ಥ)” looked at the delicious worm meat in front of him, and didn’t have the strength to go to Crunch by himself. It was a little frustrated and even wanted to give up training.

"Come on, Pidgey, let's apply the medicine first, the past few days, let's persevere, let's see if the effect is good, and then I'll chop the worm meat and feed it to you!" Taiji saw In response to Pidgey's depressed mood, he immediately figured out a way to deal with it!

"si si~" He first sprayed Potion on Pidgey's claws and beak.

"Boom!" Pidgey, who was stimulated by the medicine, shouted in pain.

"Honey, Pidgey, no pain, no pain, I'll be fine soon, I'll take some painkillers later"

"Moo, moo" Bellsprout also The patted Pidgey who put down the worm in his hand and comforted with his leaf.

“啵~(ಥ_ಥ)” Pidgey fell silent, tears welling up in his eyes.

Then Taiji fed Pidgey a few tablets of painkillers and then applied the bone powder, Pidgey couldn't feel the pain, so he quietly let Taiji stick the medicine on his paws and mouth paste.

"Well, Pidgey, it's our first time today, so we still used painkillers, but I hope you will be stronger in the future and get through it by yourself! You know that this painkiller is too much, yes It'll slow down your nerves."

Taiji talks about the downsides of painkillers as he chops up the worm meat and feeds it to Pidgey.

"We must take at least a week for this. This is because you are an extraordinary species. If you take painkillers every time, your reaction speed will definitely decrease!"

“啵~wu wu~啵啵” Pidgey happily lived a life of eating and opened his mouth, while nodded said that he would try to be patient.

"Well, let's take a nap after dinner, and then in the afternoon you can continue to practice Spark's proficiency, and try to shorten the time to lose strength after using it, as well as the time to activate moves."< /p>

“啵啵✪ω✪” Pidgey let out a happy cry when he heard that he no longer needed to use his claws and mouth.

Then Taiji immediately followed up

"This is to allow the medicine powder to be fully absorbed. After eating in the afternoon, we have to continue the Laser Focus claws and pointed mouths. !"

"啵~(ಥ_ಥ)" Pidgey replied, although a little reluctant.

"Alas ╯﹏╰ should be effective. It should be seen tomorrow. The physique of the extraordinary species has recovered very quickly, plus the use of Potion and bone powder.

If it works, Pidgey's enthusiasm should increase!"

Taiji, who saw this scene, was sighed in his heart, and he knew that he could rely on the trainer's identity to pressure him today and tomorrow.

But if it really has no effect, he won't force it, it will only hurt the feelings between Trainer and Pokémon.

And two days should be able to see the effect as an extraordinary species.

On the second day, when Taiji was helping Pidgey remove the patch, he noticed a change.

I saw that Pidgey's claws were originally white, but now they have turned a little black. The front ends of the claws were originally polished, and now they have become sharper after growing again! The same goes for the tip of the beak.

"Pidgey! You see, our training is effective, it's getting sharper! Keep it up, Pidgey!" He took a mirror and showed Pidgey the bird's beak. To motivate Pidgey, he also played Take a look.

The mirror is placed under the lamp tube, so it looks like the front end of Pidgey's beak is glowing with a cold sheen, and it looks very sharp at first glance, and of course the claws are the same.

"Boom! Boom ✪ω✪" Looking at his sharper claws and mouth, Pidgey instantly felt that the hardships he suffered before were worth it, so I will continue!

This time without Taiji's urging, Pidgey flew to the big tree and started a new round of Hone Claws pecking the tree!

"Moo, Moo٩('ω')و" Bellsprout next to Taiji pulled Taiji's trousers, saying that he finally comprehended a new move, and he wanted to show Taiji.

"Oh? What is Bellsprout comprehended?" Because he focused on Pidgey these two days, he didn't know what Bellsprout comprehended, only that the grass in Bellsprout had withered.

"Moo" Bellsprout didn't answer, just dragged Taiji to another piece of grass.

"Swish~" I saw it raised its hands, and the pale yellow powder flew towards the front.

"Oh, this is Stun Spore!" Taiji was a little surprised, although not Acid but Stun Spore is pretty good too.

Sleep Powder is actually relatively light after passing through Pidgey's breeze, which can only give Pokémon a drowsy feeling.

So in order to reduce the enemy's state, I released Poison Powder again.

To be honest, if you can't run away in Alliance's regular game, then Poison Powder is definitely better. As long as you're fighting, the poison will erode faster.

But in the wild, Pokémon are not fools. After they are poisoned, if they can run, they will definitely run away immediately, and then find a hidden place to detoxify.

So with Stun Spore, when hunting in the wild, the dusting strategy does not need to release two powders, the effect brought by Stun Spore is enough.

Place Poison Powder before, not to kill the opponent with poison, but to make the opponent slower.

And for Bellsprout, energy is also saved a bit. It used to be two strokes to achieve the effect, but now it only needs one stroke.

"Awesome, Bellsprout" Looking at Bellsprout who lifts the head and asking for praise, Taiji laughed, touched Bellsprout's head, and complimented with a special emphasis.

"Moo ✪ω✪ Moo" Bellsprout rubbed Taiji's thigh, very useful.

Soon three days have passed, Bellsprout has mastered Stun Spore proficiently, and it can also switch quickly between three powders.

On the other side, Pidgey's Laser Focus has also made great progress. Its claws and beaks are now a little different without having to put it under the light.

And Pidgey's Spark has reached a very proficient level. It can be activated at any time, and it only takes a few seconds to feel relieved. This 2-3 seconds does not affect Pidgey's Flying, but Slightly slower.

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