Pet Pokemon’s Poor Chapter 70

"Pidgey, Gust, hold it down, Bellsprout, Stun Spore will give you the first control." He judged the form and gave the order quickly.

"hu hu ~ huh!" The strong wind made this Rattata unable to move in an instant. It wanted to use the Spark to flash, but found that the strong wind made it difficult to see the direction.

Meanwhile, Bellsprout has dropped the immobile male Rattata.

"Moo" Bellsprout immediately waved the whip of thorns and hit it in the direction of the wind.

"pa! pa!" Rattata all around was the sound of wind, and the sound of Vine Whip breaking through the air could not be found at all, and she was severely beaten twice.

"pu ~ puff" The female Rattata looked weakly at her partner not far away, feeling that she couldn't escape today, but being able to die together can be considered the last happiness.

"pu la da! Pu la ~ pu la da!" Looking at his scarred wife, this male Rattata regretted that it should not provoke this human.

Although the body can't move, the male Rattata, who can still make a sound in his mouth, begins to move towards Taiji and make a mourning Rosa begging for mercy!

"Oh, if begging for mercy is useful, then why are so many humans killed by sneak attacks in this forest!

The villages and towns that are broken through by the Pokémon tide every year, they Is it useful to beg for mercy when the city is broken!! Ah!

No! None of you have let go! After the city is broken, you directly slaughtered all the ordinary persons!"

Although I heard I don't really understand, but Taiji probably guessed it when he saw the expression of the male Rattata.

He thought about his parents, family, friends, who had been destroyed in the Pokémon tide, got a little out of control, and shouted towards the immobile Rattata.

"Bellsprout, Pidgey, finish them! Don't blame me, blame the real world!"

The anger in my heart is still burning, my parents when I was young A smile, and scenes of playful games kept appearing in his mind.

To know that he was an orphan from the memory of his previous life, how happy this life was when he knew that he had a family!

The years he spent with his family in this world were the happiest of his two lifetimes.

“Moo! ☄ฺ(◣д◢)☄ฺ”

“Boom! ☄ฺ(◣д◢)☄ฺ” The anger and Sadness affects Pidgey and Bellsprout.

“Pa! Papa!” Bellsprout lashed the male Rattata with a whip of thorns.

"Boom!" Pidgey used the Spark fiercely to knock the female Rattata away, and pecked Rattata's eyes with his sharp beak.

"puchi!" Red's blood dripped from the beak, and Pidgey claws the body in front of Taiji.

Meanwhile Bellsprout brought the bloody male Rattata to Taiji.

“啵~” and “Moo~” The two little ones can only feel the pain in Taiji's heart, and they don't know how to comfort them, so they can only be as usual.

Pidgey landed on his shoulders and rubbed his head against Taiji's cheek, while Bellsprout hugged Taiji's thigh, Charm as always.

"Thank you, Pidgey, Bellsprout! You are my family now!" Taiji wiped his eyes and touched the heads of the two little ones.

Quickly calmed down, Taiji split the two Rattatas and the remaining Catterpie.

"Bellsprout, Pidgey, let's go on!" greeted, and the trio began their next round of hunting.

Soon an afternoon passed, and this day, whether it was Catterpie or Weedle or Rattata, fell one after another in Taiji's hands.

I have to say that Taiji, who has experienced the era of information explosion in his previous life, really has ideas in tactics and moves.

Normal's Rookie civilians may cooperate with divide light flashed, but more people are dead set moves, what they should be.

But Taiji is different. Although he was also a low-level person in his previous life, basic Internet access and mobile phones are not standard. All kinds of information have greatly expanded his thinking.

That's why he can often jump out of the inherent thinking of moves, combine and innovate! Maybe this can be considered one of his cheats.

Bellsprout is responsible for producing a large amount of powder, Pidgey is a natural wind control expert, and the combination of the two's dusting tactics makes them basically invincible in the outer hunting.

On the way back, Taiji patted a bulging backpack and was very satisfied.

"Today I hunted a total of 18 Catterpies, 12 Weedles and 8 Rattatas!"

"The wire bag can be sold for about 15,000, and the worm meat leaves 30 pounds of Weedles. The meat is used as a ration for them, and the rest should cost about 6,003.

Weedle sharp horn is 1,200, Rattata incisors are 6,400, and meat is about 2,800, so much! ”

Talking about it, Taiji was startled by himself, adding up to 31,700.

"I guess it's 2-3 times the training of other Rookies." Touching his nose, Taiji was a little happy.

He doesn't have any other Rookie Trainer friends, so he can only rely on his own guesses. For Normal, the commoners are to train the Pokémon they have first, and then they will consider the second one when they reach the Ordinary Level. Pokémon.

If he hadn't had the previous fortuitous encounter where Flying Type Pokémon haunted the outskirts, he would have planned the same.

"If a Pokémon is a Pokémon, 13 to 14 insects a day should be almost the same.

If a Rattata is a Rattata, unless the Starter Pokemon is a Flying Type, otherwise I would not dare to go. Provocation is right!

Even if Catterpie is good, the selling price of 14 inserts is about 10,000."

"I can hunt Oddish with Pidgey at night, Then I am not more than 4 times as much as other people in a day, hahaha "Thinking of this, he touched his smart head.

This way, the whip of thorns, the fowling tactics, the news-selling, the dusting tactics, and the claws and pecks that Pidgey is still training! Isn't that what he, the Trainer, came up with.

Returning to the town, he quickly sold all the materials on his body, but he shocked the Boss of the grocery store, Arai grandfather.

From Arai grandfather's mouth, he knew that other civilian trainers were probably less than 10,000, and those with weak strength were similar to his first visit, which was 2-3,000 gains.

"No wonder, this Old Master is willing to talk to me a little more, it seems that I am already the first in the Rookie stage for the civilians,

But I still have to do it as soon as possible. Become the Ordinary Level, the Ordinary Level is the trainer that is truly recognized by the public! Only then can you really leave an impression on the mind of the Old Master, maybe in one ear and out the other, the Gym Leader will accept me as a disciple, hahaha"

Taiji sighed inwardly. He also knew that he did not look down on apprentices. He knew that the members of the various families in the town were just ordinary trainees at the gym level.

However, you can leave an impression, and if there is something good in Gym or the town, you can also know immediately, and when you can't play Gym, you will also release water.

Soon, as night fell, Taiji took the resting little ones out of the city gate again and moved towards the forest.

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