Pet Pokemon’s Poor Chapter 82


Go to the door of the Pokémon Center, put Bellsprout and Pidgey back in the Poké Ball, and the Pokémon Center door will open by itself.

"Auto-sensing, I know this" Taiji muttered and walked towards the registration area.

The familiar turns left and right, and finally saw a familiar silhouette, still playing mobile games.

"Gengar, why don't you use Shadow Sneak!"

"wk, Rhyhorn, why haven't you evolved yet, how can you resist!"

< p>"Second Dragonite first, Dragonite first! Otherwise, you can't fight!"

Taiji stood quietly in front of the window, watching Ninghui playing Pokémon Alliance, which is in the ordinary person Very hot game.

"md, I still lost, the final evolution of Dragon Type is too strong"

A few minutes later, the word "big failure" appeared on Ninghui's mobile phone interface. Only then did she notice a human-shaped shadow in front of her window.

"I'm sorry, leader, I was wrong, I shouldn't play games during work hours." Intuition told her that this person is likely to be a leader, so regardless of the actual situation, admit your mistake first!

"It's really white~ No! You really realized the mistake!" Taiji, who was flashed by the scenery when he was bending over, changed his words immediately.

Although there are already better options, if you can see it for nothing, why not take a second look.

"Yes! I've already~hey! This voice! Okay, Mr. Taiji, you're actually playing with me!"

Ning Hui, who was about to bow her head to admit her mistake, suddenly heard a little Familiar voice, immediately looked up and found that it was Taiji of long time no see!

I said I would come to see her, but it took so long to come, and I even played tricks on her! Ning Hui's heart instantly became a little annoyed!

"hmph! Taiji-kun, you are too much!" She sat down abruptly, then turned her head away.

"Cough! Classmate Ninghui, didn't I see that you were in a key teamfight, and I also blocked your sight for a long time, so that others would think that you were dealing with business, not fighting. The game is over." Seeing the angry Ninghui, Taiji still explained.

"hmph! (ノ=Д=)ノ┻━┻" Ning Hui still wants to put on airs, although the person in front of her is a Trainer, she is just an ordinary person.

But there is also a Trainer family behind her. Although it is only Ordinary Level, she is now a staff member of the Pokémon Center, and her status is comparable to that of a Rookie-level Trainer.

She had already seen that the boy in front of her was interesting to her, but she had been ordered by the family.

The family spent a lot of money to arrange her outstanding appearance to register as a Trainer, just to help the family join a civilian trainer who is expected to break through to ordinary high-level strength in the past few years.

The time limit given to her by the family is 2 years to find this person before her 18th birthday.

Otherwise, even if she is the daughter of patriarch, it is very likely that she will marry another family, or be given to an elite Trainer as a maid.

Because her family suffered heavy losses in the last forced development hunting mission, there is only one Pokémon with ordinary high-level strength left in the entire family. The direct fault in the middle section, and two others are Ordinary Lower Section.

Because of this relationship, there is no extra resources in the family to train Rookie Trainers, and they are all used to restore battle strength to the normal high-ranking person.

After all, although an Ordinary Level family is not recognized by Alliance, the battle strength of ordinary high level is still required.

Otherwise, you won't be able to keep the breed cheats and some industrial shops left by your ancestors.

Although their family still has a high-ranking Pokémon, they were forced to give up a lot of interests and were able to save it after shrinking their power.

Clansman, who has reached the required age in the family in the past two years, if he wants to be a Trainer, except for some breed knowledge, he can only work hard like a commoner!

She understands that if she has been pampered for more than 10 years, if she does not have the family's Help in the early stage, it is impossible to go far on the road of Trainer, so she just gave up.

At this time, even if her father is a patriarch, she cannot use her resources to help her, because her father's strength is also given by her family.

Now their most important goal is to help the normal high-ranking person to regain his strength as soon as possible. As long as you find a Pokémon with good Aptitude of the same family, a Trainer with one breed experience can quickly put this Pokémon breed to the normal high section.

But unexpectedly, after giving up, she and several other clansman, who were outstanding in appearance, began to be lobbied to marry other families, even if she was the daughter of patriarch, she was lobbied several times by several elders.

This point, she doesn't actually hate the family, because the family has given her a comfortable life for more than 10 years, and the clansman being lobbied has a direct relative with ordinary high-level strength, and there is the daughter of an Elder.

They knew each other very well and agreed to get married, and one of them was given to the newly broken Sam Corps as a maid! This barely saved the shrinking family.

But she is not yet 16 years old, so she may be self-willed or ignorant of the overall situation!

She just didn't want to marry someone she didn't know, and she didn't want to be a maid for a Trainer older than her father, so she refused.

Fortunately, the father who is a patriarch, with his ordinary Lower Section strength and patriarch identity, saved her, and of course she is the best in appearance among peers.

Finally, the family gave her two years to find a potential trainer by herself.

In order to save her, her father had lost her patriarch identity, and volunteered to go to the inner circle of the forest to help capture Pokémon.

To tell the truth, when she knew that because of her willfulness, she regretted letting her father go on an adventure, but the father had already set off, and the family had arranged for her, so she could only accept it this arrangement.

So in this year's civilian Trainer, she actually saw that Starter Pokemon Aptitude is better than Taiji Rookie Trainer, and there is also a civilian Trainer whose Starter Pokemon is Flying Type, and Aptitude is not bad.

Taiji's Bellsprout is a good low-level Aptitude, but the attributes are common, the battle strength is not strong, and Aptitude is not the best among these people.

So when Taiji is only one of the candidates, she is still in the back position, so she can give some sweets when she is happy, but when it makes her angry, she dares to pull her face down.

"Is this woman showing her face?" Taiji, who already had thicker thighs and was about to give up, saw that Ninghui was still showing her face, and was a little unhappy in her heart.

"Cough! Ninghui, I have something to do this time. I want to be promoted to Ordinary Level Trainer. I hope you can show the attitude of the Pokémon Center staff." , said the news that he had been promoted.

"hmph, even if you apologize~ what!" Originally thought that Taiji was still trying to please her Ninghui, she heard Taiji's request and stood up from her seat with a swoosh.

"You, you! You've been promoted to a normal Trainer!"

"How long has it been? It seems like it's only been two months! You'll save enough resources to advance now!”

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