Pet Pokemon’s Poor Chapter 89

Out behind the gates of the Pokémon Center, Taiji returned home with his two little ones, ready to finish his fourth mission, and then head to the grocery store to handle the rest of the harvest.

"dīng líng líng! Bell, bell, bell!" Soon, the three of them who had taken a nap after dinner were woken up by the alarm clock.

"Let's go, Pidgey, Bellsprout, our goal tonight is 10 Oddish!" Taiji, who had packed up, immediately set his goal for tonight.

“moo moo moo |ू•ૅω•́)ᵎᵎᵎ”

“bō bō bō |ू•ૅω•́)ᵎᵎᵎ”

Full of fighting spirit The three of them greeted the guards, exchanged a few words, and immediately set off towards the forest.


It didn't take long for them to find two Oddish bathing Moonlight.

The bright Moonlight shines on the two green grasses, and you can vaguely see the silver light on the surface of the grass. Oddish closed his eyes slightly, very comfortable and peaceful.

"Shashasha~" However, the yellow sand of Yellow suddenly appeared in the original picture, breaking the tranquil picture.

“Moo~” Bellsprout was making powder after another

“hu hu~” Pidgey flapped his wings vigorously.

Our dusting combination only cares about whether it can be successfully dusted, but it doesn't care about tranquility and peace!

"Do!" "Manna!" Although Oddish is more toxic than Weedle, after Bellsprout has been promoted to the Ordinary Level, the increase in toxicity can be said to have completely exceeded this gap.

So these two Oddish still got hit!

"Pidgey, hit and peck! Bellsprout, the whip of thorns!" (Tackle + peck)

Seeing Oddish who had been hit, Taiji immediately gave the order to attack.

"啵~" Pidgey with pale white energy pecked a blood hole in an Oddish with his beak fiercely.

"pa! pa!" The vines that followed closely from behind drew on Oddish again.

"Do!" In the blink of an eye, an Oddish had been severely injured and could only wailed on the ground.

"Mana! ☄ฺ(◣д◢)☄ฺ" The other one was very angry when he saw what happened to his companion, and immediately moved towards Pidgey and spat out a mouthful of Acid.

"Pidgey, flash peck dodge and fly into the air Gust, understand them!" (Spark flash + peck)

"Bo~" Pidgey's silhouette flashes, not only dodges After Acid, and cut a hole for Oddish with a sharp beak!

"Manna~! That!" Oddish, who didn't expect opponent so fast, cried out in pain.

"Hu~hu hu" Pidgey said that I didn't have the habit of stopping to listen to the screams, so I immediately flapped my wings and used Gust.

“Duo(✘_✘)↯” and “Manna(✘_✘)↯” soon these two Oddish lost their combat capability in the strong wind.

"Moo? Moo?" Bellsprout was a little dissatisfied. Didn't I get promoted to the Ordinary Level? Why is Pidgey still the main attack at night?

"Cough, Bellsprout, this is the relationship of Attribute restraint, your moves are all grass poison attribute, Oddish is also grass poison attribute, so your damage will probably be reduced by half.

But Pidgey is of Flying Type, Flying Type energy will cause double damage to Grass Type, this addition and subtraction will make Pidgey solve it faster."

Taiji explained Attribute restraint to Bellsprout Afterwards, his expression suddenly turned cold, looking towards Bellsprout who became serious at the same time.

"Bellsprout, it seems that this time, you don't have to fight with Pidgey for the opponent."

"Do!" Acid sprayed at Bellsprout and Taiji.

"呲~呲" Taiji rolled on the spot, but was still splashed a little. Fortunately, he was wearing an intermediate rank protective suit, so he only heard the sound of venom corroding the grass, but he was Nothing feels.

“Moo ☄ฺ(◣д◢)☄ฺ” Bellsprout is the focus of attention, and he has received a solid acid on his body.

Fortunately, it is Ordinary Level, Opponent is Freshman Level, plus its own poison resistance, so it feels like passing through the fire quickly, only feeling a little hot and stinging.

"Bellsprout, whip of thorns, bind two, Pidgey, hit peck, this one is for you!"

Taiji on the ground, form under quick judgment , gave the order.

"xiu xiu!" Two thick vines bound the two Oddish with lightning speed.

"Do!" "Manna!" Being pierced by the wood thorn, and feeling the energy being forcibly drawn out, this pain made the two Oddish very uncomfortable.

“Moo(❁´◡`❁)*✲゚*” Of course, as the extraction party, Bellsprout who feels the body rapidly restore is very comfortable.

"Bellsprout, stop enjoying it, Stun Spore, the control is dead, it's absorbing!"

"Swish~" Bellsprout felt reasonable after hearing this, and immediately gave it at close range. Got two Oddish one a big powder.

"Moo(❁´◡`❁)*✲゚*" Oddish, who can't move for a moment, can only be happily treated by Bellsprout as a blood bag

On the other hand, Pidgey is completely It is to press the Oddish and fight again, after all, the figure is smaller than the other two, let alone being restrained by Pidgey.

"His! hiss~" At this time, Pidgey is honing his claw moves on this Oddish. It feels that this move formidable power is not very big, I need to practice more Just do it!

"Oh! Duo~" Oddish, who had claw marks all over his body, let out bursts of screams under the ravages of Ooh.

"Okay, Pidgey, give him a treat. Bellsprout has restored the Ordinary Level's energy fluctuations. It shouldn't be a Pokémon."

The noisy Taiji , decided to let Pidgey give it a treat!

"puchi!" Hearing Taiji's order, Pidgey use Peck, ended the Oddish's life.

"Boom! Boom" while Bellsprout dropped the other two Oddish.

"The Ordinary Level is still a deterrent on the outside. Fortunately, Bellsprout has learned a little trick to hide energy fluctuations."

Pack up the Taiji of the spills of war and let Bellsprout continue restraining aura and continued his fishing journey.

Otherwise, there would be no way to hunt at the periphery. The Pokémon on the periphery sensed that the energy fluctuations of the Ordinary Level would only run, and there was no determination to skipping grades to challenge at all.

Soon, they hunted 5 more Oddish, and goal 4 was accomplished!

"It's not even 7:30 now, I'm sure I'm strong, and I'm about to abuse vegetables! Go back, deal with the materials, and buy energy crystals for Bellsprout!"

"Moo moo✺◟(∗❛ัᴗ❛ั∗)◞✺" Bellsprout agreed with the nodded of energy crystallized with a look of joy!

“啵(*∇\*)” Pidgey showed an envious look beside him.

"Don't worry, Pidgey, you will have it too. When you can't advance in the freshman's high section, I believe it will soon evolve, and I will buy it for you too."

Noticing Pidgey's expression, Taiji immediately opened his mouth and promised.

"啵啵(づ●─●)づ" Pidgey also danced happily after hearing it.

After completing the task, the happy three immediately walked towards the town!

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